The Importance of The NGR

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The Importance of the

Neutral-Grounding Resistor

Presented by: Jeff Glenney, P.Eng. and Don Selkirk, E.I.T.

Presentation Preview

• What is high-resistance grounding (HRG)?

• What is the purpose of HRG?
• Why is the neutral-grounding resistor (NGR) so
important – Why monitor the NGR?
• Code requirements
• Summary
• Case studies
What is High-Resistance Grounding?

High-Resistance Grounding of, an electrical power system, is

the grounding of the system neutral through a resistance
which limits ground-fault current to a value equal to, or slightly
greater than the capacitive charging current of that system.
What is High-Resistance Grounding?

The Neutral-Grounding Resistor is the connection between

the system neutral and ground. It provides a path for
ground-fault current to return to the transformer neutral.
What is High-Resistance Grounding?

A properly designed high-resistance-grounded system:

• Combines the benefits of ungrounded and solidly grounded systems:

• Allows the user to run with a single ground fault on the system, or
shut down in an orderly manner
• Prevents transient overvoltages and limits voltage fluctuation at the
neutral during a ground fault
• Facilitates the location of ground faults
• Minimizes the risk of arc flash and arc blast on the first ground fault
• Limits energy available to a ground-fault fault
• Provides current to current-sensing ground-fault protection
Wire Wound NGR
Edge Wound NGR
NGR in Vented Enclosure
What is the importance of the NGR? – Why Monitor the NGR

What are the consequences

of an NGR failure?
Why Monitor the NGR


Why Monitor the NGR? – False Sense of Security



All phases are at

line-to-neutral voltage
above ground (eg: 347V) A & B phases are
at line-line voltage
above ground
(eg: 600V)

• Phase C at ground potential

Neutral point established • No fault current
by distributed capacitance (no return path to source)

Normal operation Ground fault on phase C


•A & B phases are:

> Line-line voltage above
• Phase C > ground voltage
• Intermittent fault current
• Personnel danger

Normal operation
ground fault on phase C
WHY MONITOR THE NGR? – False Sense of Security

Ungrounded Wye – Open NGR Ungrounded Delta

Why Monitor the NGR?

• During a ground-fault the NGR is a critical component.

• Without the NGR current sensing ground-fault
protection does not operate on a ground fault.
• Does this really matter?
Courtesy of Jack Woodham - Jedson Engineering


Failure Mode Percentage of Failures

1. Line-to-ground 98 %
2. Phase-to-phase < 1.5 %
3. Three-phase < 0.5 %

Most three phase faults are man-made: i.e. accidents

caused by improper operating procedure.
For a Resistance-Grounded System:

In 98 out of every 100 electrical faults the

protection system will not operate as designed
with out the NGR.
Why Monitor the NGR?



Each ground-fault relay has a redundant back up plus

the adjacent two main buses and bus tie section zones
are protected by full bus differential relays and backed
up by partial bus differential protection.
“Feeder units have two redundant relays. The relays are
different models with different CT inputs, but perform
the same functions and send simultaneous trips to the
feeder circuit breaker.”
Ground Protection – Single Line
Ground Protection – Single Line
NGR Monitoring Methods

• Does not monitor NGR

continuity, only measures
neutral-point voltage and
• Active only when GF
• This is back-up ground-
fault protection, not NGR
V monitoring
A Superior Method

• Monitors ground current

• Monitors Voltage at the neutral
• Continuously monitors the NGR
• The monitor provides indication
of the NGR continuity whether
there is a ground fault or not
• Isolates the monitor from line-
Sensing Resistor

to-neutral voltage
Monitoring • Detects NGR failure without an
Device energized load
Code Requirements for NGR Monitoring

NGR Monitoring – US and Canadian Code References

• Where is resistance grounding required?
• Where is monitoring required?
US Regulations – NEC 2005 – Article 250

Grounding and Bonding

250.188 (D) Ground-Fault Detection and Relaying.

