Embryology Obg
Embryology Obg
Embryology Obg
Day 16-18
Primitive node epiblast cell invaginate and migrate anteriorly with some
endodermal cells
Forms rod defining the body axis – forms the future vertebral column
As the embryo and then the fetus grow during the first half of pregnancy , it
is measured by its crown-rump length (CRL).
The fetus is measured during the last half of pregnancy by its crown heel
length (CHL), or standing height. The CRL grows from 4 to 8 mm in this week ,
and exceeds the growth.
The growth of the head is rapid and exceeds the growth of the body during
this week . The embryo lengthens and bends into a C shape, while an
additional 42 to 44 pairs of somites are added to its caudal end.
The umbilical cord is formed from the union of amnion ,the yolk , and the
connecting stalk. It now contains two umbilical arteries and one umbilical
The doubling of the size of the heart makes it prominent , and its atria and
ventricles are visible through the ectoderm. The embryos four limb buds are
most vulnerable to teratogens at this time .
6th week
The head has become larger than the trunk and is bent over the heart
prominence .
Elevations in the facial ectoderm are evident and the position of the eyes,
nose , mouth and the groove that is to become the external acoustic meatus
is established .
In the upper limbs , the elbows and wrists are identifiable , and the hand
plate develop ridges called finger rays .
The lower limbs are not developed to the same degree.
Changes are beginning to occur in the genital region.(the CRL is 8 to 14 mm ,
the weight 50 to 400mg ).
7th week
During this final week of the embryonic period , the embryo exhibits definite
human characteristics.
The cerebral hemispheres have grown so rapidly that the head now makes up
50% of the mass of the embryo.
The face occupies the lower half of the head , and the eyes continue to move
to a more frontal plane .
Eyelids fold develop . These will become fused during the ninth week and
remain so until the seventh month .
The fingers lengthen, and the toes are distinct by the eighth week.
The external ears are set low and are taking on their final shape .
Sexual differences in the external genitalia can now be seen by the trained
eye .
The CRL is 21 to 30mm; the weight 1000 to 3000 mg
Thank you