Camp Fire

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Elec tric al


Threat Camp construc ted with

Initial ins tallation is inspec ted generally non c ombus tible
Provision of circuit breakers
by an electrician (but not necess arily fireproof)

elec tric al
Es calation Fac tor
Provision of circuit breakers Fire in
ac comodation area
- multiple fatalities
Smoke detec tors in Fire Alarm aubile from all Ac comodation area fire
Emergency res ponse plan
ac commodation area areas of the camp ex tinguis hers
Lightning strik e

Threat Camp construc ted generally

Camp ac comodation is with non c ombustible (but not
grounded to earth necessarily fireproof) Failure to implement
materials emergency plan
H-03.01 Cellulosic
materials Es calation Fac tor
Suitable and s uffic ient training
Poor earths due to in emergency plan
Es calation Fac tor
Earths c hec ked weekly by
elec tric ian Personnel not
Loc: Wellsite
trained in us e of fire
Ev ent: Fire in the
Es calation Fac tor
All pers onnel recieve fire
fighting training

Smoking allowed in Provision of as h tray s for safe
designated areas only disposal of cigarette buts Fire fighting
non-func tional
Es calation Fac tor
Weekly inspection by Camp
No Smok ing s igns Boss
not understood
Es calation Fac tor
Signs to be provided in
English and Chines e Smoke detec tors
non-func tional
Es calation Fac tor
Weekly inspection by Camp
No SMok ing s igns Boss
Es calation Fac tor
Safety induc tion for all crew

Cooking activ ities

Galley area constantly
Training and ex perienc e of
manned during cooking
kitc hen s taff
ac tivities

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