6 - Alveolar Bone

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Alveolar bone

 The alveolar process is the portion of the maxilla and
mandible that forms and supports the tooth sockets .
 It forms when the tooth erupts and disappear gradually
after the tooth is lost .

Compact Spongy
(cortical (cancellous
bone ) bone )
The alveolar process consists of the following :
1- The extenral plate of cortical bone , formed by
haversion bone and compact bone lamellae.
2- The inner socket wall of thin compact bone is
called the alveolar bone proper which is seen as
lamina dura in radiograhs . Histologlogically , it
contains aseries of openings (cribriform plate ) .
3- Cancellous trabeculae , between these two
compact layers , which act as supporting alveolar
bone .
The cancellous bone is found predominantly in
the inter radicular and inter dental space and in
limited amounts facially and lingually ,
exception the palate . In the adult human more
cancellous bone exists in the maxilla than
mandible .
Composition of the alveolar bone
• Osteocyte
cell • osteoblast
• osteoclast

• Inorganic (2/3)
Extracellular • Organic (1/3)
1- Cells
a- Osteoblasts :
 Produce the organic matrix of bone .
 Are differentiated from pluripotent follicle cells .
 Each osteoblast carries out a cycle of matrix synthesis after
which it is either burred as an osteocyte or remain in surface
as a resting or inactive osteoblast .
b – Osteoclasts :
 They are large multinucleated giants cells .
 They originated from hematopoietic tissue and formed by the
fusion of mononuclear cells population .
 Are main cells responsible for bone resorption .
c- Osteocytes :
 Osteocyte represent the most abundant cell type of bone .
 They formed by incorporation of osteoblast into the bone
matrix .
 It occupies a small chamber called a lacuna .
 Have cytoplasmic which extend from the cell toward other
osteocytes in small channel called canaliculi .
2- Extra cellular materix
a) organic materix

consist mainly (90%) of collagen type 1 with small amount of non

collagenous proteins such as osteocalcin , osteonectin ,bone
mophogenetic protein , phosphproteins and proteoglycan
b) Inorganic
 Composed of principally of the minerals calcium and
phosphate , along with hydroxyl carbonate citrate , and trace
amount of other ions such as sodium , magnesium and
fluorine .
 The mineral salts are in form of hydroxy apatite .
 Remodeling is the major pathway of bony changes
in shape, resistance to forces, repair of wounds, and calcium and
phosphate homeostasis in the body .
Bone contains 99% of calcium ions of the body and
therefore is the major source for calcium release when
the calcium blood levels decrease , this is monitored by the
parathyroid gland .
 Blood calcium decrease is mediated by receptors on the chief
cells of the parathyroid glands, which then release
parathyroid hormone (PTH).
 PTH stimulates osteoblasts to release interleukin 1 and 6,
which stimulates monocytes to migrate into the bone area.
• Ten Cate described the sequence of events in the
resorptive process as follows:
1) Attachment of osteoclasts to the mineralized surface of bone
2) Creation of a sealed acidic environment through action of
the proton pump, which demineralizes bone and exposes the
organic matrix
3) Degradation of the exposed organic matrix to its constituent
amino acids by the action of released enzymes, such as acid
phosphatase and cathepsine
4) Sequestering of mineral ions and amino acids within the
The osseous topography

 The anatomy of the alveolar bone varies from patient to

patient . Normally it conforms to the root prominence with
intervening depressions that taper towards the margins .
 The factors that affect the height and thickness of the facial
and lingual plates are :-
a) Alignment of the teeth .
b) Angulation of the root to the bone
c) Occlusal forces .
Bone marrow
 In the embryo and new born the cavities of all bones are
occupied by red hematopoietic marrow. The red marrow
gradually undergoes a physiologic change to the fatty or
yellow inactive type of marrow. In the adult, the marrow of
the jaw is normally of the latter type .
 Foci of red bone marrow are occasionally seen in the jaws,
Common locations are the :-
 Maxillary tuberosity .
 Maxillary and mandibular molar and premolar areas .
 Mandibular symphysis .
 ramus angle.
Inter dental septum:
 The inter dental septum consist of cancellous bone bordered
by the cribriform plates ( lamina dura ) of approximating teeth
and the facial and lingual cortical plates .
 If the the inter dental space is narrow , the septum may
consist of only the cribriform plate .
 The mesiodistal and faciolingiual dimensions and shape of the
interdental septum are governed by
1) The size and convexity of the crowns of the two
approximating teeth .
2) Position of the teeth in the jaw .
3) Their degree of eruption .
Periosteum and Endosteum
 The periosteum is the tissue that cover the outer surface of
bone , and consist of an inner layer composed of osteoblasts
surrounded by osteoprogenitor cells , outer layer rich in
blood vessels and nerves and composed of collagen fibers and
fibroblasts .
 The endosteum is composed of single layer of osteoblasts
and small amount of connective tissue.The inner layer is the
osteogenic layer and the outer is the fibrous layer .
Fenestration and dehiscences

 Fenestration are isolated areas in which root surfaces is

covered only by the periosteum and gingiva . The marginal
bone remains intact .
 Dehiscences are extension of denuded area through the
marginal bone . Such
defects occur in about 20% of the teeth , they occur more
often on the facial bone than on the lingual , are more
common on the anterior teeth than on the posterior teeth ,
and frequently bilateral
 The cause of the defects is not clear
Predisposing factors

a) Prominent root contour .

b) Malposition .
c) Labial protrusion of the root combined with thin bony
plate .
Function of the alveolar bone

1- Protection .
2- Attachment .
3-Support .
4-Shock absorption .

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