Abortion 4
Abortion 4
Abortion 4
• Termination of pregnancy, either spontaneously or
► Pathology
► Hemorrhage into the decidua basinalis, followed by necrosis of
tissues adjacent to the bleeding
► If early, the ovum detaches, stimulating uterine contractions
that result in its ovulation
► Gestational sac is opened , fluid surrounding a small macerated
fetus or alternatively no fetus is visible → blighted ovum
Spontaneous abortion
► Pathology
• Etiology
• After the first trimester, both the abortion rate & the
incidence of chromosomal anomalies decrease
Spontaneous abortion
► Etiology
• Infections
• Listeria monocytogenes
• Clamydia trachomatis
• Mycoplasma hominis
• Ureaplasma urealyticum
• Toxoplasma gondii
Spontaneous abortion – Maternal factors
• Celiac sprue
►Endocrine abnormalities
►Iodine deficiency associated with excessive miscarriages
►Thyroid autoantibodies → incidence of abortion↑
►Diabetes mellitus
►The rates of spontaneous abortion & major congenital malformations
►Poor glucose control → incidence of abortion↑
►Progesterone deficiency
►Luteal phase defect
►Insufficient progesterone secretion by the corpus luteum or placenta
Spontaneous abortion – Maternal factors
►Dietary deficiency of any one nutrients → not important cause
► Inherited thrombophilia
► Many studies of aggregated thrombophilias
→ excessive recurrent abortions
► Laparotomy
► Surgery performed during early pregnancy
→ no evidence of tncreased abortion
► Peritonitis increases the likelihood of abortion
► Physical trauma
► Major abdominal trauma → abortion↑
Spontaneous abortion – Maternal factors
► Incompetent cervix
► Painless dilatation of cervix in the 2nd or early in the 3rd
→ prolapse & ballooning of membranes into vagina
→ rupture of membrane & expulsion of immature fetus
► Unless effectively treated, tends to repeat in each pregnancy
► Diagnosis in nonpregnant women
► Hysterography
► Pull-through techniques of inflated Foley catheter balloons
► Acceptance without resistance at the internal os of specifically sized
cervical dilators
► The use of transvaginal ultrasound in pregnant women
► Cervical length - shortening
► Funneling
Spontaneous abortion – Maternal factors
►The more advanced the pregnancy, the more likely the risk that surgical
intervention stimulate preterm labor or membrane rupture
► Usually do not perform after about 23 weeks
Spontaneous abortion – Maternal factors
► Sonography
: Confirm living fetus & exclude major fetal anomalies
► Cervical cytology
• McDonald
• Modified Shirodkar
• Inevitable abortion abortion
Inevitable abortion
Incomplete abortion
• Complete or incomplete Complete abortion
abortion Missed abortion
Septic abortion
Recurrent abortion
• Missed abortion
• Recurrent abortion
Categories of spontaneous abortion
Threatened abortion
► Definition
► Any bloody vaginal discharge or bleeding during 1st half of
► Bleeding is frequently slight, but may persist for days or weeks
► Frequency
► Extremely common (one out of four or five pregnant women)
► Prognosis
► Approximately ½ will abort
► Risk of preterm delivery, low birthweight, perinatal death↑
► Risk of malformed infant does not appear to be increased
Categories of spontaneous abortion
Threatened abortion
►Usually bleeding begins first
►Cramping abdominal pain follows a few hours to several days later
►Presence of bleeding & pain
→ Poor prognosis for pregnancy continuation
►Bed rest & acetaminophen-based analgesia
►Progesterone (IM) or synthetic progestational agent (PO or IM)
►Lack of evidence of effectiveness
►Often results in no more than a missed abortion
►D-negative women with threatened abortion
► Probably should receive anti-D immunoglobulin
Categories of spontaneous abortion
Inevitable abortion
► Complete abortion
► Following complete detachment & expulsion of the
► The internal cervical os closes
► Incomplete abortion
► Expulsion of some but not all of the products of conception
during 1st half of pregnancy
► The internal cervical os remains open & allows passage of
► The fetus & placenta may remain entirely in utero or may
partially extrude through the dilated os
→ Remove retained tissue without delay
Categories of spontaneous abortion
Missed abortion
Recurrent abortion
• Therapeutic abortion
►Laminaria tents
: stem of brown seaweed ( Laminaria digitata or japonica)
→ drawing water from proteoglycan complexes of cervix
→ dissociation allow the cervix to soften & dilate
► Insertion technique : tip rests just at the level of internal os
► Usually after 4-6hours, laminaria dilate the cervix sufficiently to allow easier
mechanical dilation & curettage
► May cause cramping pain
→ easily managed with 60 mg codeine every 3-4 hours
Surgical techniques for abortion
► Menstrual aspiration
• Laparotomy
• Indications
►Early abortion
• Oxytocin
► Prostaglandins
► Technique
: Can act effectively on the cervix & uterus (86~95%
► Vaginal prostaglandin E2 suppository & prostaglandin E1
► As a gel through a catheter into the cervical canal & lowermost uterus
► Injection into the amnionic sac by amniocentesis
► Parenteral injection
► Oral ingestion
Medical induction of abortion