Harry Potter

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Asia Pshenychna

Harry Potter



Hedwig’s Theme

The Stone Theme


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John William wrote and conducted the music for “Harry Potter and
Phisolopher’s Stone”. He also composed Star Wars, Jaws, Jurassic Park,
Indiana Jones, and many more.
Though Williams only scored the first three films (The Sorcerer’s
Stone, The Chamber of Secrets, and the Prisoner of Azkaban), several
motifs that he created have been reprised and incorporated into later
scores; in particular
Hedwig's Theme, which can be heard in all eight films.

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incorporatethe use of leitmotifs to symbolize certain objects, settings, and ideas.

Hedwig’s Theme Harry’s Family Theme Hedwig’s Theme

The most recognizable song from Convey emotional feelings about The last piece of music in the
the entire Harry Potter series having a home “Harry Potter and Philosopher's
Stone” movie

Harp and string accompaniment begin this track,

Represents the most
and the first theme heard is a reprise of the
desired magical object
‘Family Theme’, which was heard when Harry.
The Stone Theme learned about his family history in earlier scenes

Leaving Hogwarts

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Hedwig’s Theme
• It is named after Harry’s elegant • One component uniquely intertwined
snowy owl, Hedwig, the theme into the instrumentation is the sound of
doesn’t just accompany her on-screen tinkling bells whose sound are found in
moments and instead represents the all eight films within the theme itself and
whole wizarding world of Harry in many other pieces.
Potter throughout the eight films.
• it is based in the key of E minor, and
• Furthermore, the celesta is often used develops into a more chromatic melody.
as the main instrument for this theme,
a keyboard instrument whose keys
strike metal bars that sound like small

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Hedwig’s Theme

Hedwig’s Theme breaks down into two closely related sections that repeat

A – B – A – B – A (song form)

• Section A
E minor’s dominant seventh
chord, B-D#-F#-A

But with substituting F# with F,

and A with A#

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Hedwig’s Theme

Section B
• The B section of Hedwig’s Theme shares many of the musical features of the A section:
it is exactly the same 16-bar length, it retains the same orchestration in the celeste, and it closes with virtually
the same 6-bar passage.
• The melody of the B section differs from that of the A section in that it does not sound the tonic of E
minor until the very last note, instead hovering mainly around its dominant note.
• Harmonies at the start of bars 20
and 22 are from chords known as
“augmented sixths”, which tend to
have an unearthly sound when
paired with a sustained tonic note
in the bass, as here.
• Saint-Saëns’ “Aquarium” is another
Presentation title well known example of this. 7
The Stone Motif
This theme is based on striking and
dramatic three-note melody that pierces
through at dark or revelatory moments
that are
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key drivers in the plot

– for example, at the climax of Harry’s

discovering Gringotts Bank for the first
time, when Hagrid’s ‘grubby little
package’, the Philosopher’s Stone, is
first seen.

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