The Ammonia Manufacturing Process
The Ammonia Manufacturing Process
The Ammonia Manufacturing Process
Ammonia Industries
Ammonia is produced basically from
Hydrocarbon, water, air and energy.
The hydrogen and energy source is usually
The other hydrogen and energy input required is
steam .
The primary raw material or resources of
hydrogen and energy are hydrogen containing
materials such as Natural Gas (NG) or
petroleum or coal, water and biomass.
% in 1988
• Middle East (7 %)
• Latin America (6 %)
• Central Europe (4 %)
Oceania (1 %).
80 % of the ammonia is currently used as the nitrogen
20 % being used in several industrial applications,
such as the manufacture of plastics, fibres,
explosives, hydrazine, amines, amides, nitriles and
other organic nitrogen compounds which serve as
intermediates in dyes and pharmaceuticals
Among the important inorganic products
manufactured from ammonia are nitric acid, urea and
sodium cyanide.
.Liquid ammonia is an important solvent and is also
used as a refrigerant.
A modern ammonia plant has a typical capacity of
1000 – 2200 tones/day
Life = Food =Fertlizers+ ( N2,P2O5 &K2O)
H2SO4 (NH4)2SO4 20%N
ammonium sulfate
unit operations
1. Gas`Storage
5. WASTE HEAT BOILER (WHS)/Heat recovery
7. Condensation process
10. Gas drying
13. 13.Ammonia & CO2 Storages
Block Diagram Of The Partial Oxidation Process
Block Diagram Of The Partial Oxidation Process
1. Feedstock desulphurization
Natural gas typically contains significant levels of sulphur and
sulphur compounds,5-30 mg S/Nm3feed gas.
Sulphur must be removed as it can poison the reforming
catalysts in downstream
Sulphur compounds need to be reduced to a concentration of less
than 2 mg S/Nm3feed gas.
. To remove the sulphur, the natural gas is heated to a
temperature of 300oC to 400oC in the presence of hydrogen
(usually recycled from the synthesissection), thereby
hydrogenating the sulphur compounds to H2S, which is then
adsorbed onto pelletized oxide for later disposal:
A ir
B o iler &
W a ter S tea m
F u el G en era to r
3 0 m o les
C H 4 In p u t S tea m
1 0 0 m o les
@ 8 8 0 k J /m o le
M eth a n e S tea m R efo rm er 2 8 0 m o les H 2
F eed sto ck & S h ift R ea cto r @ 2 8 4 k J /m o le
7 0 m o les
C H 4 + 2 H 2O C O 2+ 4H 2
C a p tu red C O 2
Secondary Reformer
Waste Heat Boiler
The outlet gas from the secondary reformer
consists primarily of CO2, CO,H2, and N2
and it is cooled immediately to 350oC and
450oC in Waste Heat Boiler installed after
4.Shift conversion
The process gas from the secondary reformer contains 12 – 15 % CO
(dry gas base). Most of this CO will be converted in the shift
section to CO2 and H2., according to the reaction:
CO + H2O CO2 + H2 (- 41 kJ/mol)
This reaction is carried out in two steps with intermediate heat
ammonia is sent to atmospheric storage tanks equipped with refrigeration .
The synthesis of ammonia takes place on an iron catalyst at pressures
usually in the range of 100 – 250 bar and at temperatures of between 350
and 550 °C:
N2 + 3H2 d2NH3 gH0 = -46 kJ/mol
Only 20 – 30 % of the synthesis gas is converted per pass to ammonia, due
to unfavourable equilibrium conditions. The unreacted gas is recycled after
removing the ammonia formed.Fresh synthesis gas is supplemented in the
As the exothermic synthesis reaction proceeds, there is a reduction in
volume and so a higher pressure and lower temperature favours the
reaction. The temperature of the catalyst needs to be controlled, as the heat
of reaction at the necessary equilibrium and reaction rate produces a rise in
temperature. Subdividing the catalyst into several layers is one technique
which can achieve this temperature control. In this technique, between the
layers, the gases are cooled either directly by adding cooled synthesis gas
or indirectly by generating steam. Various converter designs can be utilised
for this purpose
For ammonia condensation from the loop, cooling with just water or air is
insufficient to achieve low ammonia concentration at the inlet. For this reason,
vaporising ammonia is used to chill the gas. The ammonia vapours are liquefied
by means of a refrigeration compressor. The various synthesis configurations
may differ with respect to the point where the make-up gas is added or where
liquefied ammonia and purge gas is withdrawn. New developments refer to the
use of more active catalysts such as cobalt-promoted iron and ruthenium. These
catalysts allow a lower synthesis pressure and a lower energy consumption to be
achieved (see Section 2.4.17).
Conventional reforming with methanation as the final purification step produces a
synthesis gas containing unreacted gases and inerts (methane and argon). In
order to prevent the accumulation of these inerts, a continuous purge gas stream
has to be applied. Purge gas basically contains ammonia, nitrogen, hydrogen,
inerts and unreacted gases. The size of this purge stream controls the level of
inerts in the loop, keeping these to approximately 10 – 15 %. The purge gas is
scrubbed with water to remove ammonia, before then being used as fuel or
before being sent for hydrogen recovery.
Ammonia Synthesis
During industrial production of
ammonia, the reaction never reaches
equilibrium as the gas mixture
leaving the reactor is cooled to
liquefy and remove the ammonia.
The remaining mixture of reactant
gases are recycled through the
reactor. The heat released by the
reaction is removed and used to heat
the incoming gas mixture.
Ammonia Synthesis
Fe/K catalyst
Exothermic in the
N2(g) + 3H2(g) 2NH3(g) forward direction
-92 kJ mol-1