Unit 03 - Part 02
Unit 03 - Part 02
Unit 03 - Part 02
The fragment of the above grammar that deals with basic and array types was used to
illustrate inherited attributes.
Nonterminal D generates a sequence of declarations.
Nonterminal T generates basic, array, or record types.
Nonterminal B generates one of the basic types int and float.
Nonterminal C, for "component," generates strings of zero or more integers, each integer
surrounded by brackets.
An array type consists of a basic type specified by B, followed by array components specified
by nonterminal C. A record type (the second production for T) is a sequence of declarations
for the fields of the record, all surrounded by curly braces.
Sequences of Declarations
Languages such as C and Java allow all the declarations in a single procedure to be
processed as a group.
The declarations may be distributed within a Java procedure, but they can still be
processed when the procedure is analyzed. Therefore use a variable, say offset, to keep
track of the next available relative address.
P -> D { offset =0;}
D -> T id ; D1 { top.put(id.lexeme, T.type, offset);
offset = offset + T.width; }
D -> ε
The translation scheme of above production deals with a sequence of declarations of the
form T id, where T generates a type. Before the first declaration is considered, offset is
set to 0.
As each new name x is seen, x is entered into the symbol table with its relative address
set to the current value of offset, which is then incremented by the width of the type of
The semantic action within the production D —>T id;D1 creates a
table entry by executing top.put(id.lexeme, T.type, offset).
Here top denotes the current symbol table. The method top.put creates a symbol-table
entry for id.lexeme, with type T.type and relative address offset in its data area.
The initialization of offset is more evident if the first production appears on one line as
P -> { offset = 0 ; } D
P -> M D
M -> ε { offset = 0; }
Declarations in a procedure
In the procedure, for each local name, we create a symbol-table entry with information
like type and relative address of the storage for the name.
The relative address consists of an offset from the base of the static data area or the
field for local data in an activation record.
Computing the types and relative addresses of declared names.
Translation of Expressions
Translation Schemes
The notion of a syntax-directed definitions in order to specify the order of evaluation of the
semantic rules, leading to the concept of a translation scheme.
A Translation Scheme is a context-free grammar in which semantic rules are embedded
within the right sides of the productions.
i) Assignment Statements
Expressions can be of type integer, real array and record.
In the part of the translation of assignments into three-address code, it show how names can
be looked up in the symbol table and how elements of arrays and records can be accessed.
Names in the symbol table
Names stood for pointers to their symbol-table entries.
The lexeme for the name represented by id is given by attribute id.name.
Operation lookup(id.name) checks if there is an entry for this occurrence of the name in the
symbol table. If so, a pointer to the entry is returned; otherwise lookup will return nil to
indicate that no entry was found.
In the semantic actions of assignments, procedure emit() is used to emit three-address
statements to an output file, rather than building up code attributes for non-terminals.
Example Production rule Semantic actions
Consider the grammar
S → id := E S → id :=E { p = look_up(id.name);
If p ≠ nil then
E → E1 + E2 Emit (p = E.place)
E → E1 * E2 Else
E → (E1) Error; }
E → id
The translation scheme of above E → E1 + E2 { E.place = newtemp( );
Emit (E.place = E1.place '+' E2.place) }
grammar is given in a table.
The p returns the entry for
E → E1 * E2 { E.place = newtemp();
id.name Emit (E.place = E1.place '*' E2.place) }
in the symbol table.
The Emit function is used for
E → (E1) { E.place = E1.place }
appending the three address code to
the output file. Otherwise it will E → id { p = look_up(id.name);
report an error. If p ≠ nil then
Emit (p = E.place)
The newtemp() is a function used to Else
E.place newthe temporary
value of E.variables. Error; }
ii) Addressing Array Elements
Elements of the array can be accessed quickly if the elements are stored in a block of
consecutive locations. If the width of each array element is w, then ith element of array A
begins in location
base + (i – low ) * w ------ ( 1 )
where low - lower bound on the subscript
base – relative address of the storage allocated for the array. i.e. base is the relative
address of A[low].
