Educational Legislations
Educational Legislations
Educational Legislations
Subject: Educational Legislations
Reporter: Orlando J. Nolledo
An Act for the Establishment and
Maintenance of an Integrated System
of Education
The State shall promote the right of the nation’s cultural communities in the
exercise of their right to develop themselves within the context of their
cultures, customs, traditions, interest and belief, and recognizes education as
an instrument for their maximum participation in national development and in
ensuring their involvement in achieving national unity.
Section 4. Declaration of Objectives- The
Education system aims to:
1. Provide for a broad general education that will assist each individuals in
the peculiar ecology of his own society
3. Develop the professions that will provide leadership for the nation
in the advancement of knowledge for improving the quality of human
2.Promote and safeguard the welfare and interest of the students by defining their
rights and obligations, according them privileges, and encouraging the establishment of
sound relationships between them and the other members of the society.
3.Promote the social economic status of all school personnel, uphold their rights, define
their obligations, and improve their living and working conditions and career
4. Extend support to promote the viability of those institutions through which parents,
students, and school personnel seek to attain their educational goals.
Section 6. Definition and Coverage.
1. Perform his duties to the school by discharging his responsibilities in accordance with
the philosophy, goals and objectives of the school.
2. Be accountable for the efficient and effective administration and management of the
3. Develop and maintain a healthy school atmosphere conducive to the promotion and
preservation of academic freedom and effective teaching and learning, and to
harmonious and progressive school-personnel relationships.
4. Assume and maintain professional behavior in his work and in dealing with students,
teachers, academic non-teaching personnel, administrative staff, and parents or
5. Render adequate reports to teachers, academic non-teaching personnel and non-
academic staff on their actual performance in relation to their expected performance
and council them on ways of improving the same
6. Observe due process, fairness, promptness, privacy, constructiveness and
consistency in disciplining his teachers and other personnel.
7. Maintain adequate records and submit required reports to the Ministry of
Education, Culture and Sports.
Section 18. Obligations of Academic Non-
Teaching Personnel
The State recognizes the formal education, or the school system, and
therefore the main instrument for the achievement of the county’s
educational goal and objectives.
SECTION 20. Definition
Formal education refers to the hierarchically structured and
chronologically graded learnings organized and provided by the
formal school system.
1. To provide the knowledge and develop the skills, attitudes and values
essential to personal development and necessary for living in and
contributing to a developing social milieu.
2. To provide learning experience which increase the child’s awareness and
responsiveness to the changes in and just demands of society and to prepare
him for constructive and effective involvement.
3. To promote intensify and child’s knowledge of identification with love for
the nation and the people to which he belongs.
4. To promote work experiences which develops the child’s orientation to the
world of work and creativity and prepare himself to engage in honest and
gainful work.
SECTION 22. Objectives of Secondary Education
Section 24. Specialized Educational Service. The State further recognizes its
responsibility to provide, within the context of the formal education system,
services to meet special needs of certain clientele.
1.Work Education or Practical Arts as a program of basic education w/c aims
to develop the right attitudes towards work, and technical-vocational
education ,post-secondary but non-degree programs leading to one-two,or
three year certificates preparation for group of middle-level occupation.
2.Special Education the education of persons who are physically,mentally,
emotionally, socially or culturally different from the so-called normal
individuals that they require modification of school practices/services to
develop them to their maximum capacity.
3.Non-formal education- objectives: a.To eradicate literacy b. To provide
unemployed and underemployed youth and adults with appropriate
vocational/technical skills c.To develop non-formal education proper values
and attitudes
Chapter 3. Establishment of Schools
Section 40. Funding of Private Schools. May be funded from their capital
investment or equity contributions, tuition fees and other scholar charges,
grants, loans, passive investment income and income form other sources.
Section 43. Income from other Sources.Any private school duly recognized by
the government, may receive any grant and legacy, donation, gift, bequest or
devise from any individual, institution, corporation, foundation, trust of
philanthropic organization, or research institution as may be authorized by
Section 44. Institutional Funds. The proceeds from tuition fees and other
school charges, as well as other income of schools,shall be treated as
institutional funds. Schools may pool their institutional funds, in whole or in
part, under joint management for the purpose of generating additional
financial resources.
Incentives to Education