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• Four rounds
• Over 100 questions
• A Computer Science Battle
• 1 WINNER!!!
1) Round 1 is called general round with
10 random questions listed on the
display board.
2) Each team will be given a sheet with
questions numbers. Said team will
mark appropriate answers on them.
3) Each question will be worth 1 point.
4) There will be no negative marking.

a) Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer
Q. What is the b)Chat Generative Pre- Transmitter
expanded form of c)Chat Generating Pro Transformer
ChatGPT? d)Chat Generating Pro Trained Transformer
a) Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer
Q. What is the b)Chat Generative Pre- Transmitter
expanded form of c)Chat Generating Pro Transformer
ChatGPT? d)Chat Generating Pro Trained Transformer
Q. Which
encryption protocol a) SSL/
secures internet b) SMTP
communication c) TCP/IP
between a web d) POP3
browser and a
Q. Which encryption
algorithm is a) DES
considered the most b) RSA
secure and widely c) AES/
used for secure d) RC4
communication on the
Q. What is the
a) WebSocket is a network protocol, while HTTP is
fundamental an application protocol./
difference between b) WebSocket uses TCP, while HTTP uses UDP.
HTTP and c) WebSocket is stateless, while HTTP is stateful.
WebSocket in web d) There is no fundamental difference between
communication? them
Q. What is the a) To create new tables.
purpose of the SQL b) To update existing records.
command "JOIN" c) To retrieve data from multiple tables based on a
in database related column./
queries? d) To delete data from a table.
Q. What does the
term "MIMO" a) Mobile Internet Management Organization
b) Multi-Input Multi-Output/
stand for in
c) Maximum Information Modelling Option
d) Media and Internet Management Office
Q. What is the a) To store textures and 3D models
purpose of a "frame b) To manage network connections
buffer" in gaming c) To provide a temporary storage space for
rendered frames/
graphics? d) To create game scripts
Q. Which of the
following is a term
used in the gaming a) Live Service/
industry to describe b) Content creation
a game's c) Progress service
continuous release d) DLC (Downloadable Content)
of new content and
updates over time?
Q. In video game a) Let's Find Gamers
streaming, what b) Looking For Group/
does the term c) Long-Framing Game
"LFG" stand for? d) Let’s Freaking Go
Q. Which gaming
platform is known a) Xbox Live
for its support of b) PlayStation Network
user-generated c) Steam Workshop/
content and custom d) GOG Galaxy
game modes?
Q. Which company
developed the
popular gaming a) Microsoft
b) Electronic Arts
platform Steam,
c) Valve Corporation/
known for its
d) Ubisoft
digital distribution
of video games?
1) Round 2 is called the Visual round with
questions related to picture that will be
2) Each question will be worth 4 points.
3) Potluck system – The answering team
will be decided using chits.
4) Passed questions will redeem only 2

Q. Which operating
system is this logo
associated with ?
Q. Identify the logo
of the company
which manufacture
the products related
to gaming.
Q. Which
application does this
logo belong to ?
Q. This is a mascot
of which feature on
a popular instant
messaging and VoIP
social platform?
Q. He is the CEO of
which company that
owns a famous
language model?
Q. This is the logo of
which Multiplayer
Online Battle
“Delighting You Always”
Q. Identify the tagline
of the company
which is a constituent
of TOPIX Core 30
and Nikkei 225
Q.He is the founder
of which Crypto
Q.Which American
company recently
won the FDA
approval for human
study of brain
Q. This is a Debian-derived
Linux distribution managed
and funded by Offensive
Security Ltd, designed
for digital
forensics and penetration
testing. Which is this very
famous OS majorly
developed for Hackers and
software testers?
Q.Which internet
browser is this?
Q.Identify the logo.
Q.This is the first
wide-area packet-
switched network
with distributed
control. Name it.
1) Each question will be worth 2 points.
2) Questions will be shown on the screen and then
recited aloud.
3) Students will raise their hands to answer.
4) Only one student will raise their hand from one
5) Students will raise their hand ONLY after
question recitation is COMPLETE.
6) In case of a time clash, the team that has
answered less questions will answer first.
7) Wrong question will result in negative marking
of ½ marks.

Q. In which decade
did the first a) 1850s
b) 1860s
c) 1870s
radio broadcast
d) 1890s
occur ?
Q. Number of bit a) 32 bit
b) 64 bits
used by IPv6
c) 128bits
address are?
d) 256bits
Q. Which of the
following is not a a) MySQL
b) Oracle
c) Sybase
Q. ______is the
way of combining a) Data Abstraction
both DATA and b) Data Encapsulation
FUNCTIONS c) Data Hidimg
under single unit
called Class. d) Modularity
Q. Where is the a) Texas
headquarter of b) New York
Microsoft office c) California
d) Washington
a) Julian Assange
Q. Who created b) Bill Gates
WikiLeaks? c) David Karp
d) Alan Turing
a) Structures
Q. One form of b) Pointers
Linear List is__ c) Array
d) None
Q. The first web
browser to have an a) TOR Browser
b) EPIC Browser
integrated a Virus
c) Firefox Browser
protection system
d) Midori Browser
Q. Cloud9 was a
team that mainly a) COD : Modern Warfare
competed in b) PUBG
professional c) Rocket League
tournaments for d) CS:GO
which game ?
Q. Which of the a) AMD
following b) Intel
companies do not c) Nvidia
make CPUs? d) Ryzen
a) Distributed Denial Of Service
b) Distributed Decline Of Service
Q. What is DDOS? c) Destruction Distributed Over Space
d) Distributed Destruction Of Service
Q. Name one or both
of the designers of John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert
the ENIAC.
Q. Who is John Logie Baird
considered the
father of Television ?
Q. How many 1024
TeraBytes is a
Q. How many 1024
TeraBytes in a
Q. What is the latest WPA3 (Wi-Fi Protected Access 3)
Wi-Fi encryption
technology ?

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