Origin and Evolution of Life
Origin and Evolution of Life
Origin and Evolution of Life
Evolution of life
By Dr. Ameya Dalvi
Origin of life
• The living matter shows attributes or characters like responsiveness, growth,
metabolism, energy transformations and reproduction.
• As far as origin of life is considered, it has remained an enigma for intellectuals at all
• It may have descended to the earth from other planets in the form of spores or micro-
organisms, called cosmozoa/panspermia.
Origin of life
c. Theory of spontaneous generation (Abiogenesis) :
• As per theory, life originated from non-living material spontaneously. This theory was
disproved by Louis Pasteur.
d. Theory of biogenesis :
• As per theory, living organisms are always produced from pre-existing living forms,
by process called reproduction.
• This theory is also called self assembly theory of origin of life or biochemical origin
of life
• Theory was first formulated by Haeckel but later developed by the Russian scientist
Alexander I. Oparin (1924) and British biologist J. B. S. Haldane (1929).
Chemical Evolution of Life
• The process of chemical evolution can be divided into following steps :
a. Origin of Earth and Primitive atmosphere
• As the universe expanded, the temperature decreased and various galaxies of solid
objects were formed.
• Milky Way is one such galaxy of which our solar system is one small part.
Chemical Evolution of Life
a. Origin of Earth and Primitive atmosphere :
• Earth is one of the planets of solar system.
• When formed, it was a rotating cloud of hot gases and cosmic dust called Nebula.
• The primitive atmosphere of the earth was quite different from the present one and it
was of a reducing type, devoid of free oxygen.
Chemical Evolution of Life
b. Formation of ammonia, water and methane:
• Primitive atmosphere was very hot.
• The early atmosphere was rich in hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen and Sulphur of which
hydrogen being more active, it reacted with other elements to form chemicals on earth
like CH4, NH3, H2Oand H2S.
Chemical Evolution of Life
c. Formation of simple organic molecules :
• As temperature of the earth decreased, steam condensed into water that resulted in
heavy rain fall and rain water got accumulated on the land to form rivers, streams,
lakes, seas and oceans.
• The atmosphere then did not contain ozone layer and thus ultra-violet radiations
reached the surface of earth directly.
Chemical Evolution of Life
c. Formation of simple organic molecules :
• Under the influence of available energy sources such as ultra-violet rays, radiations,
lightening and volcanic activities, the early molecules of hydrocarbons, ammonia,
methane and water underwent reactions like condensation, polymerisation, oxidation
and reduction.
• Methane, ammonia and hydrogen gases were pumped in the proportion of 1:2:2 into
the glass chamber.
Chemical Evolution of Life
Urey and Miller’s Experiment :
• A tube carrying water vapour was also connected to the chamber.
• Lightning effect was mimicked by electric discharge carbon arc spark in the chamber.
• Process of evaporation and precipitation was also simulated by the use of heating
mantle and condenser respectively.
Chemical Evolution of Life
• The mixture of CH4, NH3, H2 was exposed continuously to electric discharge for
several days causing the gases to interact, after which these were condensed.
• Chemical analysis of this liquid reported the presence of simple organic compounds.
• Experiment strongly supports that the simple molecules present in the earth’s early
atmosphere combined to form the organic building blocks of life.
Chemical Evolution of Life
RNA World Hypothesis :
• Oparin Haldane theory and Miller Urey experiment gives us an understanding that
pathway of origin of life on earth goes from non-living to living.
• We are also aware that certain proteins which we call enzymes, catalyze the chemical
reactions in the cell.
• It was in 1980 that Sidney Altman and Thomas Cech independently found out that
RNAs can also act as biocatalysts.
Chemical Evolution of Life
RNA World Hypothesis :
• These catalytic RNAs are called as Ribozymes.
• The hypothesis suggests that early life must have been based exclusively on nucleic
acids, most probably RNA.
• RNA is found abundantly in all living cells, it is structurally related to DNA and
chains of RNA can evolve or undergo mutations, replicate and catalyze reactions, all
support this hypothesis.
