Risk Management and Insurance-CH 01 One
Risk Management and Insurance-CH 01 One
Risk Management and Insurance-CH 01 One
Chapter –1-
Risk and Related Topics
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Defining of Risk
Risk: Uncertainty concerning the occurrence of a loss
Loss Exposure: Any situation or circumstance in which a loss is
possible, regardless of whether a loss occurs.
Objective Risk vs. Subjective Risk
• Objective risk also called degree of risk.
• It is defined as the relative variation of actual loss from
expected loss
• It can be statistically calculated using a measure of dispersion, such as
the standard deviation and Cov.
• Subjective risk is defined as uncertainty based on a person’s
mental condition or state of mind
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Risk vs. Uncertainty
• Risk is measured by probability but Uncertainty is measured
by the degree of belief.
• Risk is a state of the world but Uncertainty is a state of the
• Risk is largely objective while uncertainty subjective.
Risk and Probability
• Probabilities are generally assigned to events that are expected
to happen in the future.
• Risk, on the other hand, refers to the variation in the possible
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Peril and Hazard
A peril is defined as the cause of the loss
• In an auto accident, the collision is the peril
A hazard is a condition that increases the chance of loss
1. Physical hazards are physical conditions that
increase the chance of loss (icy roads, defective
2. Moral hazard is dishonesty or character defects
in an individual, that increase the chance of loss
(faking accidents, inflating claim amounts)
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3. Attitudinal Hazard (Morale Hazard) is
carelessness or indifference to a loss, which
increases the frequency or severity of a loss
(leaving keys in an unlocked car)
4. Legal Hazard refers to characteristics of the
legal system or regulatory environment that
increase the chance of loss.
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Classification of Risk
I. Financial Vs. Non-Financial Risks
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Liability risks involve the possibility of being held
liable for bodily injury or property damage to someone
Commercial Risks
Is risk a company takes by offering credit with no collateral
Business firms also face a wide variety of pure risks that can
financially bankrupt the firm if a loss occurs.
These risks include:
(1) property risks (2) liability risks,
(3) loss of business income, and (4) other risks.
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Property Risks
• Business firms own valuable business property that
can be damaged or destroyed by numerous perils,
including fires, windstorms, tornadoes, hurricanes,
earthquakes, and other perils.
Liability Risks
Loss of Business Income
• The risk happened when a covered physical damage
loss occurs.
• During the shutdown period, the firm would lose
business income.
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End of
Chapter -1-
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