Socel Studes Hoover Dam HW
Socel Studes Hoover Dam HW
Socel Studes Hoover Dam HW
Class: MYP2
When did the dam get built & its location?
• The Hoover dam got started to get built in 1931, and got opened
officially in March 1st 1936. It took about five years to built.
• The Colorado river where the dam is located is about 2334km to fit
the dam.
The importance of the Dam
• The project would provide a reliable supply of water for Los Angeles
and southern California.
• The Colorado river which the Hoover dam is located. It manly effects
the southwestern of United Stater and in northern Mexico.
What the dam prevents from happening?
• The Hoover Dam controls the flooding of the Colorado River,
irrigates 1,500,000 acres of land, provides water to
16,000,000 people, and provides recreational activities and
habitats to fish and wildlife. It also generates power to power
over 500,000 homes.
The dam’s system
• Declining water flow has reduced the Dam’s power generation
capacity by almost half ,to 1076 megawatts. Lake Mead is 1040 feet
above sea level, and Hoover Dam will be at its lowest point at 950