BKP Dislocations & Related Processes
BKP Dislocations & Related Processes
BKP Dislocations & Related Processes
• Dislocations
- Types
-- Edge
-- Screw
-- Mixed
-- Partial (reaction)
-- Stair rod
-- Sessile
-- Glissile
- Generation
-- Frank-Reed Source
- Effects
-- Straining
-- Energy
-- Material hardening/strengthening
-- Plastic deformation/forming/shaping
Dislocations and Related Processes
- Processes/phenomena
-- Climbing
-- Jogging
-- Kinking
- Slip
- Slip planes & directions (slip system)
- Annihilation/removal
- Pinning
- Pile up
- Cross-slip
• Dislocation
- Irregularity in atomic arrangement over a
certain length of region
• Dislocation line
- The line along which irregularity occurs
• Burger’s circuit
- The closed loop surrounding the dislocation
- Formed by proceeding through the
undisturbed region surrounding a dislocation in
a crystal structure
• Produces lattice strain (distortion)
• Direction and magnitude of such distortion is
expressed in terms of a Burgers vector b
• Play a major role in controlling end properties of
• Movement of dislocations leads to slip
Dislocation core
Dislocation line
Burgers vector
Dislocation line
-ve edge dislocation
3 3 3 3
4 4
Direction of dislocation
• Slip Directions
- Highest Linear Density
• Slip System
= No. of Slip Planes x No. of Slip Direction
Slip System in FCC Structure
• Slip system = 4 x 3 = 12
• Coordination no: 12
Slip System in BCC Structure
• {110} planes the most densely packed planes
• Slip system = 3 x 1 = 3
Important !!
Slip system in BCC
Dislocation Movement
• The dislocations move along the densest
planes in the densest directions because
- The stress needed to move the dislocation
increases with the length of the Burgers
vector and interplanar spacing
• There are many such dense planes in FCC and
BCC metals, so these materials have high
ductility, meaning that they deform a great
deal before they break/crack
• Dislocations allow slip at much lower stress
than in a perfect crystal
• If the top half of the crystal is slipping one
plane at a time then only a small fraction of the
bonds are broken at any given time requiring a
much smaller force
Dislocation Movement
• In the process of slipping one plane at a time, a
dislocation is created and propagates across the
Note: slip does not occur by rigid displacement over the entire
surface but by steps through the movement of dislocations
Movement of Dislocations
Slip does not occur by rigid displacement over the entire surface
but in steps through the movement of dislocations
Dislocation motion via “glide” / “slip”
– Applied stress
– Temperature
– Type of dislocation
h = Gb/[8∏(1-ν)τxy]
- Defined by the force balance between
Fτ and F –
τ τ
Dislocation Line
- New dislocation
-- b primary slip
-- n non‐primary slip
- Dislocation becomes
immobile “locked”
Motion of a Jogged Screw Dislocations
A stable jog increases the
length of the dislocation line
and energy of the crystal
• Many intersections occur
when a screw dislocation
encounters a forest of screw
- This produces vacancy jogs
and/or interstitial jogs.
• Jogs act as pinning points and
cause dislocations to bow out
with the radius R when the shear
stress τ is applied
• At some critical radius Rc the τ
(a) Straight dislocation under zero
required to further decrease R > stress, (b) Dislocation bowed out slip
the stress needed for non- plane between the jogs due to applied
conservative climb. Then the shear stress, (c) Movement of
dislocation will move forward dislocation leaving trails of vacancies
leaving a trail of vacancies behind the jogs
(interstitials) behind each jog Movement of jogged screw dislocation
Motion of a Jogged Screw Dislocation
Figure Formation of dislocation loops from Dislocation dipoles and debris in two-phase
a dislocation dipole. (a) Dislocation dipole; titanium aluminides. Alloy 1, compression at
(b) Elongated dislocation loop; and (c) row T=295 K to strain =3%. (a) Dislocation dipoles
of small loops (i.e., debris). and debris (arrowed) are trailed and
terminated at jogs in screw dislocations.
Dislocation Sources
• All metals initially contain an appreciable
number of dislocations produced from the
growth of the crystal from the melt or vapour
• Gradient of temperature and composition may
γ= / h = x.b/L.h = (b/h.L) . X
γtotal = (b/h.L) Σ Xi
N= number of dislocations
X = ΣXi/N
Dislocation Loops
• Glide loop
- Has Burgers vector b in the plane of the loop
- Expands or contracts under an applied stress
- Contains mixed, edge and screw dislocations
• Prismatic loop
- Pure edge loop
- Has Burgers vector b
perpendicular to the plane of the loop
- Glide plane is the cylinder perpendicular to the
plane of the loop
- Can not expand or contract on the plane of the loop
• Glissile dislocations are mobile in nature
• Sessile dislocations are immobile in nature
• Dislocation density
In general, τ = αGb2
• Energy is minimized for b lowest – b usually
along close packed direction
b = (a/2)< 1 1 0 >
= G · b2 = G · (a/2<110>)2 = G · a2/2
= G · a2/3
• Compare energy:
- ½[110] dislocations have
energy 2a2/4
- Aluminium
-- high SFE
-- more likely to cross
Frank Partial Dislocations
• A set of (111) planes
(viewed from the edge)
has a missing middle A
plane with a Burgers
vector (a/3) [111]
perpendicular to the
Frank partial dislocation or sessile
central stacking fault dislocation
- called a Frank partial
• In FCC systems, Frank
partials bounding the
vacancy disc defining the
stacking fault are given by:
bFrank = a/3<111>
• They can split as into a perfect dislocation with
b = a/2<110>
Frank Partial Dislocations
b1 + b2 b3
From energy consideration, Stacking fault
b12 + b22 > b32
• Conventional to enumerate
- Vertices of the triangle faces of the tetrahedron
by A,B,C,D : AB, BC, CD, AD have Burgers vectors ½ <110>
- Centers of their triangles correspond to the Greek symbols
of the vertices opposite to them e.g. α,β,γ and δ for
triangles BCD, ACD, ABD and ABC respectively
- These symbols represent the faulted atomic positions like
Aδ, Bδ etc. having burgers vectors 1/6 <112>
Thompson Tetrahedron