A3 Introduction To Drug Action
A3 Introduction To Drug Action
A3 Introduction To Drug Action
1. Absorption
2. Distribution
3. Metabolism
4. Excretion
-movement of drug particles from the GI tract to body fluids by
passive absorption, active absorption and pinocytosis.
a. Passive Absorption
-occurs mostly by fusion (movement from higher to lower
b. Active Absorption
-requires a carrier such as an enzyme or protein to move the drug
against a concentration gradient, energy is required.
c. Pinocytosis
-process by which cells carry a drug across their membrane by
engulfing the drug particles.
GI membrane is composed mostly of lipid (fat) and
protein, so drugs that are lipid soluble pass rapidly
through the GI membrane.
Water-soluble drugs need a carrier, either enzyme or
protein, to pass through the membrane.
Large particles pass through the cell membrane if they
are nonionized (have no positive or negative charge).
Certain drugs such as calcium carbonate and many of
the antifungals need an acid environment to achieve
greater drug absorption.
There are many factors that affect the drug
Blood flow
-Poor circulation to the stomach as a result of shock,
vasoconstrictor drugs, or disease hampers absorption
Pain, stress and food that are solid, hot or high in fat
can slow gastric emptying time, so the drug remains in
the stomach longer.
Exercise can decrease blood flow by causing more
blood to flow to the peripheral muscle, thereby
decreasing blood circulation to the GI tract.
Medication route can also affect drug absorption.
Drugs given by IM are absorbed faster in muscles that
have more blood vessels (e.g. deltoids) that in those
that have fewer blood vessels (e.g. gluteals).
Subcutaneous tissue has fewer blood vessels, so
absorption is slower in such tissue.
Some drugs do not go directly into the systemic circulation
following oral absorption but pass from the intestinal
lumen to the liver via the portal vein.
The process in which the drug passes to the liver first is
called the first-pass effect, or hepatic first pass.
In the liver, some drugs may be metabolized to an inactive
form that may then be excreted, thus reducing the
amount of active drug.
Some drugs do not undergo metabolism at all in the liver,
and other may be metabolized to drug metabolite, which
may be equally or more active than the original drug.
-a subcategory of absorption.
-it is the percentage of the administered drug dose that reaches the
systemic circulation.
-For oral route of drug administration, bioavailability occurs after
absorption and first-pass metabolism.
-The percentage of bioavailability of oral route is always less than 100%,
but for the IV route, it is 100%.
-Oral drugs and first-pass hepatic metabolism may have a bioavailability of
only 20% to 40% on entering systemic circulation. To obtain desired effect,
the oral dose could be higher than the drug dose for IV use.
-Rapid absorption increases the bioavailability of the drug and can cause an
increase in drug concentration. Drug toxicity man result.
-Slow absorption can limit the bioavailability of the drug, thus causing a
decrease in drug serum concentration.
-process by which the drug becomes available to the body
fluids and body tissues.
-it is influenced by blood flow, the drug’s affinity to the
tissue, and the protein-binding effect.
-Volume of drug distribution (Vd) is dependent on drug
dose and its concentration in the body.
a. Protein Binding
b. Blood Flow
c. Body Tissue Affinity
Protein Binding
-As drugs are distributed in the plasma, many are bound
to varying degrees (percentages) with protein (primarily
Greater than 89% bound to protein: highly protein-bound
61% to 89% are moderately highly protein bound
30% to 60% are moderately protein-bound
Less than 30% are low protein-bound drugs
Drug dose is prescribed according to the percentage in
which the drug binds to protein.
Protein Binding
-Patients with liver or kidney disease or those who are
malnourished may have an abnormally low serum albumin
level. This results in fewer protein-binding sites, which in
turn leads to excess free drug and eventually to drug
-Older adults are more likely to have hypoalbuminemia.
With some health conditions that result in a low serum
protein level, excess free drug or unbound drug goes to
nonspecific tissue binding sites until needed and excess free
drug in the circulation does not occur. Consequently, a
decreased drug dose is needed as there is not as much
protein circulated for the drug to bind to.
