Dbms Chapter 4
Dbms Chapter 4
Dbms Chapter 4
3. Logical Database Design
• The phase to choose a DBMS to implement our database
design, and convert the conceptual database design into a
database schema.
• Consider relational DBMSs, and therefore, the task in the
logical design phase is to convert an ER schema into a
relational database schema.
• It is the phase to create the database in a given DBMS
• The following are the major activities performed in the
logical design phase:
1. Transform conceptual design criteria into relational form.
2. Transform entities into tables.
3. Transform entity attributes into table columns.
4. Transform tables and columns using rules of functional
dependencies and keys or normalization.
Objectives of Logical Design...
Translate the conceptual design into a logical database
design that can be implemented on a chosen DBMS
Input: conceptual model (ERD)
Output: relational schema, normalized relations
• Normalization
– Analysis of functional dependencies between data items
to result in a structure of data that is simple, stable, and
Resulting database must meet user needs for:
Data sharing,
Ease of access and
Logical Design: Based upon the conceptual data model,
four key steps
1. Develop a logical data model for each known user
interface for the application using normalization
2. Combine one consolidated logical database model
3. Translate the conceptual E-R data model for the
application into normalized data requirements
4. Compare the consolidated logical database design with
the translated E-R normalized data requirements from all
user interfaces into model and produce one final logical
database model for the application
Logical Database Design
Relational Data Model
• Data represented as a set of related tables or relations.
• A named, two-dimensional table of data.
• Each relation consists of a set of named columns and an
arbitrary number of unnamed rows.
• Relational DBMS (RDBMS) – dominant technology
• Three components of Relational data Model are:
Data structure
– Data organized into tables
Data manipulation
– Add, delete, modify, and retrieve using SQL
Data integrity-Relationship
– Maintained using business rules
• A relation is a named, two-dimensional table of data
• Table consists of rows (records), and columns (attribute or
• Requirements for a table to qualify as a relation:
It must have a unique name.
Every attribute value must be atomic (not multivalued,
not composite)
Every row must be unique (can’t have two rows with
exactly the same values for all their fields)
Attributes (columns) in tables must have unique names
The order of the columns must be irrelevant
The order of the rows must be irrelevant
NOTE: The word relation (in relational database) is
NOT the same as the word relationship (in E-R
Key Fields
• Relational modeling uses primary keys and
foreign keys to maintain relationships
– Primary keys are unique identifiers of the relation in
Examples include employee numbers, social security
numbers, etc. This is how we can guarantee that all rows
are unique
– Foreign keys are identifiers that enable a dependent
relation (on the many side of a relationship) to refer to
its parent relation (on the one side of the relationship)
• Keys can be simple (a single field) or composite
(more than one field).
• However in logical database design the key must
be atomic.
Primary Key
Domain constraints
– Allowable values for an attribute as defined in the
Entity integrity constraints
– No primary key attribute may be null
Operational constraints
– Business rules
Referential integrity constraints
Integrity Constraints
• Referential Integrity – rule that states that any
foreign key value (on the relation of the many
side) MUST match a primary key value in the
relation of the one side. (Or the foreign key can be
– For example: Delete Rules
• Restrict – don’t allow delete of “parent” side if
related rows exist in “dependent” side
• Cascade – automatically delete “dependent” side
rows that correspond with the “parent” side row to
be deleted
• Set-to-Null – set the foreign key in the dependent
side to null if deleting from the parent side 11not
Figure 4.5 Examples of Referential integrity constraints
Referential integrity
constraints are drawn via
arrows from dependent to
parent table
Figure 4.6 SQL Table Definitions
Referential integrity
constraints are
implemented with
foreign key to primary
key references
Transforming E-R Diagrams into Relations
• It is useful to transform the conceptual data
model into a set of normalized relations
• Steps
1. Represent Entities
2. Represent Relationships
3. Normalize the Relations
4. Merge the Relations
Transforming ER Diagrams into Relations
Mapping Entities
Regular entities: simple, composite, and multivalued
Weak entities
Associative entities
Mapping Relationships
Unary, binary, ternary
Supertype / subtype
One-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many
1) Mapping Regular Entities to Relations
A) Simple Attributes: E-R attributes map directly onto the
B) Composite Attributes: Use only their simple, component
C) Multivalued Attribute - Becomes a separate relation with
a foreign key taken from the superior entity
4.7(a) Mapping CUSTOMER entity type with simple attributes
Figure 4-8: Mapping a composite attribute
entity type with
composite attribute
Figure 4-9: Mapping a Multivalued Attribute
Figure 4.10: Examples of mapping a Weak Entity-
Figure:4.11: Examples of Mapping a Weak Entity-
Relations resulting from a Weak Entity
3) Mapping Binary Relationships
– One-to-Many - Primary key on the one side
becomes a foreign key on the many side
– Many-to-Many - Create a new relation with the
primary keys of the two entities as its primary
– One-to-One - Primary key on the mandatory
