Exchange Rates Non Calculator Demonstration
Exchange Rates Non Calculator Demonstration
Exchange Rates Non Calculator Demonstration
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In The Land of the Pirates,
1 diamond is worth 4 gold coins.
diamonds to coins
coins to diamonds.
In The Land of the Pirates,
1 diamond is worth 4 gold coins.
diamonds to coins
coins to diamonds.
Use this exchange rate to calculate Use this exchange rate to calculate
how many gold coins you get for… how many diamonds you get for…
10 gold coins
Multiply the quantity of diamonds × 6the quantity of1.5
Divide diamonds
by 4. by 4.
What is the calculation you used? What is the calculation you used?
The exchange rate between ×4
diamonds and coins is:
1D = 4C
×5 £2 = R10 R15 = £3
£5 = R25 R55 = £11
£1 R5 £2.50 = R12.50 R12 = £2.40
£1 = $2
How many Australian Dollars does he get?
25 × 2 = 50
$ 50
DEMO Exchange Rates
Todd wants to exchange
£15 into Chinese Yuan.
£1 = ¥8
How many Chinese Yuan does he get?
15 × 8 = 120
¥ 120
DEMO Exchange Rates
Ann wants to exchange
£20 into Indian Rupees.
× 105
£1 = ₹105
÷ 105
How many Indian Rupees does she get?
20 × 105 = 2100
₹ 2100
DEMO Exchange Rates YOUR TURN
Todd wants to exchange Niko wants to exchange
£15 into Chinese Yuan. £23 into Chinese Yuan.
£1 = ¥8
How many Chinese Yuan does he get? How many Chinese Yuan does he get?
15 × 8 = 120 23 × 8 = 120
¥ 120 ¥ 184
DEMO Exchange Rates YOUR TURN
Ann wants to exchange Jayoti wants to exchange
£20 into Indian Rupees. £15 into Indian Rupees.
× 105
£1 = ₹105
÷ 105
How many Indian Rupees does she get? How many Indian Rupees does she get?
₹ 2100 ₹ 1575
DEMO Exchange Rates
Toby wants to exchange
$60 Australian Dollars into British Pounds .
£1 = $2
How many British Pounds does he get?
60 ÷ 2 = 30
£ 30
DEMO Exchange Rates
Mark wants to exchange
$45 Australian Dollars into British Pounds .
£1 = $2
How many British Pounds does he get?
55 ÷ 2 = 22.5
£ 22.50
DEMO Exchange Rates
Kim wants to exchange
¥40 Chinese Yuan into British Pounds .
£1 = ¥8
How many British Pounds does she get?
40 ÷ 8 = 5
DEMO Exchange Rates YOUR TURN
Mark wants to exchange Jan wants to exchange
$45 Australian Dollars into British Pounds . $105 Australian Dollars into British Pounds .
£1 = $2
How many British Pounds does he get? How many British Pounds does she get?
£ 22.50 £ 52.50
DEMO Exchange Rates YOUR TURN
Kim wants to exchange Max wants to exchange
¥40 Chinese Yuan into British Pounds . ¥64 Chinese Yuan into British Pounds .
£1 = ¥8
How many British Pounds does she get? How many British Pounds does he get?
40 ÷ 8 = 5 64 ÷ 8 = 8
£5 £8
DEMO Exchange Rates YOUR TURN
Kim wants to exchange Bob wants to exchange
¥40 Chinese Yuan into British Pounds . ¥124 Chinese Yuan into British Pounds .
£1 = ¥8
How many British Pounds does she get? How many British Pounds does he get?
40 ÷ 8 = 5 124 ÷ 8 = 15.5
£5 £ 15.50
Chinese Singaporean
Yuan Dollar
£1 = ¥8 £1 = $1.5
South African
£1 = R20 Rand
£ 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 100
R 10 20 40 100 200 400 2000
20 + 40 5 + 100
£3 = R60 R2100 = £105
Exchange Rates: Ratio Tables
£1 = L 6 Leu
£ 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 100
L 3 6 12 30 60 120 600
12 + 30 10 + 100
£7 = L 42 L 660 = £110
Exchange Rates: Ratio Tables
£1 = ₺ 11 Lira
£ 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 100
₺ 5.5 11 22 55 110 220 1100
11 + 22 + 220 5 + 10
£23 = ₺ 253 ₺ 165 = £15
Exchange Rates: Ratio Tables
£1 = ¥ 150 Yen
£ 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 100
¥ 75 150 300 750 1500 3000 15,000
£3 = R$ 24 R$ 56 = £7 £7 = ¥ 84 ¥ 360 = £30
Ethiopian USA
£1 = Br 60 Birr
£1 = $ 1.5 Dollar
£3 = R$ 24 R$ 56 = £7 £7 = ¥ 84 ¥ 360 = £30
Half Answers
Brazilian Chinese
£1 = R$ 8 Real
£1 = ¥ 12 Yuan
£3 = R$ 24 R$ 56 = £7 £7 = ¥ 84 ¥ 360 = £30
Ethiopian USA
£1 = Br 60 Birr
£1 = $ 1.5 Dollar