HP Laptops
HP Laptops
HP Laptops
• Find the URL to scrape the data
• Request the server for the response
• Inspect the page
• Identify the data to extract
• Store the data in required format
Web scraping
• Python
• Request
• BeautifulSoup
Data Cleaning and Manipulation
• Numpy
• Pandas
• Regular Expression
Data Visualization
• Matplotlib
• Seaborn
Steps for collecting Data
Analysis: From this bar plot we can say that most of the laptops are
manufactured with a screen size of 35.6 cm.
Pie Chart:
• Here we plotted the percentage of laptops by taking the percentage column.
Analysis: From this plot we can say most of the laptops have an offer of 9%
• Violin plot:This plot is plotted using Price data. We can observe that most of the data is
concentrated in the range 80000-100000.
Analysis: We can observe that most of the price data is concentrated in the range 80000-
Bivariate Analysis
Bar plot: In this plot we can observe the price ranges of each Operating System.
Analysis: From this we can say that for Windows 11 Pro the price is more compared to other two
• Bar Plot: Here Processor type and price columns are considered for plotting.
Analysis: From this we can observe that AMD processor type laptops have a lesser price
compared to the laptops with Intel processor.
• Stacked Bar Plot: for Screen Size and Operating System
Analysis: Here only for the screen size of 35.6 cm all types of OS hp is offering are available.
Multivariate Analysis
• This Heat map gives the correlation between the columns used in DataFrame
• Line Plot: In this plot we considered RAM, Hard Drive and Processor type columns for plotting
the graph.
Analysis: From this plot we can observe that compared to AMD, laptops with Intel processor
have highest RAM even though they have a lesser storage. Meanwhile, for AMD the RAM and
storage have increased linearly i.e., if RAM is increased simultaneously storage is also
Scatter Plot: Scatter plot is plotted between Price, Screen size and Processor type.
Analysis: From the above plot we can depict that laptops with Intel processor with screen size of
35.6 cm are more concentrated in 65000 to 95000 price range.
Challenges Faced
• Had same tags and values.
• Losing data.
• We were not able to extract data about the ratings and no. of reviews for a given product.
• Collected Data in unordered way which is not readable and we converted into readable format
by using regex.