Ground-fault detection and relaying shall be provided to

automatically de-energize any high-voltage system component
that has developed a ground fault. The continuity of the
equipment grounding conductor shall be continuously monitored
so as to de-energize automatically the high-voltage circuit to the
portable or mobile equipment upon loss of continuity of the
equipment grounding conductor.
US Regulations - 30 CFR Section 18.47 – Gassy Mines or Tunnels

Electric motor-driven mine equipment and accessories

30 CFR 18.47 Voltage Limitation

(2) A continuously monitored, failsafe grounding system is provided that
will maintain the frame of the equipment and the frames of all accessory
equipment at ground potential. Also, the equipment, including its controls
and portable (trailing) cable, will be deenergized automatically upon the
occurrence of an incipient ground fault. The ground-fault-tripping current
shall be limited by grounding resistor(s) to that necessary for dependable
relaying. The maximum ground-fault-tripping current shall not exceed 25
US Regulations - 30 CFR Section 56 – Testing grounding



30 CFR 56.12028
Testing grounding systems.
Continuity and resistance of grounding systems shall be tested
immediately after installation, repair, and modification; and annually
thereafter. A record of the resistance measured during the most recent
tests shall be made available on a request by the Secretary or his duly
authorized representative.
US Regulations - 30 CFR Section 57



30 CFR 57.12028
Testing grounding systems.
Continuity and resistance of grounding systems shall be tested
immediately after installation, repair, and modification; and annually
thereafter. A record of the resistance measured during the most recent
tests shall be made available on a request by the Secretary or his duly
authorized representative.
US Regulations - 30 CFR Section 75

Mandatory safety standards--underground coal mines

30 CFR 75.801 – Grounding Resistors

The grounding resistor, where required, shall be of the proper ohmic value
to limit the voltage drop in the grounding circuit external to the resistor to
not more than 100 volts under fault conditions. The grounding resistor shall
be rated for maximum fault current continuously and insulated from ground
for a voltage equal to the phase-to-phase voltage of the system.
US Regulations - 30 CFR Section 75

Mandatory safety standards, surface coal mines and surface work

areas of underground coal mines

30 CFR 77.801 – Grounding Resistors

The grounding resistor, where required, shall be of the proper ohmic value
to limit the voltage drop in the grounding circuit external to the resistor to
not more than 100 volts under fault conditions. The grounding resistor shall
be rated for maximum fault current continuously and insulated from ground
for a voltage equal to the phase-to-phase voltage of the system.
US Regulations - 30 CFR Section 75

Mandatory safety standards--underground coal mines

30 CFR 75.814(3) – Electrical Protection

3) Ground-fault currents must be limited by a neutral grounding resistor to
not more than--
i. 6.5 amperes when the nominal voltage of the power circuit is
2,400 volts or less; or
ii. 3.75 amperes when the nominal voltage of the power circuit
exceeds 2,400 volts.
4) High-voltage circuits extending from the section power center must be
provided with--
i. Ground-fault protection set to cause deenergization at not more
than 40 percent of the rating of the neutral grounding resistor
ii. A backup ground-fault detection device to cause deenergization
when a ground fault occurs with the neutral grounding resistor
open; and
iii. Thermal protection for the grounding resistor that will deenergize
the longwall power center if the resistor is subjected to a
sustained ground fault. The thermal protection must operate at
either 50 percent of the maximum temperature rise of the
grounding resistor, or 150 deg. C (302 deg. F), whichever is less,
and must open the ground-wire monitor circuit for the high-
voltage circuit supplying the section power center. The thermal
protection must not be dependent upon control power and may
consist of a current transformer and overcurrent relay.
US Regulations - 30 CFR Section 75

Mandatory safety standards--underground coal mines

30 CFR 75.1719-2 – Lighting fixtures; requirements.

(2) Alternating current circuits supplying power to stationary lighting fixtures
shall contain conductors energized at voltages not greater than 70 volts to
ground. Alternating current circuits, energized at 100 volts or more and
used to supply power to stationary lighting fixtures, shall originate at a
transformer having a center or neutral tap grounded to earth through a
proper resistor, which shall be designed to limit fault current to not more
than 5 amperes. A grounding circuit in accordance with §75.701-4 shall
originate at the grounded terminal of the grounding resistor and extend
along with the power conductors and serve as a grounding conductor for
the frames of all equipment receiving power from the circuit.
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania -
Department of Environmental Protection

