1-Pin Retained Restoration

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restoration of

badly broken
down teeth

classification of coronal

location and extend of destruction 

play a role in the selection of
;materials and design of cavity

:Destruction can be classified into 

one cusp missing pin retained ag

two cusps missing pin retained ag

inlay or onlay

three cusps missing
pins+ crown

I-Pin Retained
:Definition of pins
: pin retained restoration 
Any restoration requiring the 
placement of one or two pins in dentin
provide adequate retention form and or 
resistance form
When a large areas of clinical crown have been lost because-1 
of caries or trauma but the pulp still vital

In case of heavily restored tooth premolars and molars and s-2 

.ubject to fracture of buccal or lingual cusps

Often when a cavity prepared in the lower first mol-3 

ars , the fifth disto-buccal cusps seriously subject to
traumatic undermining , if this is so , it’s better to re
move this cusp completely and dong the pin retaine
.d restoration

When there is a mutilated tooth and it is-4 
considered an strategically important tooth
for a bridge work i.e. as an abutment for
bridge work , so it’s better to do a pin ret
ained restoration pin retained amalgam re
storation which become ready for the cro
wn and the bridge work as a retainer

Following the root canal treatment , due to th -5 
e tooth or the remaining tooth structure truly in
need for strengthening after it is being lost it’s
vitality and a large amount of tooth structure , s
o for some instances the tooth may be get a pr
otection by doing pin retained restoration espe
cially by using the adhesive restoration that ten
d to increase the fracture resistance of the toot
h and the full protection will be gained or produ
ced through preparation of crown or full cov
.erage restoration

types of pins

cemented friction locked self threaded

pin hole

pin trial
pin adjustment

pin cemented
:advantage of this technique
because the cemented pin does not produce i -1 
nternal stresses and craze lines in the dentin it's
the pin of choice for use in restoration of root
canal treated teeth
pins can be measured ,cut,bent,trial fitted befo -2 
.re cementation
They are available in three diameters to suit -3 
.avariety conditions
any length of pin can be used and easily to -4 
be shaped as L shape or U shape and this is u
sufull in some class Iv cavities when pin retent
.ion for composite resins is needed
Disadvantages of markely technique

retention of pins is not as good as other method te-1 

chnique or
length and direction of pins cannot be changed aft-2 
.er cement has set
the method is more complicated than other 2 meth-3 
ods in that more instruments and materials are need
because zinc phosphate cement are irritant to the de 
ntino pulpal organ a cavity varnish might be used be
.fore cementation into holes
Unitek system or -2
friction lock pins
pins are supplied in deffrent three lengths ( 
.9.5, 7.9, 4.5 mm)with 0.55 mm in diameter
the diameter of pinhole is (0.025 -0.03 mm)small 
.er than that of pin
the depth of pinhole should be 2-4 mm deep 
pinhole are made in dentin with special drill and 
placed by means of pin seeter which can be eith
.er straight or bayonet shaped
pins are tapped into holes retained by resiliency 
of dentin and are 2-3 times are retentive than ce
.mented pins
stresses are created in the dentin when pin is t 
apped to place and may result in lateral cracks
.prependicular to the axis of the pins
pulpal stresses is maximal when lateral surface 
.of friction-locked pin is adjacent to the pulp
microleakage occur to a greater degree around 
friction locked pins than around thread-mate s
cavity varnish applied to pinhole doesnot reduc 
.e the retentive ability of the friction-locked pin
advantages of unitek method

instruments less expensive than those needed for t 

.hread mate system
no nessesary to varnish the holes before fixing pi 
.ns due to no need for cementing medium
give more retention force or means than cemented 
type pins
disadvantages of unitek method

