Embryology Obg

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Formation of 3 germ layers

Phases of conceptus development
Timing of appearance of different organ system
Embryonic period:first 8 weeks
Development of 3 primary germ layers give rise to all structures and basic body
plan takes shape
Fetal period:remaining 30 weeks .structures and organ system continue to grow
and develop
Stages of development:

 Fertilization
 Cleavage
 Gastrulation
 Organogenesis
 Maturation

 Fertilisation is the process of fusion of the spermatozoon with the mature

ovum , which produced the single mononucleated cell called the zygote.
 Almost always fertilization occurs in the ampullary part of uterine tube.

 The formation and development of an embryo.

 Cleavage : is a series of rapid mitotic division without cell growth
 Gastrulation:is a phase early in the embryonic development of most animals
or human being,during with the single layered blastula is reorganized into a
tri laminar structure known as gastrula.
 These three germ layers or known as the ectoderm ,mesoderm and endoderm
Organogenesis: production and development of the organs of an animal.
Formation of blastocyst:

 Zygote is formed within 12-24 hours of ovulation

 Zygote  cleavage  2 cell division(24hours post fertilization)4 cell
stage  8 cell stage 16 cell stage(morula)  32 cell stage(advanced
morula) enters uterine cavity  cavitation  blastocyst

 Formed 4th or 5th day after fertilization

 Parts:
1. Blastocele cavity
2. Outer cell mass(trophoblast)
3. Zona pellucida
4. Inner cell mass(embryoblast)
 The outer cell mass of the blastocyst form the trophoblast layer
 Inner cell mass on the 8th day differentiate into bilaminar germ disc consisting
of a dorsal ectodermal layer of tall columnar cells and a ventral endodermal
layer of flat polyhedral cells
 The bilaminar germ disc is connected to the trophoblast by a mesenchymal
connecting stalk called the body stalk which later forms the umbilical cord
Formation of amniotic cavity and yolk
 Two cavities appear on either side of bilaminar embryonic disc
 The dorsal cavity between the ectoderm and trophoblast layers lined by
mesenchyme (connective tissue ) is called the amniotic cavity
 The cavity on the ventral aspect lined by the primitive mesenchyme on the
outside and the endodermal layer of the germ cell disc on the inside is called
yolk sac
2nd week

inner cell mass divides into epiblast

And hypoblast
2 fluid filled sacs:
1. Amniotic sac
2. Yolk sac
Bilaminar embryonic disc:area of
3rd week

 Bilaminar to trilaminar disc

 Trilaminar disc: forms the 3 primary germ layers (all body tissues are derived
from these)
 Ectoderm
 Endoderm
 Mesoderm

 Day 16-18
 Primitive node epiblast cell invaginate and migrate anteriorly with some
endodermal cells
 Forms rod defining the body axis – forms the future vertebral column

 Notochord signals overlying ectoderm

 The neural tube is developed from the closure of neural plate and neural fold
– a process called neurulation at 21-26 days
 Closure of neural tube begins at end of week 3 complete by end of week 4
 Extends cranially(eventually brain ) and caudally(spinal cord)
 Neural crest , lateral ectodermal cells , pulled along and form sensory nerve
cells and other structures
Division into somites:

 About day 20 mesoderm divides into paired bodies called somites

 Located on either side of the developing neural tube ,these paired bodies give
rise to skeletal and muscle tissue
 These somites are divided into :
 Sclerotome
 Dermatome
 Myotome
 Sclerotome: surrounds neural tube and notochord
 forms axial skeleton
 Divided into 3 types:
 Ventral- body of vertebra
 Doral- spine of vertebra
 Lateral-vertebral arch
 Dermatome:dermal layer of skin
 Myotome : skeletal muscles of the body
 There are 42 to 44 pairs: 4 (occipital),8(cervical),12(thoracic),5 (lumbar),5
(sacral) and 8 to 10 (coccygeal)
 First occipital and 5 to7 coccygeal disappears
Fourth week

 The embryo grows dramatically during the 4th week

 Elongation of embryo has occurred ,and it has become curved pon itself with
formation of head and tail fold
 Lateral body folds develop making the embryo tubular rather than flat and
disc shaped
 Closure of the neural tube begins in the area of the occiput and proceeds
upward and downwards from that point.
 Somites formed in a craniocaudal sequences as the neural tube closes , can
be observed through the ectoderm.
 The pericardial sac around the heart enlarges ,causing the head region to
elevate .
 The laryngotracheal groove and lung buds ,which will become the respiratory
system are present .
 The mandible and maxilla of the jaw become distinct ,and rudimentary forms
of the eyes ,ears and nose are present.
 The intestinal system is formed from the yolk sac , and differentiation of the
buds ,which will become the oesophagus , stomach , liver and pancreas , is
progressing .
 The thyroid and thymus glands are also developing .
 The primitive circulatory system is established , and the heart is beating.
 The budlike projections on the surface of the embryo are the beginning of the
limbs .
5th week

 As the embryo and then the fetus grow during the first half of pregnancy , it
is measured by its crown-rump length (CRL).
 The fetus is measured during the last half of pregnancy by its crown heel
length (CHL), or standing height. The CRL grows from 4 to 8 mm in this week ,
and exceeds the growth.
 The growth of the head is rapid and exceeds the growth of the body during
this week . The embryo lengthens and bends into a C shape, while an
additional 42 to 44 pairs of somites are added to its caudal end.
 The umbilical cord is formed from the union of amnion ,the yolk , and the
connecting stalk. It now contains two umbilical arteries and one umbilical
 The doubling of the size of the heart makes it prominent , and its atria and
ventricles are visible through the ectoderm. The embryos four limb buds are
most vulnerable to teratogens at this time .
6th week

 The head has become larger than the trunk and is bent over the heart
prominence .
 Elevations in the facial ectoderm are evident and the position of the eyes,
nose , mouth and the groove that is to become the external acoustic meatus
is established .
 In the upper limbs , the elbows and wrists are identifiable , and the hand
plate develop ridges called finger rays .
 The lower limbs are not developed to the same degree.
 Changes are beginning to occur in the genital region.(the CRL is 8 to 14 mm ,
the weight 50 to 400mg ).
7th week

 Cerebral hemispheres appear as the head enlarges rapidly .

 The eyes move from a lateral to a more frontal positions as the face elongates
 Prominences appear over the ventral body wall from early because their
function is vital to the maintenance and survival of the embryo.
 As the embryo continues to grow , the umbilical cord shrinks.
 The arm and hand of the upper limbs and the thigh , leg and foot segments of
the lower limbs become apparent.
 The fingers develop , their growth is critical at this point (40 to 50days)
 The CRL is 14 to 20 mm ; the weight is 400 to 1000 mg .
8 th week

 During this final week of the embryonic period , the embryo exhibits definite
human characteristics.
 The cerebral hemispheres have grown so rapidly that the head now makes up
50% of the mass of the embryo.
 The face occupies the lower half of the head , and the eyes continue to move
to a more frontal plane .
 Eyelids fold develop . These will become fused during the ninth week and
remain so until the seventh month .
 The fingers lengthen, and the toes are distinct by the eighth week.
 The external ears are set low and are taking on their final shape .
 Sexual differences in the external genitalia can now be seen by the trained
eye .
 The CRL is 21 to 30mm; the weight 1000 to 3000 mg
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