BCT Lecture-4
BCT Lecture-4
BCT Lecture-4
Lecture # 4
What is a
The arrangement of bricks or stones in each layer
so as to avoid continuity of vertical joints in any
adjacent course both on the face and inside of a
masonry structure is called bond.
• Penetration of damp through transverse joints.
• Appearance not as good as Flemish bond.
Flemish bond
The bond having headers and stretchers laid
alternately in the same course is called flemish
bond. In this bond a queen closer is provided
after every quoin header n the alternate courses
to break the continuity of vertical joints. Brick
bats are to be used for forming this bond when
the thickness of wall is equal to an odd mutiple
of half brick.
Salient Features of Flemish Bond:
I. Header and stretcher are laid aternately in the
same coruse.
II. Queen closer is placed after every quoin header
in the alternate course when the thickness of
the wall is 9” or above.
III. Every header in each course lies centrally over
each stretcher of he underlying course.
Flemish Bond is of two types:
1. Double Flemish Bond
2. Single Flemish Bond
Duoble Flemish Bond: The bond having header and
stretchers laid alternatively in each course both in
the face and back of the structure is called double
flemish bond. This type of bond provides good
appearance but it is weaker in strength than english
bond for walls having thickness more than 9”.
Suitability: It is used in buildings where appearance is
of prime importance.
Comparison Between English Bond and
Flemish Bond
English Bond Flemish Bond
1. Construction:
This bond consists of This bond consists of
headers and stretchers headers and stretchers
laid in alternate courses. laid alternatively in each
2. Strength
It is the strongest of all the It is less strong.
Comparison Between English Bond and
Flemish Bond
English Bond Flemish Bond
3. Appearance
It provides rough It provides good
appearance especially for appearance for all
one brick thick walls. thickness of walls.
4.Continuity of Vertical
There are no continuous
vertical joints in the There are partly continuous
structure built in this vertical joints in the
bond. structure built in this
Comparison Between English Bond and
Flemish Bond
English Bond Flemish Bond
5. Care in providing the
Special Care is not Special Care is required in
required in providing providing this bond.
this bond.
6. Progress Of Work: Progress of work is less.
Progress of work is more.
7. Cost It is economical because
It is costly because use of brick bats are to be used
brick bats is not allowed. for forming this bond.
• Heading or Header Bond is laid on headers.
• Header bond is often used on curving walls with a small radius
• Should never be used in straight work, as it is very weak