The Fall of Man
The Fall of Man
The Fall of Man
The story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden is one of the most well-known
stories in the Bible. It is the story of the creation of the first humans and their fall
from grace - a story that has shaped the understanding of humanity's place in the
The Temptation and Sin
Temptation Sin Consequence
The serpent tempts Eve to eat Eve eats the fruit and gives it Their actions brought sin and
from the tree of knowledge of to Adam. Their disobedience death into the world,
good and evil. leads to the fall of man. separating humanity from
The Consequences of the Fall
God promises never to destroy the God gives the Ten Jesus dies on the cross to atone for
earth again with a flood. Commandments to Moses and the sins of humanity and offer
establishes the covenant with the salvation.
The Role of Jesus
1 Savior of Mankind
Repentance and forgiveness bring Repentance and forgiveness Repentance and forgiveness
personal renewal and spiritual restore broken relationships and promote healthy community by
growth. promote unity. fostering empathy and mutual
In Conclusion
The fall of man is a story of loss and redemption, of the need for salvation and
forgiveness. Through faith in Jesus and a willingness to repent and seek
forgiveness, humanity can be reconciled with God and receive new life. It is a
story that has shaped the course of human history and continues to offer hope and
transformation to those who read it.