Rol 2
Rol 2
Rol 2
Primary source
Secondary source
Sources of review
A. Primary source
Research publications written by the person or
people who conducted the research/ theorists
who developed the theory
Ex: Primary source ,an original experimental study
of the effects of a nurse- initiated intervention
for urinary
ng,I.(20026).Pelvic floor muscle training effect
on urinary incontinence knowledge ,atitudes,
and severity .International journal of nursing
Sources of review
B. Secondary source
Research reports prepared by someone other
than the original researcher
Authors paraphrase the works of original
The secondary sources include the comments
and summaries of multiple research studies on
one topic, e.g. systemic reviews, meta-analysis,
meta-synthesis, etc.
Sources of review cont
B. Secondary source
Writing article is subjective – influenced by the
author’s perception and bias
Fails to provide details about study
Secondary source is not substitute for primary
Ex:a review of the literature on nurses role in the care
of community dwelling incontinent
C.,& Halfens,R.(2005).The role of the nurse in
community continence care:A systemic
review .International journal of nursing
The main source where the literatures can
be searched are as
Major steps in doing a literature review
through a electronic database
Discard irrelevant
or inappropriate
Search for
Devise identify and
Identify key retrieve Screen sources
search words and potential for relevance,
strategy concepts primary appropriateness
synthesis Critique/ Organise the
/Critical evaluate references
summary studies
Search strategy approaches
• Cancer Lit
• Cochrane database of systematic review
• Dissertations abstract online
• Psych Info
• Ovid sp
• Science direct
Select key words
A.Methodological Matrix:
Author Pub Country Theory Independe Dependen Study Sample Sampling How Age
Yr nt t design size method data are of
Variable Variable collecte childr
d en
• B.Result Matrix:
Author Pub dependent Dependent Dependent Dependent
Yr Variable Variable Variable Variable
a)Pain perception b)Use of analgesics c)Use of non d)others