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Geographical Features Of India
India is located in South-East Asia. It enjoys equatorial
as well as tropical climate.
She has many natural resources like Land, Soil, Rivers,
Forests, etc.
Let us look at different types of soils, for instance.
There are 6 major types of soils in India:-

 Alluvial Soils ~ Arid Soil

 Forest Soil ~ Laterite Soil

 Black Soil ~ Red and Yellow Soil
Apart from Soils, there are many multipurpose projects in India.
3 biggest dams in India are:-
Tehri Dam
Bhakra Nangal Dam
Sardar Sarovar Dam
•India was a colony of britain for around 200 years. During this period India
witnessed many struugle movements.
•Different movements were launched by different ommunities with their own
understanding of the meaning of 'swaraj'.
•Some of the famous communities are :-
Community Notion Of Swaraj
Peasants of Awadh Reduction of revenue, abolition of
begar, boycott of landlords.
Tribal Peasants of Andhra Pradesh Removal of Forest laws.
Rich Peasants Reduction of revenue.

Poor Peasants Land rents to be remitted.

Business Class No colonial restrictions in business.

Industrial Workers Better wages and working

Plantation workers Retaining links with village.
Two major movements at this time were :
Non-Cooperation Movement Civil Disobedience Movement

The Non-Cooperation People were now asked not

Khilafat Movement began in only to refuse cooperation
January 1921. Gandhiji with the British, as they had
proposed that the movement done in 1921-22, but also to
should unfold in stages. It break colonial laws.
should begin with the Thousands in different parts
surrender of titles that of the country broke the salt
government awarded, and a law, manufactured salt and
boycott of civil services, army, demonstrated in front of
police, courts and legislative government salt factories.
councils, schools, and foreign
The sense of collective belonging during this period was
emphasised in many ways:-
Ideas of nationalism was developed through a
movement to revive indian folklore.
Image of 'Bharat Mata' was painted by 'Abanindranath
Tagore' and 'Vande Mataram' was written by 'Bankim
Chandra Chattopadhyay'.
Icons and symbols also played a role in unifying people
and inspiring in them feeling of nationalism.
Indians began looking into past to discover India's great
Gandhiji designed the flag which was tricolor and had
spinning wheel at centre.
Political Parties also played important role in this.
• Political parties in our country are of immense
• From gaining independence to achieve dynamic
economy, policies of these parties have played their role
in every areas.
• Let us look at some major national parties.
• All India Trinamool Congress (AITC): Launched on
1 January 1998 under the leadership of Mamata
Banerjee. Recognized as a national party in 2016. The
party’s symbol is flowers and grass. Committed to
secularism and federalism.
• Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP): Formed in 1984 under
the leadership of Kanshi Ram. Seeks to represent and
secure power for the bahujan samaj which includes the
dalits, adivasis, OBCs and religious minorities.
• Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP): Founded in 1980 by
reviving the erstwhile Bharatiya Jana Sangh, formed by
Syama Prasad Mukherjee in 1951. Wants to build a strong
and modern India by drawing inspiration from India’s
ancient culture and values.
• Communist Party of India (CPI): Formed in 1925.
Believes in Marxism-Leninism, secularism and democracy.
Opposed to the forces of secessionism and communalism.
Accepts parliamentary democracy as a means of promoting
the interests of the working class, farmers and the poor.
• Communist Party of India - Marxist (CPI-M): Founded
in 1964. Believes in Marxism-Leninism. Supports
socialism, secularism and democracy and opposes
imperialism and communalism. Accepts democratic
elections as a useful and helpful means for securing the
objective of socio-economic justice in India.
• Indian National Congress (INC): Popularly known as the
Congress Party. One of the oldest parties of the world.
Founded in 1885 and has experienced many splits. Played a
dominant role in Indian politics at the national and state
level for several decades after India’s Independence.
• Nationalist Congress Party (NCP): Formed in 1999
following a split in the Congress party. Espouses
democracy, Gandhian secularism, equity, social justice
and federalism. Wants that high offices in government
be confined to natural born citizens of the country.

Apart from the individual policies by the parties

‘Dynamic Economy’ was policy which was adopted by
every party. Now, let us look at economic development
of country under these parties.
•Economy is mainly divided into three sectors namely Primary, Secondary and Tertiary
•All the three sectors are interdependent but over last 40 years tertiary sector and its
importance has witnessed vast increase in its production.
Reasons for increasing importance of Tertiary Sector

• First, in any country several services such

as hospitals, educational institutions, post
and telegraph services, police stations,
courts, village administrative offices,
municipal corporations, defence, transport,
banks, insurance companies, etc. are
required. These can be considered as basic
services. In a developing country the
government has to take responsibility for
the provision of these services.
• Second, the development of agriculture and
industry leads to the development of services
such as transport, trade, storage and the like, as
we have already seen. Greater the
development of the primary and secondary
sectors, more would be the demand for such
• Third, as income levels rise, certain sections
of people start demanding many more services
like eating out, tourism, shopping, private
hospitals, private schools, professional training
etc. You can see this change quite sharply in
cities, especially in big cities.
• Fourth, over the past decade or so, certain new
services such as those based on information
and communication technology have become
important and essential. The production of
these services has been rising rapidly.
• Moreover, this sector has been able to create
employment on large scale.

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