side becomes a foreign key on the optional side
Figure 4-12a: Example of mapping a 1:M relationship
Relationship between customers and orders
Figure 4-12b Mapping the relationship
Foreign key
Figure 4-13a: Example of mapping an M:N relationship
E-R diagram (M:N)
Figure 4-13b Three resulting relations
Foreign key intersection
Foreign key
Figure 4-14a: Mapping a binary 1:1 relationship
In_charge relationship
Figure 4-14b Resulting relations
4) Mapping Associative Entities
Identifier Not Assigned
• Default primary key for the association relation
is composed of the primary keys of the two
entities (as in M:N relationship)
Identifier Assigned
• It is natural and familiar to end-users
• Default identifier may not be unique
Figure 4.15a : Mapping an Associative Entity-
Figure 4.15b:Mapping an Associative Entity: Three
resulting Relations
Figure 4-16b Three resulting relations
Identifier Assigned
5) Mapping Unary Relationships
– One-to-Many - Recursive foreign key in the same
– Many-to-Many - Two relations:
• One for the entity type
• One for an associative relation in which the
primary key has two attributes, both taken from
the primary key of the entity
Figure 4-17: Mapping a unary 1:N relationship
(a) Bill-of-materials
relationships (M:N)
6) Mapping Ternary (and n-ary) Relationships
One relation for each entity and one for the
associative entity
Associative entity has foreign keys to each
entity in the relationship
Figure 4-19a: Mapping a ternary relationship
Ternary relationship with associative entity
Figure 4-19b Mapping the ternary relationship
7) Mapping Supertype/Subtype Relationships
• One relation for supertype and one for each
• Supertype attributes (including identifier and
subtype discriminator) go into supertype relation
• Subtype attributes go into each subtype; primary
key of supertype relation also becomes primary
key of subtype relation
• 1:1 relationship established between supertype
and each subtype, with supertype as primary table
Figure 4-20:
These are implemented
as one-to-one
Functional Dependencies
Fig 4.22: Two relation schemas Suffering from update
anomalies 59
The functional dependencies of the above figure specify that:
a) The value of an employee's social security number (SSN)
uniquely determines the employee name (ENAME),
b) The value of a project's number (PNUMBER) uniquely
determines the project name (PNAME) and location
c) A combination of SSN and PNUMBER values uniquely
determines the number of hours the employee currently works on
the project per week (HOURS).
Alternatively, we say that ENAME is functionally determined by
(or functionally dependent on) SSN, or "given a value of SSN, we
know the value of ENAME," and so on.
A functional dependency is a property of the relation schema R,
not of a particular legal relation state r of R.
Hence, a FD cannot be inferred automatically from a given relation
extension r but must be defined explicitly by someone who knows
Designing an optimal database design is an important element of
database operations.
It is also critical in achieving maximum performance and flexibility
while working with tables and data.
Used to minimize errors and duplication of data, database developers
apply a concept called normalization to a logical database design.
The normalization process generally involves splitting larger
multicolumn tables into two or more smaller tables containing fewer
The rationale for doing this is found in a set of data design guidelines
called normal forms.
The guidelines provide designers with a set of rules for converting one
or two large database tables containing numerous columns into a
normalized database consisting of multiple tables and only those
columns that should be included in each table.
The normalization process typically consists of no more than five steps
with each succeeding step subscribing to the rules of the previous steps
but normalizing up to 3NF is enough.
Normalizing a database helps to ensure that the database
does not contain redundant information in two or more of
its tables.
As database designers and analysts proceed through the
normalization process, many are not satisfied unless a
database design is carried out to at least third normal form
Whatever your preference, you should keep this in mind as
you normalize database tables.
A fully normalized database often requires a greater
number of joins and adversely affects the speed of
As Celko in his book mentions that the process of joining
multiple tables is costly, specifically affecting processing
time and computer resources. 62
is a formal process for deciding which attributes should be
grouped together in a relation
is a process for evaluating and correcting table structures to
minimize data redundancies and helps to eliminate data
Objective: To validate and improve a logical design so
that it satisfies certain constraints that avoid unnecessary
duplication of data
Generally, it is the process of decomposing relations with
anomalies to produce smaller, well-structured relations
It is a two-step process:
i) Puts data in a tabular form
ii) Removes duplicated data from the relational tables
Normalization theory is based on concepts of normal forms. 63
A well structured relation is a relation that contains:
i) Minimal data redundancy and
ii) Allows users to insert, delete, and update rows without
causing data inconsistencies
The goals of normalization is to avoid anomalies:
Insertion Anomaly – adding new rows forces user to create
duplicate data
Deletion Anomaly – deleting rows may cause a loss of data
that would be needed for other future rows
Modification Anomaly – changing data in a row forces
changes to other rows because of duplication
All tables in the relational database should be in the third
normal form(3NF).
