An Inspector Calls Resource Pack
An Inspector Calls Resource Pack
An Inspector Calls Resource Pack
Historical context
Writer’s choices
Dramatic devices
Analysis of quotations
Coups de
Enigma Euphemism
and The photograph
Eyes rooms Catalysts Dramatic irony Satire
Adaptations Essay writing technique
BBC 2015 adaptation with David Thewlis. Always answer the question! – easy to ramble, misread the question, go
Stephen Daldry’s 1992 film noir the wrong direction with your response. To avoid this, keep using specific
influenced version at Lyttelton National words and terms from the question to help you refocus.
Theatre (left) – went on tour in 2011/12. PEEL paragraph – structured responses focus answers ensuring that reading
BBC 1982 Television version – available exam questions are answered correctly.
on YouTube. Analyse - Analysis basically means ‘inspecting and picking apart’. Play
2004 unabridged audio adaptation. detective with the book, its purpose and meaning.
90 minute BBC Radio adaptation in 2010. Quotation - Important and relevant selection of quotations for evidence of
1954 Guy Hamilton film version. your point.
1979 Soviet made-for-television two-part Objective and critical approach – avoiding the “I think” and discussing
version. opinions with “arguably” and “one viewpoint is” as examples.
Other than original theatrical productions in 1945 Connective sentence starters – so helpful with sentence structures: firstly,
and some adaptations soon after, recent versions therefore, on the other hand, however, consequently, in contrast, whereas,
have not necessarily given the play the full adaptive additionally, also, as a result…
treatment reserved for classics. Stephen Daldry’s Writer and reader - responding to the writer’s motive and the effect on the
theatre production and BBC’s 1982 version are the reader
most renowned. However, there is scope for a Context - Explanation of the social, political and historical context of the
further film adaptations to immortalise the story. point given
The importance of
Inspector Goole is that
What do you think is his investigation “INSPECTOR GOOLE:
the importance of technique reveals the (massively) Public
secrets and lies of the men, Mr Birling,
Inspector Goole and Birling family in relation
have responsibilities
how does Priestley to the suicide of Eva
Smith. as well as privileges.
present him? (Act 2)”
the thought that Eva Smith was themselves wonder what is going to happen
afterwards. It is finished in an unusual way
said they had done. This leaves
the readers thinking about what’s
as authors answer questions but Priestley
not the same person in everyone’s is letting the readers make up their own going to happen afterwards and
maybe makes them feel some
story. ending.
hatred towards some characters.
Social class is very important in
‘An Inspector Calls’ and Priestley
The social class is very
important as the Inspector
Why did Socialism
presents their ideas about social
does not really care about Inspector Capitalism
class by getting characters such
as Inspector Goole to support
what class the person is, but
on the other hand, Mr.
Goole ask The labourer
the working classes and to
challenge the elite society.
Birling does care a lot about these Worker’s rights
the class, as he is an aspiring questions
middle class person aiming
The business
Priestley presents different
classes through the ideologies of
to be one of the ‘elites’ in when he was Profits and
society. not the real
socialism and capitalism. productivity
Whilst Mr Birling is a pro-
Inspector? Equality
business capitalist, Inspector Hierarchy
Goole emphasises the value of
characters like Eva Smith (a PUPILS’ SUGAR PAPER ANSWERS Ideological
mistreated labourer) and ‘An Inspector Calls’ Exam Question conflict
therefore represents a socialist
ethos. How important do you think social class is in ‘An The writer’s
Inspector Calls’ and how does Priestley present motives
ideas about social class? Class and gender
On several occasions in the story,
Arthur Birling makes it a priority Responsibility
that we should be responsible for Power
ourselves and no-one else.
Patriarchy – Eva does not agree with men dominating Individualism
For example, “Remember this one because she believes that women have a say. so she
Eva Smith has gone – but there are grouped up with the other girls working in the factory
millions and millions of Eva Smiths to tell Arthur Birling to raise their pay. However, Arthur
and John Smiths left”. treats her differently because she is a female. “You
would not treat me like this if I was a man”. This
This suggests that he has an excuse implies that Mr Birling does not treat her with respect
for every tragedy that doesn’t like he would with a man, showing that men
affect himself and that he treats a dominated in the 1900s and women were often
working class labourer of lesser working class labourers or secondary figures in high
value than a societal elite. society.
