Lecture-4 Hydrology
Lecture-4 Hydrology
Lecture-4 Hydrology
Lecture No. # 04
o Sources of water
o Precipitation types
o Precipitation formation
o Rainfall
1. Sources of Water
2. Precipitation
W= z
Phase/state change
Water is available on the Earth in three different forms: vapor; liquid; and solid.
The process where water change its form from one to another is called a phase or
state change. In the atmosphere, three processes act to create water droplets or ice
For a phase change to occur heat energy must be added to or removed from water
2. Precipitation
The formation of water droplets and ice crystals takes place when the water in the
atmosphere is cooled.
As air containing water vapor cools, the relative humidity of the air parcel increases
until the dew is reached. At dew point (relative humidity = 100 %) water begins to
condense into droplets.
If 100 % relative humidity is reached below 0oC deposition occurs and ice crystals
Formation of water droplets and ice crystals also requires a surface for condensation,
freezing, or deposition. In the atmosphere, these surfaces are microscopic particles of
dust, smoke, and salt commonly called condensation nuclei or aerosol.
2. Precipitation
Formation of Precipitation
Lifting and Cooling - Lifting of air mass to higher altitudes causes cooling of air.
Condensation - Conversion of water vapor into liquid droplets and ice crystals.
Condensation nuclei are required.
Growth of Droplets and Ice-crystals - Growth of droplets is required if the liquid water
present in a cloud is to reach ground against the lifting mechanism of air.
2. Precipitation
Formation of Precipitation
Two processes support the growth of droplets to overcome the air resistance and fall
on the earth surface
Coalescence process
Formation of Precipitation
Coalescence process
The collision coalescence process is the process of cloud droplets increasing in size by
colliding and coalescing. When droplets bump into each other, it is called collision,
and when they stick together, it is called coalescence.
Droplets can only coalesce or combine if they have an opposite electrical charge;
otherwise, they simply bounce off one another.
As the droplets grow larger and heavier, they begin to fall through the cloud. Larger
drops fall faster and collect the smaller drops as they fall, causing the droplets to grow
even larger.
2. Precipitation
Formation of Precipitation
Coalescence process
2. Precipitation
Formation of Precipitation
Formation of Precipitation
Formation of Precipitation
2. Precipitation
Snow or rain
air temperature at
the ground is
greater than 32 F
2. Precipitation
Snow or rain
air temperature at
the ground is less
than 32OF
2. Precipitation
Snow or rain
Cooling of air masses and condensation of water vapour happens when they are lifted
to a higher altitudes in the atmosphere.
Main forms
– a) Frontal precipitation
– b) Cyclonic precipitation
– c) Convective precipitation
– d) Orographic precipitation
3. Precipitation categories
Frontal Precipitation
warm air mass, moved by wind currents and atmospheric pressure gradients,
overtakes and rises above a cooler air mass.
(Source : rst.gsfc.nasa.gov)
3. Precipitation categories
Cyclonic Precipitation
Air masses converge on the low pressure area, the incoming mass of air must be
balanced by an outgoing one. Because air is entering from all directions horizontally,
the outgoing air move vertically upward
(Source - aerospaceweb.com)
3. Precipitation categories
Convective Precipitation
(Source - ww.metoffice.gov.uk)
3. Precipitation categories
Orographic Precipitation
Source - krygier.owu.edu
4. Consistency of Precipitation
Consistency of Precipitation
Some of the common causes for inconsistency (data of different nature within the
same record) are:
“A technique used to check the consistency of the precipitation data for a particular
station” and corrected, if the data is not consistent.
Point Precipitation
Precipitation events are recorded by rain gauges at a specific location. The recorded
data is used to assess:
Areal Precipitation
Theissen Method
Isohetal Method
5. Point & Areal Precipitation
Areal Precipitation
Average depth is obtained by taking the average arithmetically the gauge reading.
Areal Precipitation
5. Point & Areal Precipitation
Areal Precipitation
Theissen Method
Perpendicular bisector of these connecting lines form polygons around each station.
