Group 2

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Introduction to Genetic

An overview of the fundamental concepts and applications of genetic algorithms
in optimization and problem-solving.

Presented By: GROUP 2

2026 – Joya Biswas

2038 – Rutaban Jania
2082 – Rafiul Hoque
Basic Principles of Genetic Algorithm

Population Evolution Fitness Landscape

Visualization of how solutions evolve over multiple Representation of the complexity of the fitness landscape
generations through selection, crossover, and mutation. and the search for optimal solutions.
The Role of Fitness
Function in Genetic

Objective Impact

Determining the measure of a solution's quality to guide Illustration of how the fitness function influences the
the selection process. survival and propagation of solutions.
Crossover and Mutation Operators in Genetic
Crossover Exchange genetic material
between parent solutions to
create new offspring.

Mutation Introduction of random changes

in offspring to maintain
Example of Genetic
Algorithm for Optimization

Optimal Solution Discovery Convergence Analysis

Illustration of a genetic algorithm solving a complex Visualization of the algorithm's search process
optimization problem to find the best solution. converging towards the optimal solution.
Example of Genetic Algorithm for
Classification Problems
1 Accuracy 2 Iterations
Effective classification of data with high accuracy Ability to handle multiple iterations for
using genetic algorithm. classification tasks.
Example of Genetic Algorithm for Queen Selection
Advantages and Limitations of
Genetic Algorithm
1 Advantages
Efficient global search, parallel processing, and adaptability to various problem

2 Limitations
Maintenance of diversity, premature convergence, and computational complexity.
Conclusion and Future Directions

Future Innovations Continual Improvement

Visual representation of potential advancements and Imagery reflecting the ongoing evolution and
applications in genetic algorithms. advancement of genetic algorithm principles and

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