MTA Presentation

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(2 x 800 MW)

Gadarwara Super Thermal Power Station

Critical Parameters, Need for health assessment,
Environmental hazards and mitigation thereof

Presented by:-
1. Siddhant Jain Asati, ET (civil)
Presentation brief

1 Overview of ash production and disposal

2 Critical Parameters of Ash Dyke

3 Need for Health assessment

4 Environmental Hazards and mitigation thereof.

Ash generation in India
 Annually about 271 million tones of ash as solid waste/by product being released during the
process of generation of electricity by combustion of pulverized bituminous, sub
bituminous, and lignite coal. Indian coal having a low calorific value (3500Kcal/Kg) results
in in 30-60% ash content. (CEA September 2022)
 Most of the fine dust entrained by the flue gages leaving the boiler and collected by fabric
filter or electrostatic precipitator is known as precipitated fly Ash (PFA), which results 80%
of the total coal combustion. The rest of 20% particle, including unburned carbon settle to
the bottom of the boiler called Bottom Ash (BA).
 Because of economic viability, thermal power stations most widely dispose both perforated
fly ash and bottom ash together as a slurry to the pond in which it stored for a longer period.

Ash Dyke

 Ash Dykes are retaining structures to contain ash slurry (or continuous placement of
unused ash to ensure uninterrupted operation of the thermal power plant) and settled ash
(till it is used for any beneficial purpose). At the disposal areas, storage space is created by
constructing ash dyke embankments all around, within which ash particles will be allowed
to settle and the decanted water is allowed to escape though outlet structure.

Useful Terminologies
 Ash: All the coal or lignite ash generated at TPP, such as ESP Ash (Electro Static Precipitator), dry Fly
Ash, Bottom Ash (BA), Pond Ash and Mound Ash for the purpose of utilization.
 Fly Ash: Ash Extracted from flue gases by any suitable process.
 Bottom Ash: Ash collected separately at the bottom of the boiler furnace.
 Pond Ash: Fly ash or bottom ash or both mixed in any proportion and conveyed in slurry / paste form
and deposited in pond / lagoon.
 Mound Ash: Fly ash or bottom ash or both mixed in any proportion and conveyed in dry form and
deposited dry.
 Legacy Ash: It is the unutilized/ accumulated fly ash deposited in ash ponds before the publication of
MOEF&CC Notification for ash utilization dated 31st, December 2021

Steam circulation system -Desuperheater/attemperators

 Spray attemperators often called

desuperheaters are used to control final
superheater & reheater temperature. The
spray attemperators works by spraying
water from feedwater system in to
steam flow. The water immediately
flashes in to steam. The more water
injected in to steam, the more heat used
to vaporized it thus reduced the temp of

Steam circulation system -Desuperheater/attemperators
Two spray-type superheater (SH) attemperators are installed in NTPC Ltd. Gadarwara Boiler in two
i) 1st stage - Connecting links between the Separator Riser Tubes Outlet Header and the SH Roof Inlet
ii) 2nd Stage- Connecting links between the superheater platen outlet headers and the finishing SH inlet


Two spray-type reheater (RH) desuperheaters are installed in the connecting links between the low
temperature reheater pendant outlet header and the RH finishing inlet header.


Steam circulation system -Desuperheater/attemperators
The spray attemperator nozzel is located in a thermal sleeve/liner that is
installed in the steam piping, sleeve/ liner protect pipe from thermal stress or
shock that could crack the pipe if cold water directly comes with the contact
of hot pipe.

The Superheater attemperator nozzle consists of several holes along the

length in one fourth cord of diameter. One end of this pipe is closed with a
socket shape guide and other end of the pipe gets welded with the spray inlet
pipe, which is again welded with cross over pipes. While fitting the holes
should be directed towards the portion of cross over pipe with liners, the same
can be ensured by matching punch marks. And proper seal welding of the
spray-pipe with inlet pipe should be ensured.
• Liners shall be examined visually using Videoscope, first after
100000 running hours or RLA study of boiler to ascertain their
position in the attemperator body and status of pitting and erosion
signs on inside surface of liners due to cavitations if any. Subsequent
inspection shall be done after every five years from first inspection
during unit overhauling.
• Frequent failure is complete detachment of attemperator spray
nozzles in boilers. This cracking arises from low cycle high strain
fatigue due to differential expansion, particularly at changes in
section and transition joints between ferritic / austentic materials.

Safety valve construction setting and maintenance

 Automatic pressure relieving device actuated by static pressure upstream of the valve.
 Safety valve is a key device used to protect against overpressure condition.
 The number of SV used in the boiler generally determined by the total steam generating capacity
by the boiler being equal to or less than the total relieving capacity of the safety valves.
 Relieving capacity is the capacity a SV released when opened/popup.
 Selection of SV location is also very important in drum type boiler SV located at following
Steam drum
MS line before Stop valve
HRH line
Super heater

Safety valve construction setting and maintenance
 Components of Spring loaded Safety Valve

Safety valve construction setting and maintenance

Maintenance Of SV:
 Remove the cap and remove the lever inspect the parts for any physical damage and for any erosion
sign measure ferrul length.
 lose the lock nut and adjusting nut and remove the bonnet of the SV along with the spindle with the
help of Chain block.
 remove the cotter pin and remove the disc holder from spindle and disc check for any physical
damage & steam erosion on disc and disc holder.
 Inspect the seat and adjusting ring for any steam erosion.
 If steam erosion observed on seat and disc than following steps has to be followed:
A) Seat cutting by single point cutting tool.
B) Chambering and face preparation of seat as per the requirement.

Safety valve construction setting and maintenance
 C) Lapping of the seat with the help of lapping tool mirror finish is required.
 D) Lapping of the disc with the help of lapping tool mirror finish is required.
 E) Blue matching of the mating surface i.e. disc and seat 100 % matching required.
 F) all internals needs to be cleaned properly and placed securely.

If SV is severely damaged means there is a crack in seat or body crack in such case SV has to be

Safety valve construction setting and maintenance
 Pressure setting of Safety valve-

 At shop- Bench test Machine

All supplied SV setting must be done in shop as per design data sheet.

 At site-Online Trevi testing

After performing any maintenance work or after every overhaul online setting of the SV must be carried

Note: IBR regulation must be followed for setting of SV.

Thank You
Stay Safe and Healthy

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