Industrial Safety

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* The management also has to well as the play an important role in the design of the system in such a manner that it is not prone to accidents * The plant layout and the machines as the tool should be designed with accident preventation in mind

* The management also has to play an d be important role in the design of the system in such a manner that it is not prone to accidents

* The plant layout and the machines as well as the tools should be designed with accident prevention in mind

General principles of a plant layout

Need to keep minimum distance for transfer of material between plant/storage units to reduse

coasts and risk ; The geographical limitation of the site; Interaction with existing or planned facilities on site such as existing roadways, drinage; Interaction with other plants on sites; The need to locate hazardous material facilities as far as possible from site boundries and people living in the local neighborhood;

The need for plant operability and maintainability;

The need to prevent confinement where

releases of flexible substance may occur; The need provide access for emergency services; The need to provide emergency excape routes for on-site personnel; The need to provide acceptable working condition for operation;

From safety point of view

Prevent, limit another and/or

mitigateescalation of adjacent events(domino); Ensure safety within on-site occupied bulidings; Control access of unauthorized personnel; Facilities access for emergency services;

Inherent safety
Intensification to reduse inventories; Substitution of hazardous substances by less

hazaradous alternatives; Attenuation to reduce hazaradous proccess conditions i.e temperature,pressure; Simpler system/process to reduse potential loss of containment or possibility of errors causing a hazaradous event; Fail-safe design e,g, valvepositin on failure;

Risk indices
The inharent safety index is the onlyone that whole process roules can be assessed and so the

most suitable route for further developmecan be found. This method also compares the inherent safet index of plant with the cost of capital and production-it is belived that inherently safe plants are cost-effective plants. These do not identify specific hazard, but rather point out the area of high concentration of risk, for this deeper analysis or supplementary safety measures are required;

Domino effects
Hazard assessment of a site layout is critical

to ensure consequence loss of containment and minimum chance of escalation;

Domino may be by fire, explosion or toxic

gas cloud.

A fire can spread in four ways;
Direct burning(including running liquid fires)
Convection; Radiation; Conduction;

Active and passive fire protection systems

Use of fire extinguishers or water sprinklers constitute active fire protection system;

Passive fire protection system include coating of fire resistant insulating media applied to a vessel or steel surface or a fire wall; An important criterion in deciding which system is most appropriate for fire exposure protection is the likely duration of the exposure to fire as passive fire protection is only effective for short duration exposure (1-2 hours)

The following site factors should be considered in determining weather active and passive fire protection measures are required;

* fire hazard posed by substance; * toxicity of substances and the smoke produced; * Inventory size; * Frequency of hazardus operations;

Explosion propagation may be directly by

preasure waves or indirectly by missiles as for fires, inherently safe methods that should be considered are; Arranging separation distances such that damage to adjacent plants will not occur even in the worst case; Provision of barriers e.g. blast walls, location in strong buildings;

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