5. Point & Areal Precipitation
Areal Precipitation
Theissen Method
5. Point & Areal Precipitation
Areal Precipitation
Theissen Method
5. Point & Areal Precipitation
Areal Precipitation
Theissen Method
Weighing average rainfall for the total area is computed by multiplying the
precipitation at each station by its assigned %age area and totaling.
5. Point & Areal Precipitation
Areal Precipitation
Theissen Method
A new Theissen diagram being required every time, when there is a change in the
gauge network.
Areal Precipitation
Theissen Method
5. Point & Areal Precipitation
Areal Precipitation
Isohyetal Method
Areal Precipitation
Isohyetal Method
5. Point & Areal Precipitation
Areal Precipitation
Isohyetal Method
Multiplying the average precipitation for an area by the area between isohyets.
Totaling there product and dividing by the total area.
Areal Precipitation
Isohyetal Method
6. Missing data
Missing Data
Range in altitude
Missing data for a station may be estimated if data of surrounding stations (at least
three) is available
Methods of Estimation
Missing Data
Arithmetic Mean Method
P = main Station
Missing Data
Arithmetic Mean Method
10% of the annual precipitation at gauge P is 4.1cm and the average annual
precipitation at each of the three regional gauges is within + or – 4.1 cm.; therefore,
the station-average method can be used.
The estimated catch at the gauge with the missing monthly precipitation total is
𝑃 = 1/3(2.6+3.1+2.3) =2.66 cm
6. Missing data
Missing Data
Used when:
i) Difference of data for main station and index station is more than 10%.
NA, NB, NC & Nx = Normal annual precipitation of stations A,B,C & x respectively, based
on last 30 years
6. Missing data
Missing Data
A rainfall gauging station (P) was not functioning when rainstorm occurred over the
area, having three gauging stations A,B & C around (P). Determine the precipitation at
station (P) using Normal ratio method. Also compare it with the result obtained by
using Arithmetic method.
Stations Observed Rainfall (cm) Normal PPT (cm)
A 4.8 51.8
B 3.7 38.2
C 6.6 72.6
P - 65.6
6. Missing data
Missing Data
7. PMP, PMF & Net Precipitation
PMP is the key parameter used to estimate the probable maximum flood (PMF), both
of which are important for dam safety and civil engineering purposes.
are the mean of the annual maximum rainfall series, a frequency factor
(that depends on the statistical distribution of the series, number of years of record,
and the return period) and the standard deviation of the series respectively
7. PMP, PMF & Net Precipitation
Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) is the theoretically largest flood resulting from a
combination of the most severe meteorological and hydrologic conditions that could
possibly occur in a given area.
7. PMP, PMF & Net Precipitation
The net (excess) precipitation that contributes directly to surface runoff is equivalent
to the gross precipitation minus abstraction losses
Pe = P - ∑ losses
8. Rainfall
Rainfall occurrence is uncertain, and the rainfall duration and depth are highly
variable in time and space.
Treat rainfall events as random events and use probabilistic methods to determine
the likelihood of their occurrence
8. Rainfall
Recurrence interval
Recurrence interval
Return period
8. Rainfall
The probability that a rainfall event with a specified duration and depth will be
equaled or exceeded in any one year.
P = 1/Tr
1/25 = 0.04 = 4% probability that a depth of 3 in or higher will be produced over a 24-
hour period in any given year.
8. Rainfall
Hydrologic risk
The probability that the design event will be exceeded one time or more during the
service life of the structure.
J = 1 – (1 - 1/Tr)N
J = hydrologic risk
Tr = design period of the event used as a basis for the design
N = service life of the stormwater structure
8. Rainfall
Hydrologic risk
8. Rainfall
Hydrologic risk
8. Rainfall
The frequency factor depends upon the probability distribution being used, the
return period and the length of the annual maximum series.
Compute the frequency factors associated with the desired return periods (e.g., 2, 5,
10, 25, 50, 100, 1000)
10. Snow
Snow Accumulation