Mine Power Substation - The area containing electrical

switchgear (circuit breakers, fuses, switches, and/or
transformers), used for the purpose of controlling power from the
surface power system to the underground mine power

I. Alternating current installations shall include A through M.

G. Secondary or mine feeder circuit breaker with:

4. Automatic tripping of circuit breakers by protective relays

and shall provide as a minimum tripping by:

f. Ground fault-current limiting resistor protection and

monitoring by current and potential transformer relaying.
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania -
Department of Environmental Protection

Load Center

13. Main breaker tripping devices, which must include:

a. Overload and short circuit protection

b. Ground fault by current protector.
c. Ground fault by potential protector in the event of an open
ground resistor.
d. Continuous monitoring of the ground resistor is acceptable
in lieu of potential protector.
e. Time delay tripping for coordination of tripping is allowed.
Canadian Regulations – C22.1-06 10-1102.3

10-1102 Use
(1) – Should read “Neutral grounding devices shall be permitted to
be used only on systems where all neutral conductors are
insulated to the nominal system voltage.”
(3) Where line-to-neutral loads are served, provision shall be made
to automatically de-energize the system on the occurrence of
(a) a ground fault;
(b) a grounded neutral on the load side of the neutral grounding
device; or
(c) a lack of continuity of the conductor connecting the neutral
grounding device from the neutral point through the neutral
grounding device to the system grounding electrode.
Canadian Regulations – CSA M421-00 Section 3.5.5

CSA M421-00 – Use of Electricity in Mines

General – Protection and Control – Ground-Fault Protection

Where ground-fault protection is used, the supply shall be
(a) Grounded through a neutral-grounding device that limits ground-fault
voltage to 100 V or less; and
(b) de-energized in less than 1 s if ground-fault current exceeds 20% of
the prospective ground-fault current
Canadian Regulations – CSA M421-00 Section 3.6.2

General – Grounding – Neutral-Grounding Devices

A neutral-grounding device shall be

(a) Continuously rated, except when ground-fault tripping is provided:
(b) Monitored so as to de-energize the supply in less than 60s if the
neutral-grounding device opens; and
(c) Connected as close as practical to the supply neutral.
Canadian Regulations – CSA M421-OO Section 4.5.1

Surface Mines and Quarries – High-Voltage Power Distribution to

Movable Equipment – Ground-Potential Rise

A circuit supplying movable equipment shall be grounded through a

neutral-grounding device that limits ground potential rise at the movable
equipment to 100 V or less.
Canadian Regulations – CSA M421-OO Section

Surface Mines and Quarries – Movable Electrical Equipment –

Wiring Methods – On Board AC-Supply Circuits – Resistance

Where on-board, three-phase power transformers larger than 20 kVA and

operating at voltages in excess of 300 V are used, the following
requirements shall apply:
(a) Except as permitted by Item (g), either a direct or derived neutral shall
be grounded through a resistor at the power source to limit the prospective
ground-fault current to 25 A or less (see Appendix A).
Canadian Regulations – CSA M421-OO Section 6.9.6

Underground Coal Mines – Wiring Methods for non-intrinsically-

safe Wiring – AC Supply to Mobile Electrical Equipment

Mobile electrical equipment operating at voltages in excess of 150 V shall

be supplied by a system wherein
(a) the neutral is grounded through a neutral-grounding device that limits
ground-fault voltage at the mobile equipment to 50 V or less;
(b) ground-fault protection is provided; and
(c) ground-conductor monitoring is employed.
Canadian Regulations – CSA M421-OO Section 6.9.6

Underground Coal Mines – Grounding – Grounding of Alternating –

Current Systems

Systems operating at voltages-to-ground in excess of 150 V shall be

(a) grounded through a neutral resistance; and
(b) provided with ground fault protection.
Presentation Review

• Definition of HRG
• Benefits of HGR
• Consequences of an NGR failure
– Ground-fault relaying doesn’t operate
– Transient over voltages
• Real world example of install and forget
• Continuous monitoring vs. back up ground-fault
– An NGR monitor usually meets the requirements of
back up ground-fault protection as well
Presentation Review

• Why monitor the neutral-grounding resistor


• In 98% of faults in industrial power systems the NGR is a

critical system component
• With out it all current-sensing ground-fault protection does
not function
• The NGR is no more resistant to failure than any other
system component
• Minimize the risk of transient overvoltages
• Back up protection or monitoring required by various codes
Code Summary - US
Article Comment
NEC 250.188 High Voltage - Cannot be met with an open NGR.