A relational table is in 3NF if and only all non-key
columns are:
Mutually independent and
Fully dependent up on the primary key 64
The three Normal Forms
The concepts of functional dependencies is the
basis for the first three normal forms as we
discussed previously.
A column, Y, of the relational table R is said to be
functionally dependent up on column X of R if
and only if each value of X is associated with
precisely one value of Y at any given time.(X
identify the values of column Y).
R.x R.y
Column X functionally determines (defines) column Y
Full functional dependence applies to tables with
composite keys.
Column Y in relational table R is fully functional on X
of R :
i) If it is functionally dependent on X and
ii) Not functionally dependent up on any subset of X.
Let’s discuss the three types of normal forms based on
the following example: For example,
A company obtains parts from a number of suppliers.
Each supplier is located in one city.
A city can have more than one supplier located there
And each city has a status code associated with it.
Each supplier may provide many parts.
The company creates a simple relational table to store
this information that can be expressed in relational
notations as follows: 66
FIRST(S#, Status, City,P#, qty), where
S# Supplier identification number (this is
primary key)
Status Status code assigned to city
City Name of city where supplier is located
P# Part number of part supplied
qty Quantity of parts supplied to date
S3 10 Paris P2 200
S4 20 London P2 200
S4 20 London P4 300
S4 20 London P5 400
Update anomalies are problems that arise when
information is inserted, deleted, or updated.
For example, the following anomalies could
occur in the FIRST table:
a) INSERT:-The fact that a certain supplier (S5) is
located in particular city(Athens) can not be
added until they supplied a part.
b) DELETE: If a row is deleted, then not only is the
information about quantity and part lost but also
information about the supplier.
c) UPDATE : If supplier s1 moved from London to
New York, then six rows would have to be
updated with this new information. 70
2. Second Normal Form
The definition of second normal form states that only tables with
composite primary key can be in 1NF but not in 2NF.
A relational table is in the 2NF if it is in 1NF and every non-key
column is fully dependent up on the primary key.
That is, every non-key column must be dependent upon the entire
primary key.
FIRST is in 1NF but not in 2NF because status and city are
functionally dependent up on only on the columns s# of the
composite key(s#,p#).
This can be illustrated by listing the functional dependencies in the
The above Tables are in the 2NF but not in 3NF
still contain modification anomalies.
In the example of SUPPLIERS, they are:
INSERT: The fact that a particular city has a
certain status (Rome has a status of 50) can not be
inserted until there is a supplier in the city
DELETE: Deleting any row in Supplier destroys
the status information about the city as well as the
association between supplier and city.
3. Third Normal Form
The concept of transitive dependency can be illustrated by showing the
functional dependencies in SUPPLIERS table as follows:
Note that SUPPLIERS.status is determined both by the primary key
s# and the non-key column city.
The process of transforming a table in to 3NF is:
a) Identify any determinants, other than the primary key and the column
they determine.
b) Create and name a new table for each determinant and the unique
columns it determines
c) Move the determined columns from the original table to the new
d) Delete the column you just moved from the original table except for
the determinate which will serve as a foreign key.
e) The determinate becomes the primary key of the new table.
To transform SUPPLIERS in to 3NF, we create a new table
called CITY_STATUS and move the columns city and
status in to it.
Status is deleted from the original table, city is left behind
to serve as a foreign key to CITY_STATUS, and the
original table is renamed to SUPPLIER_CITY to reflect its
semantic meaning .
s# City
London 20
S1 London
S2 Paris Paris 10
S3 Paris Athens 30
S4 London
Rome 50
S5 Athens
The result of putting the original table in to 3NF
has created three tables.
PARTS(s#,P#,qty)-Primary Key(s#,p#), foreign
key(s#) references SUPPLIER_CITY.s#
SUPPLIER_CITY(s#,city)-primary key(s#),
foreign key(city) references CITY_STATUS.city
CITY_STATUS(city, status) primary key (city)
s# City S# P# qty
S1 London S1 P1 300
S2 Paris S1 P2 200
S3 Paris S1 P3 400
S4 London S1 P4 200
S5 Athens S1 P5 100
S1 P6 100
S2 P1 300
S2 P2 400
S3 P2 200
City Status S4 P2 200
London 20 S4 P4 300
Paris 10 S4 P5 400
Athens 30
Rome 50