Business Communication

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Business Communication Objectives

Assist in improving communication skills -Receptive skills(listening and reading) -Expressive skills(speaking and writing) Methodology -Role play -Cases & Lectures -Individual exercises -Group exercises Evaluation Group exercises & presentation /cases/tests -40% Class attendance -10% Exam -50%

The word business stands for any economic activity which is undertaken with a view to earn profit and the communication undertaken in the process of this activity is termed as "business communication.

Communication is the process of exchanging information -conversation through hand signals to messages sent over the global tele-communication networks

The process of communication facilitates interaction among people - Helps to share our knowledge or experience with anybody Common forms of communication:-Speaking-writing-gesturing and broadcasting

The word communication has a rich history Comes from a Latin word communicare that entered the English language in the fourteenth and fifteenth century The latin meanings root word communicare has three possible

1.To make common 2.Cum+munus-i.e having gifts to share in a mutual donation 3.Cum+munire-i.e building together a defense-like the walls of a city Therefore communication means-to tell,inform,show or spread information

Communication can also be defined in the following ways The process by which information and feelings are shared through exchange of verbal or nonverbal messages Successful transmission of information through a common system of symbols, signs, behaviour speech, writing or signals The creation of shared understanding through interaction among two or more agents

Communication depends on the interpretation of a message

by the listener Shared understanding evolves through detection and correction of misunderstanding
Communication is a dynamic processinteractive-ongoing


How you say what you say plays an important role in



Writing 1 % Reading 1% 1 Speaking 1% 1

Listening 1% 1

How do we achieve success in work place ? -Should communicate effectively both in the workplace and with outsiders Highly volatile world where everything is in a state of flux Number of challenges exist in the work place Identifying a problem Arriving at an appropriate solution Co- ordinating people and their activities Developing products and services Developing relationships It needs effectiveness and efficiency in communication

i. It is a process ii. It is inevitable iii. Meaning based iv. Communication could be intentional and unintentional v. Communication is systematic vi. A twoway traffic vii. Communication is a social process viii. A dynamic process

ix. Continuous process x. Communication involves interaction and transaction


xi. xii.

It is spiraling process It is contextual

xiii. Needs proper understanding xiv. Leads achievement of the organizational objective xv. Dispels misunderstanding

xvi. It has four specific skills xvii. It is all pervasive xviii. It shares thoughts and ideas, which produce response xix. It is the life blood of the business:

The objectives of business communication would include the following: To inform To persuade To educate To train To motivate To integrate To relate To entertain To promote To facilitate decision making

CLASSIFICATION OF COMMUNICATION(TYPES OF COMMUNICATION) Communication is classified according to the number of persons (receivers) to whom the message is addressed: Intrapersonal communication-person to person communication Interpersonal Communication-inside or within Group communication Mass communication

Communication can also be classified on the basis of the medium employed(Forms of communication) Verbal Communication

Non-verbal communication(Kinesics-Oculesics-Hapticsproxemicschronemics) Meta communication/formal communication/informal communication

The Mehrabian Model

Professor Albert Mehrabian is a pioneer in the field of understanding communication Established the following statistics which have now become a classic for the effectiveness of spoken communication: 7% -of meaning is in the words that are spoken 38%- of meaning is paralinguistic(the manner in which the words are said) 55% -of meaning is conveyed through facial expression Mehrabian research concluded that 93% of the meaning inferred by the people in the experiment could be accounted for factors as style of speaking,tone,facial expression and body language

The Mehrabian Model

To apply this model to modern communication where visual inputs are absent greater communicating care needs to be exercised while

Cannot be concluded that only 45% of the meaning can be conveyed successfully in all telephonic communication where facial expression is missing

Mehrabian model gives us insight into the nature of human communication

Helps to explain the importance of careful and correct

Business Communication
What is an organizaton?

An organization is a group of persons constituted to achieve certain specific objects

Co-ordination and integration of various human activities is possible only if there is an effective system of communication in the organization which provides for exchange of information and sharing of various ideas

The effectiveness of the management largely depends upon the effectiveness of their communication

Business Communication
Business communication is a specialized branch of general communication No basic difference between the two Process is the same and so are the principles that regulate them

Difference lies in their application to situations General communication plays diverse roles Business communication is specifically concerned with well defined business activities

Business Communication
There are two types of business communication Internal and External Internal activities include-maintaining and improving morale of employees Giving orders to workers Prescribing methods and procedures Announcing policies and organizational changes Keeping management informed

Business Communication
External activities Relate to sale and purchase of goods and services Reporting to the government and shareholders on the financial condition and business operations Creating a favourable business climate

Business Communication
The main features that lend business communication a distinct identity of its own are as follows: It deals with various commercial and industrial subjects It is characterized by certain formal elements as commercial and technical vocabulary-use of graphic-audio visual aidsconventional formats It is impartial and objective as extreme care is taken to convey information accurately and concisely It entails complex writing techniques and procedures

Business Communication
Effective Business Communication The use of effective language to convey a clear business message to achieve a predetermined objective

Business Communication
Characteristics Of Business Communication It is a two-way traffic. It is a continuous process. It is a short-lived process. It needs proper understanding. It leads to the achievement of the organizational objective.

Better quality of document s Enhanced Profession al image Increase productivit y

Lesser misunde rstandin g

Effective communicatio n

Stronger decision making

Increase d awarene ss among Improved customer relationshi p Healthier business relationshi p

Quicker problem solving

Communication has unlimited scope which can be understood under two broad headings: 1. External dimension 2. Internal dimension

In addition to external and internal dimensions, the scope of communication can be further expanded to include: Oral and non-verbal communication. Interpersonal, intrapersonal and mass communication. Human communication. Reading, writing, speaking and listening.

