IR College SkillsF2023
IR College SkillsF2023
IR College SkillsF2023
strategies to do
well in college
Introduction to Social Science Research (IR)
Today’s objectives
● Bloom’s taxonomy or learning objectives
Apply this taxonomy to the development of test questions
- As you read, try to relate to new facts, terms, and concepts to information you
already know well or to your own experiences (personally meaningful)
- The more genuine interest you can bring to your reading, the more you will learn
(Hartlep & Forsyth, 2000).
SQ4R method of reading text
4. Review
- When done reading: skim quickly over the chapter again and/or read your notes
- Take practice quizzes
- Read chapter summary in detail and make sure you understand everything in it.
- Go back and reread sections that you don’t fully understand
Skill-building: Reading a textbook
practice sheet
● On Moodle (homework for next week)
College skills: Effective note-
Good students take notes!
Don’t just print out the PowerPoint slides or listen to the recordings (this is a
BAD, idea!)
● Stay organized
● Spaced practice: much more efficient (Anderson, 2005) than massed practice