Newton's 1st Law of Motion (Law of Inertia)

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Group 1 Activity “Coin Drop”

 What happens when you slowly pulled the cardboard?

Answer: (The coin moved together with the cardboard)
 What happens when you flicked the cardboard?
Answer: (The coin fell into the glass, because the coin is at rest
and it tends to continue in its state of rest)
Group 2 Activity “Stack the Coins”

 What happens when you hit the coin at the bottom? Why is
this so?
Answer: (The coin at the bottom will move in the direction of
the force applied by the ruler, but the stack of coins remaining
(4 pcs of coins) will remain in its state of rest)
Law of Inertia
(Newton’s First Law of Motion)
 All objects have the tendency to resist changes in
their state of motion or keep doing what they are
 However, changing a body’s state of motion depends
on its Inertia.
A more massive object which has more inertia is
more difficult to move from rest, slowdown, speed
up, or change in its direction.
Law of Inertia
(Newton’s First Law of Motion)
 Newton’s first law states that an object at rest will stay at
rest or an object in motion will stay in motion and travel in
straight line, as long as no external net force acts on it.
 Theobject will change its state of motion only if there is
unbalanced or net force acting upon it.

Law of Inertia
A body will remain at rest or move at
constant velocity unless acted upon by
an external net or unbalanced force.
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Short Quiz! (1/4 sheet of paper)
True or False. Write T if the statement is true and F if it is false.
_____ 1. If pulled quickly, a tablecloth can be removed from
underneath the dishes.
_____ 2. When a car suddenly stops, drivers and passengers
may feel that their bodies are moving backward.
_____ 3. Seat belts tighten in a car when it stops quickly.
_____ 4. A car that is moving will continue, even if the engine is
switched off.
_____ 5. It is easy to stop a big vehicle, like a bus, than a smaller
vehicle, like a motorcycle.
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