for any reason when the access technique is not goo 

d and poor the techniaue become very difficult to ac
the problems onvolved in using the tap or wedged pi 
.ns that straight wires or pins being used
they cannot easily removed if the case necessary aft 
.er they are seated in the tooth
the pins cannot be bent after fixing in the tooth so re 
sult in fracture of the portion of the tooth so pin mus
.t not be bent because of the losing the tooth
sometimes in careless malleting and handling condit 
.ions enamel fracture occur
Thread mate-3
thread mate system thread mate system
diameter of prepared pinhole is(0.038-0.1 
mm)smaller than that of pin,there is a ma
nual hand latch or pin seeter being used f
or insertion and twisting of the pins inside
the holes when the access to cavity is go
but when is not,using contra angle at 200- 
500 r.p.m very slow speed with clutch to
control the depth to which the pin go thro
.ugh to bottom of hole
the pin is retained by the threads engagin 
.g the resilient dentin as its inserted
it's 5 -6 times more retentive than c 
emented pin and 2-3 times grater tha
.n the friction lock pins
lateral and apical pressures can be c 
reated in the dentin when self thread
. ing pins are inserted
insertion of these pins produce more 
crazing of the dentin than other two t
: advantage of TMS method 
the technique can be cosidered the easiest 
.of three types of pin retained restorations
the retention and resistence for the restorat 
ion considered the greatest one than the ot
pins can be bent after insertion and fixed in 
sound dentin without fracture of the tooth s
no need for the intermediary cement materi 
al for fixation of pins so no further irritation
.could be result
:disadvantages of TMS method 

this system is considered an expensive tech 

.nique with it's tools and materials
it's advise not to use in cases of old ages p 
atients as the dentis loss it's elasticity and i
n cases of endodontically treated teeth as th
e tooth liable for fracture during insertion o
.f pins
Pin technique

pin size 
.pin No 
location 
design 
drilling pinhole 
pin placement 
TMS can be obtained in 4 different 
)regular, minim, minkin and and minuta( 

:and in several different designs 

standard, 2 in one, self shearing type( 
Pin Hole 

regular .78 .68mm 

minim .61 .53mm 
minikin .48 .38mm 
minuta .38 .34mm 
two factors affect selection of

amount of dentin available

amount of retention

for posterior teeth=minikin and minim

for anterior teeth=minim
.several factors affect No 
amount of missing tooth structure-1 
amount of dentin available-2 
amount of retention required-3 
size of pin 



no closer than .5-1mm to DEJ 

or no closer than 1-1.5 mm to 
external tooth surface
not close to vertical wall 
prepared on flat surface 
interpin distance =3mm 
pinhole drillingِِِِِ

al shank

kodex drill
high speed tool steel

start point

hand piece at very low speed 300-500 apply

pressure and prepare pinhole in one movement
Pin hole


in 1 2

self shearing


pin placement

factors affecting the retention of
the pin in dentin and amalgam
:types of pins-1 
self threading pins offer three times more rete 
.ntion than friction lock a nd cemented ones
:numbers of pins-2 
within limits increasing the number of pins increase r 
.etention in dentin and in amalgam
but at the same time dentin crazing and fracture pote 
ntial increase
the amount of dentin available between pins become 
.less and amalgam resistence also decrease
so when determining the number of pins to be used 
u must take into cosideration several factors and kno
w the problems which might be
:size of pins-3 

within limits as the diameter of pins inc 

rease retention in dentin and malgam i
ncrease. increase diameter of pin increa
se the force which is required to displa
ce or fracture or debonding pin from to
the danger of pulpal penetration and ext 
ernal perforation increase as number, de
.pth, diameter of pins increase
A large no. and excessive length of pins 
can severely compromise condensation
of amalgam and its adaptation to the
:the depth of pin-4 

it's better to select and choose the system of 

pin that give us a maximum retention with sh
ort extension in sound dentin to avoid perfora
tion to surrounding peridontium or pulp cham
. ber
cemented p in increase its retention by increasi 
ng its depth in dentin but on the other hand
self threading pin achieved their maximum ret
.ention within 2mm in dentin
. 
drilling should be done against 
flat surface. drilling against a sl
oping surface makes calculation
of pinhole depth difficult

Failure of pin retained
broken drill and broken pin-1 

loose pin-2

penetration into pulp and external-3

tooth surface
broken drill and broken pin-1 

drill will break if stressed laterally or stop
rotating before removal from pin hole


another location1.5mm from the first one

loose pin-2
pin hole is too large


removed and use another one

hole is prepared with next large drill and

penetration into pulp and external-3
tooth surface

penetration into pulp

treated as exposure

penetration external tooth surface-3

cut of
occlusal to
gingival cut of+ preparation
attachment extend gingival
removed and hole
restored w amlgam

penetration external tooth surface-3

surgical exposure,
apical to enlarge hole and
gingival restored w amalgam

crown lengthening
see u next

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