Characterization and Classification of Disease
Characterization and Classification of Disease
Characterization and Classification of Disease
Classification of Disease
Prof. Dr. Siti Balkis Budin
MD (UKM) MSc (Ulster UK) PhD (UKM)
Concept of Health
• Prefixes
• ana- = absence
• dys = disorder eg; dysplasia
• Hyper = excess over normal eg; hypertension
• hypo = deficiency below normal
• meta = a change from one state to another state eg; metaplasia
• Suffixes
• -itis = inflammatory process eg; appendicitis
• -oma = tumour
• -osis = state or condition eg; osteoporosis
• -penia = lack of eg; osteopenia
• -cytosis = increase no of cell usually in blood eg; leukocytosis
• -ectasis = dilatation eg; bronchiectasis
• -plasia = disorder of growth eg; neoplasia
• -opathy = abnormal state eg; lymphadenopathy