1ACD Basic Fundamentals
1ACD Basic Fundamentals
1ACD Basic Fundamentals
A Presentation for
Singapore Malaysia
consumer cooperatives 5.9 million people or 24% of
hold 55% of the market the total population are
in supermarket members of cooperatives.
(Source: Ministry of
purchases and have a
turnover of USD 700 Entrepreneur and
million. Cooperative Development,
50% of the population Department of Cooperative
(1.6 million people) are Development, Malaysia,
members of a December 2006)
Mondragon Worker’s
Sandico Bill (1907) -German Raiffeisen type coops not passed by congress
Rural Credit Law (Corpus Bill 1914) – approved 1916 establishing Rural Credit
Agricultural Credit Association Act (Act No. 2508 American Colonial
Government) enabling the creation of Agricultural Credit Associations under
the Corporation Law. It took effect on 1915 and repealed by RA 2023 (1957)
RA 364 created the Cooperative Administration Office (CAO) under the
Department of Commerce and Industry and
RA 583 creating the Small Farmers Cooperative Loan Fund
Cooperative Marketing Law (Act No. 3425) - registration under the
Corporation Law of farmers’ cooperative marketing associations (FACOMA).
It took effect on 1927 and repealed by P.D. 175 as amended (1973).
General Basic Cooperative Law (Commonwealth Act No. 565) on 1940 as the
organic law for all types of cooperatives.
Philippine Cooperative Laws
Second Wave – 1950 to present
RA No. 821 , Agricultural Credit and Cooperative Financing Administration Act
[ACCFA] 1952) and the complementary
RA No. 2023 , Philippine Non-Agricultural Cooperative Act 1952) authorizing the
organization of cooperative banking system and cooperative wholesale systems.
RA No. 3844 (Land Reform Law)
RA No. 6038 (National Electrification Program); and
RA No. 3470 (National Cottage Industry Development Act)
PD No. 175 (General Law)
PD No. 269 (Electric Cooperatives Law)
PD No. 775 (Sugar Cooperatives Law)
PD No. 898 (Transport Cooperative Law)
RA 6938 (Cooperative Code of the Philippines 1987) was enacted codifying and
repealing previous laws and
RA 6939 (CDA Act) providing for an administrative agency responsible for the
regulation and institutional development of cooperatives.
RA 9520 (Cooperative Code of 2008) amending RA 6938
ACDI Multipurpose Cooperative
Consumer Services, Aviation, Agri-business, Property Management, Savings & Lending,
Active PAF, PN, PM military, civilian personnel, AFP pensioners and dependents
BBCC Cooperative
Savings and Loan, Grocery, Pre-School, Property Development
Cooperatives – ICA Definition
A co-operative is an autonomous association of
united voluntarily to meet their common economic,
social, and cultural needs and aspirations
through a jointly-owned and democratically-
controlled enterprise.
Plus Equals
no compulsory
• voluntary organizations, membership
• open to all persons able no discrimination against
to use their services and any person
no artificial limitation for
willing to accept the admission of new
responsibilities of members
membership, without no artificial restriction on
gender, social, racial, the right to withdraw
cultural, political or
religious discrimination.
(2) Democratic Member Control -
Cooperatives are democratic SAMPLE PRACTICES
organizations that are:
controlled by their members who one person, one vote
actively participate in setting their no proxy voting
policies and making decisions. general assembly as the
Men and women serving as elected supreme authority
representatives, decision making by majority
directors or officers are vote
accountable to the membership.
equal status of members
In primary cooperatives, members
direct or indirect
have equal voting rights of one- participation of members in
member, one-vote. Cooperatives the control of organization
at other levels are organized in the
same democratic manner.
(3) Member Economic Participation