Bed Positioning With Diagnosis
Bed Positioning With Diagnosis
Bed Positioning With Diagnosis
• Comfort
• Safety
• Dignity
• Privacy
• Support the patient’s airway and
maintain the circulation throughout
the procedure (e.g., in surgery, in
examination, specimen collection, and
treatment). Impaired venous return to
the heart, and ventilation-to-perfusion
mismatching are common
• Proper positioning promotes
comfort by preventing nerve
damage and by preventing
unnecessary extension or
rotation of the body.
• Maintaining patient dignity and
privacy. In surgery, proper positioning
is a way to respect the patient’s
dignity by minimizing exposure of the
patient who often feels vulnerable
• Allows maximum visibility and
access. Proper positioning allows
ease of surgical access as well as
for anesthetic administration
during perioperative phase.
Guidelines for Patient Positioning
HOB elevated 30
To promote
degrees, avoid knee
Sickle maximum lung
gatch and putting
Cell Anemia strain on painful expansion and assist
in breathing.
To prevent
pooling of blood
Varicose veins, Elevate in the legs and
leg ulcers, and extremities facilitate venous
venous above heart return; avoid
insufficiency level. prolonged
Bed rest with
affected limb
Deep vein After 24 hours after To promote
thrombosis heparin therapy, circulation.
patient can
ambulate if pain
level permits.
HOB elevated 30-45 To prevent
hageal fistula
degrees. reflux.
After shunt placement:
Ventriculo Place on non-operative
peritoneal side in flat position.
Avoid rapid
shunt (for HOB raised 15-30 degrees
fluid drainage.
Hydrocephal if ICP is increased.
us Do not hold infant with
treatment) head elevated.
Place in low-Fowler’s
position then raise To decrease
Dehiscence knees or instruct knees tension on the
and support them with a abdomen.
Acute To promote
Respiratory oxygenation via
High Fowler’s
Distress Syndrome maximum chest
(ARDS) expansion.
Patient should be
Air embolism Turn to LEFT repositioned with the
from dislodged side or place right atrium above the
central venous in gas entry site so that
line Trendelenburg. trapped air will not
move into the
pulmonary circulation.
High Fowler’s
Tripod position: To promote
sitting position oxygenation via
while leaning maximum chest
forward with hands expansion.
on knees.
To promote
Chronic Obstructive
High Fowler’s maximum lung
Pulmonary Disease
Orthopneic position expansion and assist
in breathing.
High Fowler’s To promote maximum
Emphysema Orthopneic position lung expansion
High Fowler’s To provide maximal
To maximize breathing
High Fowler’s mechanisms.
Lay on affected side
Pneumonia To splint and reduce
Lay with affected pain.
lung up To reduce congestion.
To promote
maximum lung
Pneumothorax High Fowler’s expansion and assist
in breathing.
High Fowler’s,
Pulmonary legs To decrease edema
edema dependent and congestion
High Fowler’s
To promote maximum
Pulmonary Turn patient to
lung expansion and
embolism LEFT side and
assist in breathing.
lower HOB
To provide maximal
Flail chest High Fowler’s comfort and maximize
breathing mechanisms.