Example exam questions
In the opening stage
How does Priestley present
directions, Priestley refers
ideas about gender in An
to Eric as ‘not quite at ease, How important do you think
Inspector Calls?
half shy, half assertive’. How social class is in An
does Priestley present these Inspector Calls and how
and other ideas about Eric does Priestley present ideas
What do you think is the
in An Inspector Calls? about social class?
importance of Eva Smith in
An Inspector Calls and how
does Priestley present her? In Act 2 of An Inspector
Calls, Sheila says to her
mother, Mrs Birling, ‘But we
must stop these silly
What do you think is the
pretences.’ How does
importance of Inspector How does Priestley present
Priestley show, in his
Goole and how does his own ideology through
presentation of Mrs Birling,
Priestley present him? the characters in An
that she often pretends to
be something she is not? Inspector Calls?
What an expression,
Sheila! Really the things If you think you can bring
you girls pick up these any pressure to bear upon
days! (Act 1) me, Inspector, you're quite Well, I must say his
mistaken. Unlike the other I'm sorry she should manner was quite
Please don't contradict three, I did nothing I'm have come to such a extraordinary; so – so
me like that. And in any ashamed of or that won't horrible end. But I rude – and assertive –
case I don't suppose for bear investigation. (Act 2) accept no blame for (Act 3)
a moment that we can it at all. (Act 2)
understand why the girl
committed suicide. Girls I'll tell you what I told her. Go Really, from the way you
of that class—(Act 2) and look for the father of the children talk, you might be
child. It's his responsibility. If, as she said, he didn't wanting to help him instead
That – I consider – is a (Act 2) belong to her class, and of us. Now just be quiet so
trifle impertinent, was some drunken young that your father can decide
inspector. (Act 2) idler, then that's all the what we ought to do. (Looks
more reason why he expectantly at Birling.) (Act 3)
She was giving herself
(with dignity) Yes. shouldn't escape. He
ridiculous airs. She was
We've done a great should be made an
claiming elaborate fine
deal of useful work in example of. If the girl's
feelings and scruples that
helping deserving death is due to anybody,
were simply absurd in a girl They're over-tired. In the
cases. (Act 2) then it's due to him. (Act 2)
in her position. (Act 2) morning they'll be as
amused as we are. (Act 3)
Inspector Goole Quotations
I’d like some information, if Sometimes there isn't much (cutting in, with authority) he Each of you helped to
you don't mind, Mr Birling. difference as you think. Often must wait his turn. (Act 2) kill her. Remember that.
Two hours ago a young , if it was left to me, I Never forget it. (He looks
woman died on the wouldn't know where to from one to the other of
infirmary. She'd been taken draw the line [between them carefully.) But then
there this afternoon respectable citizens and I don't think you ever
because she'd swallowed a criminals]. (Act 1) will. (Act 3)
(massively) Public men, Mr
lot of strong disinfectant. Birling, have responsibilities as
Burnt her inside out, of well as privileges. (Act 2)
course. (Act 1)
Identifies the inequality between the middle and upper classes (the haves -
bourgeois society) with the working classes (the have nots - the proletariat).
Marx’s agenda was to see greater equality in society with an emphasis on the
welfare of the community (socialism)over the welfare of the economy
Moderate Marxism – socialism – seeks to peacefully bridge the gap between
the rich and the poor by democratic means with an emphasis on public sector
provision and a ‘there is no such thing as the undeserving poor’ ethos towards
the unemployed, the benefits claimants, the homeless and the marginalised.
Extreme Marxism – communism - seeks to overthrow the bourgeois
government by violent means and replace it with a proletariat led system of
state control.
Karl Marx wrote ‘The Communist Manifesto’ which set out the idea that the
proletariat needed to overthrow the bourgeoisie by means of a revolution.
Marx is a strong critic of capitalism and the free-market equality of opportunity
and not equality of outcome ethos.
state focused dictate AUTHORITARIAN
NATIONAL anti-freedom
Ideology STATISM
LEFt Right
welfare of the people welfare of the economy
freedom of the individual relate anti state
Additional Help Sheet
Writers’ block sentence starters
Priestley illustrates the theme of responsibility through the
characterisation of Inspector Goole…
Priestley reflects on unjust attitudes within society by
showing how Eva Smith is neglected by the Birling family…
One could argue that Inspector Goole is the vicarious
embodiment of Priestley’s own ideological agenda