Nutririon Sec1 NEW Final
Nutririon Sec1 NEW Final
Nutririon Sec1 NEW Final
Made by: Doaa Hassan
Eating well is easy in theory—just choose foods
that supply appropriate amounts of the essential
nutrients & energy without excess intakes of fat,
sugar, and salt.
In practice, eating well proves harder to do. Many
people are overweight, or are undernourished, or
suffer from nutrient excesses or deficiencies that
impair their health—that is, they are malnourished.
the study of the nutrients in foods and in the body (the science of
how food nourishes the body.)
the foods (including beverages) a person usually eats and drinks.
components of food that are indispensable to the body’s
functioning. They provide energy, serve as building material,
help maintain or repair body parts, and support growth.
• They are divided into:
Macronutrients: provide the bulk energy for an
organism metabolic system to function.
= nutrients required in large amounts, i.e. proteins,
fats and carbohydrates.
Micronutrients: provide the necessary cofactors for
metabolism to be carried out.
= nutrients required in small amounts, i.e. minerals
and vitamins.
Chemical composition of the nutrients:
Inorganic Organic
water &Mineral CHO-
Essential nutrients:
▪ BMR for Men = 66.47 + (13.75 * weight [kg]) + (5.003 * size [cm]) - (6.755
* age [years])
▪ BMR for Women = 655.1 + (9.563 * weight [kg]) + (1.85 * size [cm]) -
(4.676 * age [years])
Activity Levels - Calculation of TDEE
• Sedentary - BMR x 1.2: Don't get much exercise at
work - desk job.
• Lightly Active - BMR x 1.375: Some daily activity, plus
we exercise or perform a sport 1-3 days per week.
• Moderately Active - BMR x 1.55: A fair amount of daily
activity, plus we exercise or perform a sport 3-5 days per
• Very Active - BMR x 1.725: Very active, and we
exercise or play sports 6-7 days per week.
• Highly Active - BMR x 1.9: Extremely active, including
up to twice a day training and/or a very physical job