Late Comers Group
Late Comers Group
Late Comers Group
It is a fallacy where a conclusion is drawn from insufficient or bias
If someone says ‘All teenagers are lazy because I know one who is’, that
would be a hasty generalization.
Be aware of the tendency -Recognize that hasty generalization is a
common logical fallacy and be mindful of it in your own thinking and
Seek a representative sample -Ensure that the sample you are drawing
conclusions from a large enough and accurately represents the entire
FALSE CAUSE(post hoc fallacy)
• It’s a logical fallacy that occurs when someone assumes that because one event
follows another , the first event must have caused the second
If someone believes that wearing a certain shirt brings them good luck just because
they wore it once and had a good day
Thinking that if every time you wash your car it rains.
Understand correlation and causation- Recognize that if two events occur
together or in sequence doesn’t mean one caused the other.
Avoid jumping into conclusion- Resist the urge to immediately attribute causation
when you observe a correlation.
• It is a logical fallacy that when someone’s argument or response fails to
address the issue or question at hand.
Chrissy missed the point of Gwen’s complaint, thinking that she was
opposed to the date of the next meeting
Enhance critical thinking- Encourage critical thinking that’s including
analyzing the argument, recognize logical fallacies and evaluate evidence.
Avoidance- When collecting data, you can implement procedures to
minimize missing data.