Joburg Water'S Code of Conduct For Staff
Joburg Water'S Code of Conduct For Staff
Joburg Water'S Code of Conduct For Staff
• For ease of reading/presentation, sentences in the presentation have been bulleted. These have
been reflected in italics to reflect that the bullets are not from the text of the code of conduct
but merely to emphasise the key points in the text to participants
4. Personal Gain
5. Disclosure of Benefits
7. Undue influence
9. Council Property
b)foster a culture of commitment to serving the public and a collective sense of responsibility for performance in
terms of standards and targets;
c)promote and seek to implement the basic values and principles of public administration described in section
195 (1) of the Constitution;
d)obtain copies of or information about the municipality’s integrated development plan, and as far as possible
within the ambit of the staff member’s job description, seek to implement the objectives set out in the
integrated development plan, and achieve the performance targets set out for each performance indicator;
e)participate in the overall performance management system for the municipality, as well as the staff member’s
individual performance appraisal and reward system, if such exists, in order to maximise the ability of the
municipality as a whole to achieve its objectives and improve the quality of life of its residents.
a) A staff member of a municipality may not—
a) use the position or privileges of a staff member, or confidential information obtained as a staff
member, for private gain or to improperly benefit another person; or
b) take a decision on behalf of the municipality concerning a matter in which that staff member, or that
staff member’s spouse, partner or business associate, has a direct or indirect personal or private
business interest.
b) Except with the prior consent of the council of a municipality a staff member of the municipality
may not—
a) be a party to a contract for—
i. the provision of goods or services to the municipality; or
ii. the performance of any work for the municipality otherwise than as a staff member;
b) obtain a financial interest in any business of the municipality; or
c) be engaged in any business, trade or profession other than the work of the municipality.
1. A staff member of a municipality who, or
• whose spouse, partner, business associate or family member,
• acquired or stands to acquire any direct benefit from a contract concluded
with the municipality,
• must disclose in writing full particulars of the benefit to the council.
2. This term does not apply to a benefit which a staff member, or
• a spouse, partner, business associate or close family member,
1. has or acquires in common with all other residents of the municipality.
1. A staff member of a municipality may not without permission disclose any
privileged or confidential information obtained as a staff member of the
municipality to an unauthorised person.
2. For the purpose of this item “privileged or confidential information”
includes any information—
a) determined by the municipal council or any structure or functionary of
the municipality to be privileged or confidential;
b) discussed in closed session by the council or a committee of the council;
c) disclosure of which would violate a person’s right to privacy; or
d) declared to be privileged, confidential or secret in terms of any law.
3. This item does not derogate from a person’s right of access to information
in terms of national legislation.
1. A staff member of a municipality may not—
a) unduly influence or attempt to influence the council of the municipality,
or a structure or functionary of the council, or a councillor, with a view to
obtaining any appointment, promotion, privilege, advantage or benefit,
or for a family member, friend or associate;
b) mislead or attempt to mislead the council, or a structure or functionary
of the council, in its consideration of any matter; or
c) be involved in a business venture with a councillor without the prior
written consent of the council of the municipality.
1. A staff member of a municipality may not request, solicit or accept any
reward, gift or favour for—
a) persuading the council of the municipality, or any structure or functionary of the
council, with regard to the exercise of any power or the performance of any duty;
b) making a representation to the council, or any structure or functionary of the
c) disclosing any privileged or confidential information; or
d) doing or not doing anything within that staff member’s powers or duties.
2. A staff member must without delay report to a superior official or to the
speaker of the council any offer, which, if accepted by the staff member, would
constitute a breach of subitem (1)