30 CFR 18.47 Gassy Mines or Tunnels

• Continuously monitored grounding system. Could be
interpreted to include the NGR.
• Maintain the frame of the equipment and the frames of
all accessory equipment at ground potential. Cannot be
met with an open NGR.
30 CFR 56.12028, Metal and Non-Metal – Surface and Underground
57.12028 • NGR continuity has to be confirmed after installation or
repair and annually. Records must be available

30 CFR 75.814(3) Underground Coal

• Back up ground-fault protection required in the event of
fault with open NGR
Code Summary - US
Pennsylvania Bureau of Mine Safety
Article Comment
Mine Power • Ground-fault current-limiting resistor protection
Load Center • Ground fault by potential protector in the event of an
open ground resistor
• Continuous monitoring of the ground resistor is
acceptable in lieu of potential protector
Code Summary - Canada
Article Comment
C22.1-06 Where line to neutral loads are served continuous NGR
10-1102.3 monitoring required.
CSA M421-00 Where ground-fault protection is used, the supply shall be:
Section 3.5.5 • Grounded through a neutral-grounding device that limits
ground-fault voltage to 100 V or less
CSA M421-00 General – Grounding – Neutral-Grounding Devices
Section 3.6.2 • Continuous monitoring is required on any NGR
• De-energize supply in less than 60 s if NGR opens

In Mining in Canada it is clearer:

• Any where ground-fault protection is used high-resistance
grounding is required.
• Any where high-resistance grounding is used the NGR
must be continuously monitored.

Case Studies

• In 1952 Henry Post was tasked with reducing the high failure rate of
ungrounded 3 Phase, 440 Vac oil-field pumping motors, at Humble Oil.
• Evidence pointed to failure of the stator windings due to over voltage
caused by phase-to-ground faults.
• Post had been working with the idea of Hi-R Neutral Grounding and
decided to try it here.
• Problem solved, for a little while. When the failure rate increased again
inspection of the NGR revealed failure due to corrosion.

• In 2004 inspection of three NER’s at a stationary surface substation of
an Anglo Coal mine in Australia reveals all three to be open.
• Startco suggests an SE-330 package for monitoring the NER’s.
• Anglo Coal presents the topic of NER monitoring at the 2004
Queensland Mine Electrical Conference.
• Anglo Coal is convinced that NER monitoring is beneficial.
• Another documented example of why we should monitor NGR’s is
brought forward.

• Shortly before they were about to be re-energized, inspection of eight
NGR’s at one of P&G’s facilities revealed five NGR’s were left open after
transformer testing.
• The NGR’s were reconnected.
But what if this had gone unnoticed?

• 2001 while visiting the processing plant at a mine in Northern MN.
Physical damage was noticed on a grounding resistor.
• The resistor was mounted too close to the overhang of the building and
an iceberg sized icicle had fallen on top of the screened enclosure.
• The enclosure and the resistor were both crushed by the impact.

• Move to a warmer climate.
• This customer did not monitor his NGR but he may find the fault when he
is looking for the reason he had so much damage caused by either a
transient overvoltage or a phase-to-phase fault.

• Assistant Maintenance Manager at Cargill Fertilizer, Inc in Bradley
Junction Florida reported an SE-325 trip on a 5 year old installation.
• The grounding resistor was hit and burnt out by a lightning strike.

Without continuous monitoring how long would the open resistor have
gone undetected?
MSHA Fatality Report
One of the contributing factors to the fatality
Reproduction of point 7

The grounding resistor in the section power center

was burned apart causing it to be inoperable. It had
been spliced in two other locations. The investigation
interview confirmed that there had been problems
with the grounding resistor burning open or apart in
the past. A balanced flux relaying method was
provided as a means of grounded phase protection in
all the 3-phase circuits in the 001 section of the power
center. This relaying method could not function
properly when the grounding resistor was open.

• NGR’s fail.
• Monitoring the NGR will help prevent the problems associated
with an ungrounded system.
Thank You

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