The above expression can be partially evaluated at compile time if it is rewritten as:
i * w + ( base – low * w) ------ ( 2 )
The sub-expression c = base – low * w can be evaluated when the declaration of the
array is seen. Assume that c is saved in symbol table entry for A, so the relative address
of A[i] is obtained by simply adding i * w to c.
A two-dimensional array is normally stored in one of two forms, either rowmajor (row-
by-row) or column-major(column-by-column).
In the case of two-dimensional array stored in row-major form, the relative address of
A[i1, i2] can be calculated by the formula
base + ((i1 – low1) * n2 + i2 – low2) * w ------ ( 3 )
Where low1 and low2 – lower bounds on the values of i1and i2 n2– number of values that
i2 can take. if high2 is the upper bound on the value of i2, then n2 = high2 – low2 + 1.
Assuming that i1and i2 are the only values that are not known at compile time, we can
rewrite the above expression as:
((i1 * n2) + i2) * w + (base – ((low1 * n2) + low2) * w) ------ (4 )
The expression (4) generalizes to the following expression for the relative address of
( ( ……((i1n2+i2)n3+i3)…… )nk + ik) X w + base – (( ……((low1 n2 + low2) n3
+low3)…… )nk + lowk) x w ------ (5 )
Array references can be permitted in assignments if non-terminal L with the following
productions is allowed .
L -> id [Elist ] | id
Elist ->Elist, E | E
In order that the various dimensional limits nj of the array be available as we group
index expressions into an Elist, it is useful to rewrite the productions as
L -> Elist] | id
Elist -> Elist, E | id [ E
That is, the array name is attached to the leftmost index expression rather than being
joined to Elist when an L is formed.
Translation Scheme for Addressing Array Elements
S->L:=E Production Rule Semantic Action
+E E- L := E {
if L.offset = null then emit(L.place ':=' E.place)
>(E) E- else EMIT (L.place'['L.offset ']' ':=' E.place);
>L }
L->Elist ]
L->id E → E+E { E.place := newtemp;
EMIT (E.place ':=' E1.place '+' E2.place);
Elist->Elist , E }
Elist-> id [ E
E → (E) {E.place := E1.place;}
E→L {if L.offset = null then E.place = L.place
else {E.place = newtemp;
EMIT (E.place ':=' L.place '[' L.offset ']');
Production Rule Semantic Action
L → Elist ] {
L.place = newtemp; L.offset = newtemp;
EMIT (L.place ':=' c(Elist.array));
EMIT (L.offset ':=' Elist.place '*'
L → Elist ] {
L.place = newtemp; L.offset = newtemp;
EMIT (L.place ':=' c(Elist.array));
EMIT (L.offset ':=' Elist.place '*'
L → id {L.place = lookup(id.name);
L.offset = null;
Production Rule Semantic Action
Elist → Elist, E {
t := newtemp;
m := Elist1.ndim + 1;
EMIT (t ':=' Elist1.place '*'
limit(Elist1.array, m));
EMIT (t, ':=' t '+' E.place);
Elist.array =
Elist.place := t;
Elist.ndim := m;
Elist → id[E {
Elist.array := lookup(id.name);
Elist.place := E.place
Elist.ndim := 1;
iii) Boolean expressions
Boolean expressions have two primary purposes. They are used for computing the logical
values. They are also used as conditional expression using if-then-else or while-do.
Consider the grammar
E → E OR E
E → (E)
E → id relop id
The relop is
denoted by <,
>, <, >
The AND and OR are left associated. NOT has the higher precedence then AND and lastly
Production Rule Semantic Action
E → E1 OR E2 { E.place = newtemp( );
Emit (E.place ':=' E1.place 'OR' E2.place) }
E → NOT E1 {
E.place = newtemp( );
Emit (E.place ':=' 'NOT' E1.place) }
As with the if-then statement, an inherited attribute S.next gives the label of the three-address
instruction to be execute next after executing the code for S. The code for S → while E do S1 is
formed as shown in the figure.
A syntax-directed definition for flow-of-control statements