Chapter 16
Chapter 16
Chapter 16
Chapter-16 Channel Institutions: Retailing
Learning Objectives
LO1: To understand the definitions of retailing
LO2: To explain the functions of retailing
LO3: To discuss the importance of retailing
LO4: To identify the types of retailers, retail formats and retail
LO5: To describe the retailing scenario in India
Retailing includes all activities involved in selling or renting consumer products and services directly to
ultimate consumers for their personal or household use. Sale of consumer products or industrial products is
not included in retailing. Further, all firms engaged in retailing cannot be called retailers. It can be said that a
retailer is the person or a firm that derives more than half of its sales revenue from sales made directly to
ultimate consumers. Retailers are classified into different categories based on service, assortment, mass
merchandising, retail practices and convenience.
Key terms
1. Retailing: Retailing includes all the activities involved in selling goods or services
directly to final consumers for their personal, non-business use.
2. Discount stores: A discount store or discounter offers a retail format in which
products are sold at prices that are in principle lower than an actual or supposed
"full retail price".
3. Hypermarkets: A hypermarket is a retail store that combines a department store
and a grocery supermarket.
4. Supermarkets: A supermarket is a self-service shop offering a wide variety of food,
beverages and household products, organized into sections.
5. e-tailing: “It is the selling of retail goods on the Internet.”