2 & 3-Resting Membrane Potential & Action Potentia

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The excitable tissues

(Nerve+ Muscle)
• Objectives
• At the end of this lecture the student should be able to :
• Describe the voltage-gated sodium and potassium membrane
channels and their states .
• Explain the resting membrane ptential ( RMP) , Threshold
Potential, Reversal Potential , Local Response and Action
Potential .
• Describe components of a neuron dendrites , soma , axon .
axon hillock and their physiological significance
• Describe the electrical changes in membrane potential
during the action potential , their chemical bases and
excitability changes .
• Describe conduction along nerve fibers , role of myelination
and how nerve fibers are classified .
The nerve
DIF: unit of function of the central nervous

:Parts of motor neuron & function of each part

Soma (cell body) -1
Dendrites carry nerve impulses from-2
surroundings to the soma
Axon hillock at which nerve impulses begin 3
Axon & axon terminal-4
-:Histological classification of axons -

myelinated : have myelin sheath (diameter -1

more than 1um)

unmyelinated (diameter less than1um ) -2

type C :postganglionic autonomic &pain-
Myelin sheath is formed by schwann- -
cell which deposit sphingomyelin

Functions of myelin sheath


increase conduction velocity -3

The resting
potential of

DIF: it is potential difference across membrane

during rest (without stimulation)

Value:- -70 to-90 mv in large nerve fibers ( -ve

The membrane is polarized-
Causes of RMP:
• 1. RMP is 100 times more permeable to K+ than
Na+. K+ tends to leak out of the cell down its
conc gradient, carrying +ve charge with it.
(through K leak channels).
• 2. non-diffusible anions (proteins, sulphate and
phosphate ions) cannot leave the cell.
• 3. very small amount of Na+ diffuses into the cell
down its conc gradient. The mb only slightly
permeable to Na+. (through Na+ leak channels).
• 4. Na+-K+ pump maintain conc gradients of K+,
and Na+ between the two sides of the mb.
?”What does it mean when a neuron “fires
• Firing = excitability = action potential = nerve impulse
• Recall resting potential of all cells
– High K+ in; high Na+ out
– Cell is polarized
– Cell overall neg. charge inside due to molecules like proteins, RNA, DNA
• Charge measured in millivolts
• Potential = difference in charge across PM
• Current = flow of charge (ions) from one point to another
Changes that occure through the nerve
after stimulation by threshold
-:(effective) stimulus
Electrical changes (nerve action -1
Excitability changes -2
Thermal changes-3
Chemical changes-4
Nerve physiology:
Action potentials
The action potential
• It is sudden reversal of membrane polarity
produced by a stimulus to produce a
physiological effect such as:
• Transmission of impulse along nerve fibres
• Release of neurotransmitters
• Muscle contraction
• Activation or inhibition of glandular secretion
Electrical changes -1
The nerve action potential

It is potential difference along nerve membrane after-


by threshold (effective)stimulus

oscilloscope to measure rapid changes in membrane -


Nerve signals (impulses) are transmitted as nerve action-

potentials conducted along the nerve fiber as a wave
of depolarization to its end

The factors necessary for nerve action potential are-

& voltage gated Na
k channels
Threshold stimulus
mV 35 + =

Threhold Responses
Potential ( Firing Level )
to -65 mV 50- =

RMP= -90
Q : What opens the voltage-
gated channels ? Opened by a
stimulus strong enough to
depolarize them to threshold Increasing Stimulation
• Hyperpolarization: Why?
• Na-K pump now start to move Na out & K
in against their concentration gradient, so
the RMP is resumed and the membrane is
ready for another stimulus
***The action potential (cont.)
:Threshold stimulus

If a stimulus is strong enough to move RMP

from its resting value (-70mV) to the level
of (-55mV) which leads to production of an
Subthreshold stimulus:
Stimulus that result only in local
-:All or nothing principle

Once threshold value for excitation is reached a full -

AP produced ,its intensity can not increased by
increasing stimulus intensity ( suprathreshold)
What happens after an action
• Refractory period: few
– Time during which can’t
stimulate neuron a second
– Happens until recovery of
resting potential
• Two stages
– Absolute refractory period
• No new action potential
– Relative refractory period
• Can trigger new action
potential if stimulus is
very strong
The Na+ Voltage-Gated Channel (1)
• Has 2 gates : one on
the outer side of the
membrane and is called
the activation gate ,
• and another one on the
inner side of membrane
called the inactivation
gate .
• And this channel has 3
states :

 (1) Resting state : in the resting cell , when

the MP = RMP = -70 to -90 mV , 
 the activation gate is closed
 this prevents entry of Na+ to the interior of
the cell through this gate.
Activated State of Sodium Channel

• (2) Activated state : when a Threshold

Depolarizing Stimulus moves the MP
from its resting value (-90 mV ) to its
Threshold value (-65 to -55mV)
  this opens the activation gate , and
now the Na+ channel is said to be in
the Activated State
• ( NB in this case BOTH the activation
gate & inactivation gate are open ) 
• permeability to Na+ becomes
increased 500 to 5000 times  Na+
• Na+ flows into the cell in large
amounts ,
Inactivated State of Sodium Channel

 (3) Inactivated state : A

few milliseconds after the
activation gate opens ,
the channel becomes
inactivated :

At the peak of AP the inactivation gate

will close
• the inactivation gate will
not open by a second stimulus  & the
becomes Refractory ‫ ) ممانعة‬to another   in this case , while the
stimulation .
• This goes on until the MP has gone activation gate is still
back to its resting ( RMP) level ( -70
to -90mV).
open ,
the inactivation gate is
closed .
The Potassium Voltage-Gated Channel
• Has one gate only .
• During the resting state ,
the gate of the potassium
channel is closed , and K+
can not enter through it .
• Shortly after
depolarization , when the
sodium channel begins to be
inactivated , the potassium
channel opens .
 K+ exits ( called K+
Efflux) ‫خروج البوتاسيوم‬
•  Repolarization
Direction of AP Propagation (Conduction)
Artificial Electrical Stimulation

Axon Hillock

Under Artificial condition of electrical

stimulation in the laboratory , the AP
propagates in both directiions .
But normally AP starts in axon hillock &
propagates distally in one directions

Nerve physiology:
Action potentials
Propagation of action potential

-:in myelinated nerve fibers -1

Saltatory conduction ( jumping)

1-↑ velocity of conduction of nerve impulses
Conserve energy for axon because only nodes-2
How do action potentials travel down
?the axon
• Myelinated
– Many times
– Action
potential skips
from one node
of Ranvier to
the next
• Called
• http://www.blackwellpu
-:Non- myelinated nerves -2
point to point=)local circuits(
- .depolarization pass by local circuits-
What else influences speed of
?action potential
Axon diameter.
The larger the-
diameter, the faster
the speed of
Less resistance to-
current flow with
larger diameter

Slower transduction
•Thank You

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