Titman PPT CH10
Titman PPT CH10
Titman PPT CH10
Chapter 10
Stock Valuation
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Copyright © 2021
2021 Pearson
Pearson Education
Education Ltd.
Learning Objectives
1. Identify the basic characteristics and features of
common stock and use the discounted cash flow
model to value common shares.
2. Use the price/earnings (P/E) ratio to value
common stock.
3. Identify the basic characteristics and features of
preferred stock and value preferred shares.
Dividend in Year 0 1+
Growth Rate Dividend in Year 1
Vcs = =
Stockholder's Required Dividend Stockholder's Required Dividend
Rate of Return Growth Rate Rate of Return Growth Rate
Value of common
stock = Present
Value of Expected
Dividends. The growing
dividends go on
Expected Rate Risk-Free Rate Common Stock Expected Rate of Return Risk-Free Rate
of Return of Interest Beta Coefficient on the Market Portfolio of Interest
Expected Rate Risk-Free Rate Common Stock Expected Rate of Return Risk-Free Rate
of Return of Interest Beta Coefficient on the Market Portfolio of Interest
Value of
Appropriate Estimated Earnings P
Common Stock, E1
Price/Earnings Ratio per Share for Year 1 E1
Value of
Appropriate Estimated Earnings P
Common Stock, E1
Price/Earnings Ratio per Share for Year 1 E1
V cs
Vcs 18.20 $2
Preferred Promised Market or promised The value of a share of preferred stock is equal
stock dividends. yield on preferred stock. to the present value of the future preferred
Dividends are We typically calculate stock dividends.
defined using a this yield using market
contractually set prices and promised
dividend yield that dividends for similar
is multiplied by the shares of preferred stock.
par or face value of This yield is a promised
the preferred stock yield that will be earned
to get the preferred only if the preferred stock
stock dividend. dividends are fully paid
every period as promised.
Common Expected future dividends. Investor’s expected rate of return, Value of a share of
stock No dividend is prescribed for which is the investor’s required rate common stock is equal to
common stock. Instead, of return. Because common stock the present value of the
dividends must be estimated, dividends are risky, we use expected future dividends.
so we value common stock future dividends and discount them
using expected rather than using a risk-adjusted or expected rate
promised future cash flows. of return for investing in shares of
In the constant dividend stock of firms with similar risk to the
growth rate model, dividends firm issuing the common stock being
are estimated using a valued. We can estimate this expected
constant rate of growth from rate of return using the CAPM.
year to year.
Value of Preferred
Stock = Present
Value of promised
The annual
$12 dividends
go on forever.