HTML Basics
HTML Basics
HTML Basics
What is HTML?
Hyper Text Markup Language
A markup language designed for the creation
of web pages and other information viewable
in a browser
The basic language used to write web pages
File extension: .htm, .html
Creating a HTML File
1. Open Notepad or any other web editor
2. Click on File -> Save as…
3. In the File name pull-down box, type in
4. Click on Save
5. Type in content for your file
6. Once you finished the content, click on File -
> Save
HTML Document Structure
<title> Page Title Goes Here </title>
content goes here
HTML Basics
<TITLE>A Simple HTML Example</TITLE>
<H1>HTML is Easy To Learn</H1>
<P>Welcome to the world of HTML. This is the first
paragraph. While short it is still a paragraph!</P>
<P>And this is the second paragraph.</P> </body>
HTML Basics
Markup Tags
This element tells your browser that the file contains
HTML-coded information. The file extension .html
also indicates this is an HTML document and must be
HTML Basics
The head element identifies the first part of your
HTML-coded document that contains the title. The
title is shown as part of your browser's window
The title element contains your document title and
identifies its content in a global context. The title is
typically displayed in the title bar at the top of the
browser window, but not inside the window itself.
HTML Basics
The second--and largest--part of your HTML
document is the body, which contains the content of
your document (displayed within the text area of your
browser window).
All other tags now come within the body tag.
HTML Basics
HTML has six levels of headings, numbered 1
through 6, with 1 being the largest. Headings are
typically displayed in larger and/or bolder fonts than
normal body text. The first heading in each document
should be tagged <H1>.
The syntax of the heading element is:
<Hy>Text of heading </Hy>
where y is a number between 1 and 6 specifying the
level of the heading.
The 6 heading commands.
being a webmaster.<p>
This is so great!!!
Here’s what those did…
What changed?
Background color
Breaks in text
Horizontal rules
All with just a few keystrokes
Bgcolor Background
Specifies a background- Specifies a background-
color for a HTML page. image for a HTML page
<body bgcolor="#000000"> <body
<body background="clouds.gif">
bgcolor="rgb(0,0,0)"> <body
<body bgcolor="black"> background="http://www.w">
Put text on a webpage
<p>Today is my first day at my new job, I’m so excited!
Output: Today is my first day at my new job, I’m so
Put text in center of a page
Output: Hello
Put text on the right of a page
<p align=“right”>Hello</p>
Output: Hello
To change text size
<font size=“+3”>Hello</font>
Output: Hello
Tag attribute
Using both
<font size=“+3” color=“red”>Hello</font>
Output: Hello
Commonly Used Character Entities
Result Description Entity Name
Non-breaking space
< Less than <
> Greater than >
& Ampersand &
“ Quotation mark "
© Copyright ©
Unordered list Ordered list
Code: Code:
<ul> <ol>
<li>Coffee</li> <li>Coffee</li>
<li>Milk</li> <li>Milk</li>
</ul> </ol>
Output: Output:
Coffee 1. Coffee
Milk 2. Milk
<table border=“1">
<th>Another Heading</th>
Heading Another Heading
<td>row 1, cell 1</td> Row 1, cell 1 Row 1, cell 2
<td>row 1, cell 2</td> Row 2, cell 1
<td>row 2, cell 1</td>
Create Links
A Hypertext link
Output: GoogleHome
A Email link
<a href=“mailto:[email protected]”>
Email me</a>
Output: Email me
Inserting Image
Place all images in the same directory/folder
where you web pages are
<img src> is a single tag
<img src=“image.gif”>
Turn an image into a hyerlink
<a href=“”><img
Image Size
Computer images are made up of “pixels”
<IMG HEIGHT=“100" WIDTH=“150"
A form is an area that can contain form
Commonly used form elements includes:
Text fields
Radio buttons
Submit buttons
Text Input Fields
Used when you want the Output
user to type letters, number,
First name:
Last name:
First name: <input
Last name: <input
name="lastname"> </form>
Submission Button
When user clicks on the Output
“Submit” button, the content
of the form is sent to
another file. Username:
<form name="input"
sp" method="get">
Username: <input
type="text" name="user">
<input type="submit"
Used when you want the Output
user to select one or more
options of a limited number
I have a bike
of choices.
I have a car
<input type="checkbox"
name="bike“ value=“bike”>
I have a bike
<input type="checkbox"
name="car“ value=“car”> I
have a car </form>
Radio Buttons
Used when you want the Output
user to select one of a
limited number of choices.
<input type="radio"
name="sex" value="male">
<input type="radio"
value="female"> Female
Text Box
Used when you want to get • Output
input from user.
<form> Please provide your
<p>Please provide your suggestion in the text box
suggestion in the text box below:
<textarea row=“10”
Pull-down Menu
Used when you want user to • Output
respond with one specific
answer with choices you Select a fruit:
<p>Select a fruit:</p>
<select name"Fruit">
<option selected> Apples
<option> Bananas
< option > Oranges
End of Slides
Thank You!
If you have any question?