Chemical Evolution of Life
• Biomolecules like Acetyl-Co-A have a nucleotide in their molecular structure.
• Major evidence is existence of ribosome (the protein assembly unit) in the cell.
• These molecules might have undergone repeated replication and mutation forming
varieties of RNA molecules with varying sizes and catalytic properties.
• In due course, a double stranded stable structure, the DNA, might have been formed
and thus continued the ongoing journey which resulted in rich biodiversity on earth.
What is stress?
Organic Evolution
• Evolution means the act of unrolling or unfolding of nature.
• Darwin observed that the natural forces resulted in the changes in the earth’s crust
along South America.
• He observed variety of strange plants and animal in Galapagos islands and other
nearby islands in the Archipelago in terms of variations between the tortoises and
3. Organic variations
4. Natural selection
• He observed prodigality potential many species of plants and animals e.g. Salmon fish
produces about 28 lakh eggs in a single season.
• Variations were observed among members of the same species and even in different
4. Natural selection -
• According to Darwin, the principle by which useful variations are preserved by
nature, is called ‘Natural Selection’.
• Proposed by Hugo de Vries (1901), after the rediscovery of Mendel’s work (1900).
• He found that though most of the offspring's resembled their parents in many
characters, some of the offspring's show the appearance of sudden or spontaneous
variation clearly different from the phenotypic expression of the parent.
• He noted that these sudden changes are inheritable, and proposed the Mutation theory.
Mutation Theory
• Accumulation of these mutations over a period of time leads to the origin and
establishment of new species.
iii. Chromosomal aberrations have little significance in evolution as they are quite
What is stress?
Modern Synthetic Theory Of Evolution
• Stebbins in his book discussed five key factors such as gene mutations, mutations in
the chromosome structure and number, genetic recombinations, natural selection and
reproductive isolation, contributed in the evolution of new species.
• Gene pool means the total number of genes of all individuals in a population.
• The gametes produced by individual furnish a pool of genes of next generation from
which the genes will be selected.
Modern Synthetic Theory Of Evolution
• The gene pool changes due to replacement of one generation by another in the
Mendelian population.
• According to Mendel, every gene that influences a trait has two alleles.
• The proportion of an allele in the gene pool, to the total number of alleles at a given
locus, is called gene frequency.
Modern Synthetic Theory Of Evolution
Modern synthetic theory comprises five main factors that are broadly divided into three
main concepts like –
i. Gene Mutation :
• Sudden permanent heritable change is called mutation.
• Mutation that occurs within the single gene, is called point mutation or gene mutation.
Modern Synthetic Theory Of Evolution
ii. Genetic recombination :
• In sexually reproducing organisms, during gamete formation, exchange of genetic
material occurs between non-sister chromatids of homologous chromosomes. This is
called crossing over.
• Fertilization between opposite mating gametes leads to various recombination's
resulting into the phenotypic variations causing change in the frequencies of alleles.
v. Chromosomal aberrations :
• The structural, morphological change in chromosome due to rearrangement, is called
chromosomal aberrations.
Modern Synthetic Theory Of Evolution
Chromosomal aberrations occur due to--
a. Deletion : Loss of genes from chromosome.
• One has to give the importance to the population while considering the mechanism of
• The following are the basic processes which bring about evolution viz.
Mutations, gene recombination, gene flow (migration), genetic drift, natural
selection, isolation and speciation.
Mechanism of organic evolution
Mutations -
• These are permanent heritable changes in the genetic material of an organism.
• Gene mutations produce new alleles which are added to gene pool.
Gene recombination -
• These are variation produce due to coming together of alleles during sexual
Gene flow –
• It is the transfer of gene during interbreeding of populations that are genetically
Mechanism of organic evolution
Genetic drift -
• It is the transfer of gene during interbreeding of populations that are genetically
• Genetic drifts are random or directionless
• The effect of genetic drift is more significant in small population than in large
• Any alternation in allete frequency in the natural population by chance, is called
genetic drift.
• The original drifted population (i.e. colonizing ancestor/pioneer) becomes ‘founders’
and the effect is called founder effect.