Information sharing Feedback Influence Problem solving Assists in decision making Facilitating change Group building Gate keeping Conveying the right message Helps in co-ordination of effort

Good industrial relations Development of managerial skills Ensuring effectiveness of policies Motivating people Performance feedback Job instruction Controlling people Spreading rumours Emotive function

The process of communication involves two or more persons participating through a medium that carries the information or message for a particular purpose which is mutually understood by both the sender and receiver. Only when these conditions are fulfilled, a significant communicative situation will take shape

Elements of the Communication Process

For the communication process to materialize, it is essential that the basic elements of communication be identified. These elements are: 1. Sender/Encoder/Speaker 2. Receiver/Decoder/Listener 3. Message 4. Medium(Channel) 5. Feedback 6. 7. Context or setting Noise or interference

Feedback travels to

Sender Sender has has idea idea Sender Sender encodes encodes message message


Receiver Receiver Channel carries message decodes decodes message message

Receiver Receiver understands understands message message

Possible additional Possible additional feedback to feedback to receiver receiver


The communication process

Communication begins with the sender

CHANNEL Television,telephone, speaking,writing, computer


Self concept Family Culture Skills Feelings Attitudes Values

MESSAGE Interference

CONTEXT Environment, status,time

Self concept Family Culture Skills Feelings Attitudes Values

The Process of Communication

How may the sender encode a message? What kinds of channels carry messages? How does a receiver decode a message? When is communication successful? How can a communicator provide for feedback? Verbally or nonverbally. By speaking, writing, gesturing. Letters, e-mail, memos, blog, Blackberry, TV, telephone, voice, body. Others? Hearing, reading, observing. When a message is understood as the sender intended it to be. Ask questions, watch responses, dont dominate the exchange.

The communication process model

An individual has an idea to communicate


The idea is encoded


q Self-concept q Family q Culture q Skills q Feelings q Attitudes q Values

Individuals encode ideas according to their own unique perceptions

SENDER Self-concept Family Culture Skills Feelings Attitudes Values


RECEIVER Self-concept Family Culture Skills Feelings Attitudes Values

To a receiver who decodes it according to different individual perceptionsceptions

SENDER Self-concept Family Culture Skills Feelings Attitudes Values


RECEIVER Self-concept Family Culture Skills Feelings Attitudes Values


Feedback helps to ensure that the message received has been decoded correctly

SENDER Self-concept Family Culture Skills Feelings Attitudes Values

CHANNEL MESSAGE RECEIVER Self-concept Family Culture Skills Feelings Attitudes Values


Context - the situation, environment or

circumstances of the communication

SENDER Self-concept Family Culture Skills Feelings Attitudes Values

CHANNEL MESSAGE INTERFERENCE FEEDBACK CONTEXT RECEIVER Self-concept Family Culture Skills Feelings Attitudes Values

Interference changes or distorts the message

CHANNEL SENDER Self-concept Family Culture Skills Feelings Attitudes Values RECEIVER Self-concept Family Culture Skills Feelings Attitudes Values



Process is a series of things done to achieve something Example : Recruitment process The factors which constitute the process are: Sender-the message-the channel or medium the receiver or recipient feedback Each step of the process is very important for effective communication If any step is faulty in the process chain attributes to noise(any disturbance that effects the clarity in communication) Noise physical disturbance ,ambiguity in language, mismatch between the mental capabilities of sender and recipient

Significance Communication is indispensable today- Human activity will come to a standstill without it. It is the life blood of business specially in the globalised market economy. Several factors have contributed to the significance of communication. Some of these are: Advancement of science and technology. Faster means of transport Globalization of business as a result of market economy and growth of MNCs Multiplication of systems of communication at all levels of organization Democratic organizations such as trade unions, which adopt several ways of communicating their interests, needs and protests

Professionalism in the management of business, which has generated highly advanced management techniques. The information revolution that has given the world the benefits of networking technologies Globalization of business as a result of market economy and growth of MNCs Professionalism in the management of business, which has generated highly advanced management techniques. The information revolution that has given the world the benefits of networking technologies Multiplication of systems of communication at all levels of organization Democratic organizations such as trade unions, which adopt several ways of communicating their interests, needs and protests Advancements in social sciences such as psychology and sociologycontributed different concepts of the human mind and social behaviour influencing communication The revolution in visual communication

Business communication has become highly sophisticated because of communication technologies Management Information System(MIS) Personal Activity Reports(PAR)convey decisions made during conversations visits and meetings Strategic Information System(SIS)which monitors internal business plans made to coordinate different activities of business-to distribute resources and to motivate employers Decision Support System(DSS) comprises decisions conveyed through Personal Activity Reports

Online business transactions website interactions with customerspersonal chats and other forms of electronic communication have also increased the importance of communication Effective Communication Communication experts(Business Communication Today Bovee et al 2002) list several benefits that effective communication offers Organizational functioning facilitated by: Quicker problem solving Stronger decision making Steadier work flow Enhanced professional image of the company Business is promoted with:Clearer promotional materials Stronger business relations Improved stakeholder response Increased productivity

Trends in the New Workplace

Flattened management hierarchies More participatory management Increased emphasis on self-directed work and teams Heightened global competition Innovative communication technologies New work environments Move to knowledge economy

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