SCWK5003 Case Study Guidance

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Assignment guidance: SCWK5003 Human

Growth & Development

Assignment: Case Study

Critically analyse a life course case study (available on the

Blackboard Shell under the Module Information tab)

Submission date:
22nd January 2024 3000 word limit
• Demonstrate understanding of key biological, psychological and
sociological perspectives used to explain human growth and development.
• Critically analyse theories of human development and evaluate their
relevance and appropriateness to social work practice.
• Apply and evaluate the use of theories for practice, considering service
user needs, anti-oppressive practice, the socio-political context, the
profession’s ethical principles and current legislation.
 Synthesise theory, legislation, and practice knowledge to develop
understandings about how to best support service users throughout the
life course.
 Justify the choice of theoretical approaches and syntheses with reliable
research evidence and best practice models, while accounting for the
service user’s needs and views.
Key Points

Should contain some clear but brief context to your essay

(don’t describe too much)
Define any terms

Tell the reader what you are going to do!

 A general statement about the importance of life course
perspectives and theories of human growth and
development to social work practice.
 A general introduction to how you are going to approach
the case study.
 Do NOT describe the detail of the case study (this will
waste words), but refer to it as is necessary for the reader
to understand.
Main Body of Essay
 Focus on answering the question
 Discuss and explain
 Analyse and argue
 Evidence your argument
 Use relevant and varied sources
 Harvard referencing
What am I being asked to do?
 The case study requires you to discuss and critically
analyse how a social worker might undertake
assessment and work with Poppy at three different
‘stages’ in her life, to understand what is happening for
her at each of these stages.
 At each of these three ‘stages’ you need to consider:
a) Human growth and development theories:
minimum of two different theoretical approaches/models
at each age.
You will need to critically evaluate your chosen theories
in relation to:
how they help you understand Poppy’s needs and wishes

in order to make an accurate and useful assessment;

help you practice in an anti-discriminatory manner.
b) How you would apply these theories within an
ecological perspective, taking into account:
the socio-economic and cultural context;

other factors that may affect Poppy’s individual life

c) How research and best practice models inform
your choice and evaluation of theoretical approaches:
drawing on a wide range of literature, critically
evaluate the theories you have chosen,
i.e.analyse (argue) why the application of the
chosen theories would be beneficial in supporting
Poppy at each age stage. Include consideration of the
limitations/critiques of these theories also.
 In pairs, draft or discuss your assignment plans.
 Refer to this and add notes as we go through the
 Note any questions you have – if these remain
unanswered at the end of presentation, there will be
an opportunity to raise them then.
•Outline the role/purpose of life course perspectives in social
work practice. Explain why theories of human growth and
development are so important in social work
•Consider: what it might be like to be Poppy, and how we
might understand her life and her experiences?
•Discuss what factors may influence Poppy’s life course.
•Draw upon your knowledge of developmental theory and
other perspectives associated with human growth and
development to demonstrate how this knowledge would
facilitate understanding of Poppy’s life course, her experiences,
her choices, her behaviour.
Use the module : What have we covered?
 Theories of  Milestones
development  Poverty & Social
 Attachment Exclusion
 Disability  Resilience
 Abuse and neglect  Parenting and Care
 Relationships  Transitions and Loss
What theories…?
 Attachment Theory
 Models of physical (and other) development and
expected milestones
 Developmental Tasks Theories (psychosocial)
 Stage Theories (cognitive)
 Ecological
Which theories/models are you going to use?
Discuss and analyse the benefits and limitations of
these theories/models/approaches:
How might they inform your understanding of Poppy’

Life Course and any social work intervention with Poppy?

What are the limitations/critiques of these

Examine their usefulness…
 Can they explain individual life course experiences?
 Can they support understanding?
 Are theories all we need?
 Are they the only way to explain behaviour and
 Might there be other influences on development?
 Might there be other ways to understand experience?
 Do values influence practice?
 What has influenced the creation of the theory/model?
 What else could affect work with service users?
 Does the purpose influence the outcome?
 What does the social worker need to be aware of?
 Does it matter which theory is used?
 Does the setting make a difference?
 By using two different examples you can compare and
 Legislation
 Anti-oppressive / Anti–discriminatory practice
 Experience / practice wisdom
 Purpose / agenda
 Professional practice model
 Recording and reporting
Make sure you include….

 Knowledge of human growth and development theory

(2 for each stage of Poppy’s life)
 Your own critical reflection
 Awareness of equal opportunity and diversity
 Relevant and accurate citations
 Summarise the main points and themes
 Express an opinion based on your discussion and
 Use a concluding statement
 DO NOT introduce new material in the conclusion
Critical Reflection

What is it?
What does critical mean?
What does reflect mean?
 Engage in critical thinking - not just description.
 Ask yourself some questions about the task.
 Explore the possible answers and reasons in your essay.
 Support it with research and references.

This process involves

 DESCRIPTION (What? When? Who? Where?)
 ANALYSIS (Why? How?)
 EVALUATION (What if? What are the strengths? What are the
 Your case study should be typed one-sided on A4 using
double spacing, with left and right- hand margins and
numbered pages. You must include your ID number on
each page of the document.
 Length maximum 10% over the word count, excluding
reference list, and any charts, graphs and diagrams.
Things to remember….
 Spacing  Structure
 Font  Clarity
 Paragraphs  Referencing
 Sentence length  Quotes
 Grammar
 Punctuation
 Spelling
 Have you answered the question/met the assignment
 Is it easy to read?
 Have you spell checked it? Checked punctuation?
 Does it flow?
 Is there a clear beginning, middle and end?
 Are you within the word count?
What are you being assessed on?
 All assignments must be submitted electronically via
Turnitin by midday on the deadline date provided
 Information on the submission of work, late submission
and penalties can be found at:

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