• It is a process by which better adapted individuals with useful variations are selected
by nature and leave greater or more number of progenies (Differential reproduction).
Mechanism of organic evolution
Natural selection -
• Type of Natural selection :
b. Directional selection :
1. In this type, more individuals acquired value other than the mean character value.
2. Natural selection acts to eliminate one of the extremes of the phenotypic range and
favour the other. e.g. systematic elimination of homozygous recessives.
1. Here more number of individuals acquire peripheral character value at both ends of the
distribution curve.
2. Nature select extreme phenotypes and eliminate intermediate. Hence two peaks are formed
in distribution of traits.
4. It ensures the effect on the entire gene pool of a population, considering all mating types or
Mechanism of organic evolution
Mechanism of organic evolution
Isolation -
• It is separation of a single interbreeding population into subunits.
Speciation –
• The sub units of single interbreeding population due to the geographical barriers like
river, mountains, desert, sea etc. become isolated in such a way that their
interbreeding is prevented.
What is stress?
Hardy-Weinberg’s principle
• The law states that ‘at equilibrium point both the gene (allele) frequency and
geneotypic frequency remain constant from generation to generation’.
• The genotypic frequencies of both the alleles are represented by = 1. The binomial
expansion of this is + 2pq + = 1 i.e. AA= , aa= and for 2Aa= 2pq.
• Like allele frequency, the genotypic frequencies together are also equal to 1.
• There are few factors such as gene migration (gene flow), genetic drift, mutation,
genetic recombination's, natural selection, non-random mating, etc. which affect or
change the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.
What is stress?
Adaptive Radiation
• The process of evolution which results in transformation of original species to many
different varieties, is called, adaptive radiation.
• Example of adaptive radiation is Australian Marsupials.
Adaptive Radiation
• Darwin concluded that the American main land species of bird was the original one
from which they migrated to the different islands of Galpagos.
• From original seed eating features many other forms with altered beaks evolved into
insectivorous features.
• In Australia, there are many marsupial mammals who evolved from common ancestor.
is stress? OF
Evidences of organic evolution
• The theory of organic evolution states that the present day complex organisms have
originated from earlier simpler forms of life.
• The study of fossils provides the most convincing and direct evidence of evolution.
• Fossils are formed in sedimentary rocks, amber (yellowish fossils resin), ice, peat bogs
• During fossilization, the primitive forms of organisms occupy the older, lower layers
and the advanced forms occupy the upper, more recent layers of the earth.
Evidences of organic evolution
Types of fossils :
1. Actual remains :
• These are most common type of fossils.
• The plants, animals and human bodies got embedded in permafrost of arctic or alpine
snow remain preserved in the actual state, e.g. Wooly Mammoth in Siberia.
2. Moulds :
• These are the hardened encasements formed in the outer parts of organic remains
which later decayed leaving cavities.
Evidences of organic evolution
3. Cast :
• They are hardened pieces of mineral matter deposited in the cavities of moulds.
4. Compressions :
• Internal structure is absent but a thin carbon film indicates the outline of external
Evidences of organic evolution
Significance of Paleontology :
• These are fossil forms transitional or intermediate between two groups of organisms.
Archaeopteryx lithographica :
• It is fossilized crow size toothed bird found from jurassic rocks in Germany.
• It is known as missing link between reptiles and birds because it shows characters of
Evidences of organic evolution
Evidences of organic evolution
Reptilian characters :
Reptilian characters :
Avian characters :
1. Feathery exoskeleton.
a. Homologous organs :
• Homologous organs are those organs, which are structurally similar but perform
different functions.
• The structural similarities between the homologous organs indicates that they have a
common ancestor.
Evidences of organic evolution
Evidences of organic evolution
b. Analogous organs :
• Analogous organs are those which are structurally dissimilar but functionally similar.
• Analogous organs leads to convergent evolution i.e. different organisms shows same
superficial structural similarities due to similar functions or habitat.
c. Vestigial organs :
• The early embryos of all vertebrates show similarity in shape and structure.
