Chapter Five Editted
Chapter Five Editted
Chapter Five Editted
Game 9-16
5.5.4.Peoples and States in Southwestern
- Yem
- Gamo
5.5.5.Peoples and States in the West
-Berta and Gumuz
- Anywa
- Majang
- The Kunama
All the above mentioned ppeoples & states of the
time were politically independent with their own
traditional Systems
5.6. The Gondarine Period and Zemene-Mesafint
5.6.1.The Gondarine Period
The period of Gondar began from the reign of
Emperor Sartsa-Dengle when the political center of
Ethiopian emperors shifted to Gondar area.
Emperor Sartsa-Dengle established royal camp at
Enfranz in 1571.
Emperor Susenyos also tried to establish his capital
near Gondar in Gorgora.
Gondar was founded in 1636 when Fasiledas
established his political seat there.
Gondar achieved its glory during the reigns of
its first three successive emperors: Fasiledas
(r.1632–67), Yohannes I (r.1667-82) and Iyasu I
(r.1682- 1706).
Among the major reforms during these periods
were the restoration of Orthodox Church as
state religion, and the establishment of a royal
prison at Amba Wahni to solve problems
stemming from power rivalry.
Emperor Yohannes I and his council
established a separate quarter for Muslims at
Addis Alem.
His successor, Iyasu I, reformed land tenure system,
introduced a system of land measurement in
Begemder, taxes, and customs, and revised the Fetha
Negest (the civil code).
From 1728 to 1768, Etege Mentewab together with
her brother Ras-Bitwaded Walda Le’ul (1732-1767)
dominated the Gondarine court politics. Walda Le’ul
was influential during the reigns of Iyasu II (1730-55)
and Iyoas (1755-69).
Following his death in 1767, Etege Mentewab was
challenged by Wubit Amito, her daughter-in-law from
To counter the growing power of the Wollo Oromo in
the royal court, Mentewab sought the alliance of Ras
Mika'el Sehul of Tigray who was politically astute and
militarily powerful.
Mika'el Sehul succeeded in stabilizing the situation
but refused to return to Tigray although demanded by
This was followed by the killing of Iyoas and his
replacement by an old man Yohannes II by Ras
Mika'el. Soon Ras Mika'el killed Yohannes II and put
his son Takla- Haymanot II (1769-77) on power.
This marked the onset of the period of Zemene-
Mesafint (1769-1855).
B. Achievements of the Gondarine Period