Hemorrhage & Blood Transfuion
Hemorrhage & Blood Transfuion
Hemorrhage & Blood Transfuion
Faculty of Medicine
General Surgery
Blood Transfusion
By the end of this topic, you have to;
Define hemorrhage
Differentiate between arterial & venous bleeding
Classify hemorrhage according to the onset of trauma
Define reactionary & secondary hemorrhage
Enumerate the causes of reactionary hemorrhage & secondary hemorrhage
Describe changes of pulse, blood pressure, capillary refill, in different classes of hemorrhage
Outline the treatment of hemorrhage
Enumerate the blood components for transfusion
Mention the tests must done before blood transfusion
Enumerate complications of blood transfusion
Describe allergic reaction after blood transfusion
Recognize hemolytic reaction after blood transfusion, etiology, clinical presentation, management.
Enumerate the complications of major hemolytic reaction after blood transfusion
Enumerate the infections may transmits during blood transfusion
Define massive blood transfusion
Enumerate the complications of massive blood transfusion
Mention the indications of whole blood, packed RBCs, Fresh frozen plasma transfusion
distal end
Capillary; occurs as diffuse ooze of bright red blood
According to timing in relation to the onset of trauma
Primary; occurs at the time of trauma
Clinical picture;
Depends on the class of hemorrhage
Ranging from simple bleeding to picture of shock
Depends on the class of hemorrhage,
Stop bleeding, anti-shock measures & treatment of the
Anti-Shock Measures
Stop hemorrhage;
Pressure is applied manually
Elevation of the leg above the level of the heart stop venous
bleeding & decrease arterial bleeding
Supporting devices; pneumatic anti-shock garment which can
tamponade lower limb, pelvis, abdominal bleeding. Balloon
tamponade to compress bleeding esophagel V
Maintain air way & oxygenation
Analgesia; to relief pain & anxiety, to improve blood flow to brain
Positioning of the patient; recumbent position with moderate
elevation of lower limbs
Temperature; keep the patient comfortably warm
Start intra-venous fluid resuscitation;
2 large bore cannulas or do venous cut-down
A blood sample is withdrawn for cross-matching
Regimen; rapid infusion of lactated Ringer’s solution started
immediately. Then blood transfusion may indicate depends on
class of hemorrhage
Alternative to blood transfusion; human plasma, Dextran,
artificial blood substitutes
Pharmacological support;
Inotropic drugs; Dopamine in myocardial insufficiency
Vasodilator drugs; given when blood volume & CVP has been
restored to normal; to reduce afterload, increase cardiac output &
decrease myocardial work
Blood Transfusion
Blood Transfusion
Collection & storage of blood;
The blood is collected and stored in citrate anticoagulant
solution containing dextrose to preserve the viability of
RBCs, the solution used are;
Acid Citrate Dextrose (ACD)
Citrate Phosphate Dextrose (CPD) or CPD plus adenine
Frozen blood;
Plasma is removed from the freshly collected blood, then
Allergic reactions
Etiology; recipient’s response to allergens in the
donor’s blood
Clinically; mild itching & urticaria to a severe