Similarities between embryos of all vertebrates suggests the all vertebrates evolved
from a common ancestor.
D. Molecular Evidences :
1. Cell is the basic structural and functional unit of life in all organisms.
• The process of formation of a new species from the pre-existing species is called
• Species is a group of similar organisms that can interbreed and produce a fertile
offspring in nature.
a. Intraspecific Speciation :
i. Allopatric speciation
ii. Sympatric speciation
• i. Allopatric speciation :
• Formation of a new species due to separation of a segment of population from the
original population by distanced or a geographical barrier cutting across the species
• Migration of individual also causes allopatric speciation.
Hybridization :
• Two different species on crossing may give rise to a new species. e.g. Mule is a
hybrid produced by interbreeding between a male donkey and a female horse.
What is stress? TIME
Geological time scale
• Geological time scale is used to understand the sequence of events that to place on the
earth in different ages over a period of time.
• It is divided into six major ‘Eras’ Eras ended with major environmental changes on
earth resulting into extinction and emergence of new species.
• The first life appeared on the earth some 2000 million years ago.
Geological time scale
• Life began in the sea water and plants were the first living beings to adapt to terrestrial
• Fishes evolved and diversified. Some developed stout and strong fins could go to land
and come back to water. Reptiles evolved from amphibians.
Geological time scale
• They are the first true land vertebrates.
• About 200 million years ago (mya) some reptiles moved back to aquatic mode of life
and gained fish like form as seen in Ichthyosaurs.
• From the fossil records we can trace complete evolutionary history of horse, elephant,
dog, etc.
• It has been traced that the human evolution appeared to have evolved
from a tree dwelling shrew like animal.
• Bipedal locomotion
• Opposable thumb
• Erect posture
Human Evolution
Major changes that took place in evolution of man :
• Shortening of forelimbs and lengthening of hind limbs
• Development of chin
• Posture : Semi-Erect
• Posture : Erect
Human Evolution
• Appearance : Connecting link between Ape and man
• Site of fossil records : Toung in South Africa, Ethiopia, Tanzania
• Period : late Pliocene or early Pleistocene epoch about 4 – 1.8 mya
• Skeletal features : Not taller than 4 feet, jaws larger, Prognathus face, chin
absent, Lumbar Curvature present.
• Posture : Erect
• Cranial capacity : 450 – 650 cc
• Special features : Man with Ape Brain
Human Evolution
• Appearance : Handy man like
• Site of fossil records : Olduvai Gorge Tanzania in Africa
• Period : Late Pliocene or early Pleistocene 2.5 to 1.4 mya
• Skeletal features : Lower jaw, Dentition more like Modern man,
Smaller molars
• Posture :
• Cranial capacity : 650-800 cc
• Special features : probably did not eat meat, made tools from stones,
nicknamed Handy man
Human Evolution
• Appearance : Ape man
• Site of fossil records : Java and Peking
• Period :middle of Pleistocene epoch 1.5 mya ago
• Skeletal features : 5 feet in Height, prognathous face, massive jaws,
Huge teeth, chin absent, Bony eyebrow ridges present
• Posture : Erect
• Cranial capacity : 900 cc
• Special features : probably ate meat, Omnivorous, might have used
Human Evolution
• Appearance : Modern Prehistoric man
• Site of fossil records : Neanderthal valley, Germany
• Period : Late Pleistocene epoch 100000 to 40000 ago
• Skeletal features : Heavy built short prominent brow ridges low forehead,
deep jaws, chin absent, outwardly curved thigh bones
• Posture : Erect
• Cranial capacity : 1400 cc
• Special features : used hide, buried their dead, constructed flint tools
Human Evolution
• Appearance : Modern Man
• Posture : Erect
• Special features : developed distinct races. Developed cave art about 18000 yrs
Human Evolution
• Increase in intelligence necessitated physical development so that body and brain
could be used effectively and productively.
• Bipedal locomotion, upright posture coupled with stereoscopic vision helped man to
move around safely on land.
• Evolutionary history of man was traced with the help of fossil remains found over a
period of time.