Unit 5 Nouns Articles S V Agreement

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Unit 5

Nouns, articles, S-V agreement


Concrete Nouns Abstract Nouns

⚫ A concrete noun is a ⚫ An abstract noun is a

noun which refers to noun which refers to
people and to things ideas, qualities, and
that exist physically and conditions - things
can be seen, touched, which have no physical
smelled, heard, or reality.
tasted. ⚫ Ex: friendship,
⚫ Ex: cat, house, milk, happiness, time, love
beach, flower

Common Nouns Proper Nouns

⚫ A common noun is a ⚫ A proper noun is a name

noun that refers to that identifies a
people, things, places, particular person, place,
activities, ideas, thing, etc.
feelings ⚫ They begin with a capital
⚫ Ex: Steven, Africa,
⚫ Ex: boy, country,
September, ‘Finding
shopping, happiness

Countable Nouns Uncountable Nouns

⚫ A countable noun (count ⚫ An uncountable noun (mass

noun) refers to something noun) refers to something that
that can be counted. we can’t count.
⚫ Ex: school, book, bicycle ⚫ Ex: butter, air, music, beauty
⚫ Have a singular and a ⚫ Don’t normally have a plural
plural form => use a form => use a singular verb
singular or plural verb ⚫ Can use this, that, some before
⚫ Can be counted using some
⚫ Can use a/an, the, this,
expressions of units,
that, these, those, some
containers and measurements
Some nouns can be countable and uncountable
Countable Nouns

Singular Nouns Plural Nouns

⚫ A singular noun refers ⚫ A plural noun indicates

to just one person, that there is more
animal place, thing, or than one person,
idea. animal place, thing, or
Forming plural nouns

1. Most singular nouns => adding -s.

house houses
cat cats
river rivers
2. A singular noun ending in o, s, ch, x, sh, z => adding -es.
bus buses
wish wishes
box boxes
3. A singular noun ending in a consonant and then y => dropping the y and adding -ies.
baby babies
city cities
4. Most singular noun ending in -f or -fe => dropping the -f or -fe and adding -ves.
knife knives
thief thieves
5. Irregular Nouns
woman women child children
tooth teeth person people
sheep sheep fish fish
Subject - verb agreement

⚫ Some nouns have a plural form but take a singular verb.

Ex: The news is at 6.30 p.m.
Athletics is good for young people.
Linguistics is the study of language.
⚫ Some nouns have a fixed plural form and take a plural verb.
Ex: My trousers are too tight.
Her jeans are black.
Those glasses are his.
⚫ Some nouns describe groups of people. They can take
singular or plural verbs depending on their meaning.
Ex: Your team is/are playing well.
A football team has 11 players.
Subject - Verb Agreement

⚫ Extra Worksheet
Articles: a/an, the

A/An The

⚫ Use before singular nouns ⚫ Use before singular nouns,

⚪ A + consonant sounds plural nouns and
⚪ An + vowel sounds uncountable nouns
⚪ The /ðə/ + consonant sounds
⚪ The /ðiː/ + vowel sounds
⚫ Talk about things in
⚫ Talk about things in
⚪ A ball is round.
⚪ Sarah is sitting in the garden.
⚫ Mention sth for the first
⚫ Mention it again
time ⚪ The beggar looked curiously at
⚪ I saw a beggar. me.
Special uses of articles The

- with certain geographical features such as seas and

oceans, rivers, mountain ranges and deserts: The
Atlantic, The Amazon, The Andes, The Sahara
- with professional groups or bodies: the police, the press,
the navy
- with nationalities: The British, The French
- with groups of countries or states and groups of
islands: The Solomon Islands, The United States, The
Republic of Moldova
- with some buildings: The Taj Mahal, The Eiffel Tower
- with superlatives: the best, the most prominent
- with newspaper names: The Times
- with a musical instrument: play the piano, the guitar is a
versatile instrument
No article

- to talk about plural nouns (people or things) in general: Film

producers borrow widely from manuals and websites.
- with certain geographical features including mountains
and lakes: Mount Fuji, Lake Como
- before most towns, cities, countries and continents: New
York, Egypt, Asia
- with certain familiar places (work, home, school,
university): What time do you go to school? How do you go to work?
Are they at home?
- with meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner
- with play + a game: play tennis, play football
- with languages: Arabic, Italian
- with certain time expressions, such as days of the week,
months, years: Tuesday, August, 2012
● Note that there are some exceptions: at the weekend, in the 1990s, in
the 15th century
Complete the gaps in the texts with a/ an, the or - (no article).

I read in my copy of 1 ___ Times this morning that 2 ___ Prime

Minister of 3 ___ UK and 4 ___ President of 5 ___ US met in 6 ___
New York and signed 7 ___ agreement to offer 8 ___ aid to
UNICEF. 9 ___ aid will be used to provide 10 vaccines for 11 ___
children all over 12 ___ developing world.

There has been 13 ___ traffic accident on 14 ___ M4 motorway

involving 15 ___ car and 16 ___ truck. 17 ___ driver of 18 ___ truck
is from 13 ___ Poland, and 20 ___ driver of 21 ___ car is 22 ___
accountant from 23 ___ Oxford. Both 24 ___ men are currently
being treated for 25 ___ minor injuries at 26 ___ Reading Hospital.

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