To avoid possible toxicity:
-check the protein-binding percentage of all
drugs to be administered
-should also check the patient’s plasma protein
and albumin levels
Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB) and Placental Barrier
-semipermeable membrane in the CNS that protects the
brain from foreign substances
-highly lipid-soluble drugs are able to cross the BBB
-drugs that are not bound to proteins and are not lipid
soluble are not able to cross the BBB, which makes it difficult
to distribute the drug
-During pregnancy, both lipid-soluble and lipid-insoluble
drugs are able to cross the placental barrier, which can affect
the fetus and the mother.
-During lactation, drugs should be checked which may cross
into breastmilk before administering to a lactating patient.
III. Metabolism or Biotransformation
-it is the process by which the body inactivates or
biotransforms drugs
-drugs can be metabolized in several organs; however, the
LIVER is the primary site of metabolism
-Most drugs are inactivated by liver enzymes and are then
converted or transformed by hepatic enzymes to inactive
metabolites or water-soluble substances for excretion.
-when the drug metabolism rate is decreased, excess drug
accumulation can occur and lead to toxicity.
Half-Life (t ½) of a drug
-the time it takes for one half of the drug
concentration to be eliminated
-metabolism and elimination affect the half-life of a
-for example: with liver or kidney dysfunction, the
half-life of the drug is prolonged and less drug is
metabolized and eliminated. When the drug is taken
continually, drug accumulation may occur.
-by knowing the half-life, the time it takes for a drug
to reach a steady state of serum concentration can be
Number Time of Dosage Percentage
(t ½) Elimination (h) remaining (mg) Left
1 3 325 50
2 6 162 25
3 9 81 12.5
4 12 40 6.25
5 15 20 3.1
6 18 10 1.55
IV. Excretion or Elimination
-main route is through the kidneys (urine)
-other routes include bile, feces, lungs, saliva, sweat
and breast milk
-The kidney filters free unbound drugs, water-soluble
drugs, and drugs that are unchanged.
-The lungs eliminate volatile drug substances and
products metabolized to CO2 and H2O.
-The urine influences drug excretion. Acidic urine
promotes elimination of weak base drugs, and alkaline
urine promotes elimination of weak acid drugs.
PharmacoDYNAMIC phase
is the study of the way drugs affect the
Drug response can cause primary or
secondary physiological effect or both.
Primary Effect -desirable
Secondary effect - desirable or
Dipenhydramine (Benadryl)
-an antihistamine
Primary Effect:
Treat symptoms of allergy
Secondary Effect:
CNS depression that causes drowsiness
Onset of action
-the time it takes to reach the minimum effective
concentration (MEC) after a drug is administered.
Peak Action
-occurs when the drug reaches its highest blood or
plasma concentration
Duration of Action
-length of time the drug has a pharmacologic effect.
Onset, Peak and Duration of Action
Side Effects
Adverse Reactions
Toxic Effects
Side Effects
-are psychologic effects not related to desired drug
-can be desirable and/or undesirable side effects
-sometimes called adverse reactions in literatures and in
speaking, but they are different
-the occurrence of expected undesirable side effects is
not a reason to discontinue therapy
-teaching patients to report any side effects
Examples of Side Effects
Adverse Drug Reactions (ADR)
-severe than side effects
-range of untoward effects (unintended and
occurring at normal doses) of drugs that cause
mild to sever side effects
-always undesirable
-should always be reported and documented
because they represent variances from planned
Examples of Adverse Drug Reactions
Toxic Effects or Toxicity
-can be identified by monitoring plasma (serum)
therapeutic range of the drug
-when the drug level exceeds the therapeutic
range, toxic effects are likely to occur from over
dosing or drug accumulation
-should always be reported and documented
because they represent variances from planned
Examples of Toxic Effects
Drug Interactions
Drug interactions
Drug-Diet Interactions