Lecture CheckList
1. Introduction.
2. TCP/IP Model.
5. Applications of TCP/IP.
The TCP/IP model is a networking model that is widely used for communication between devices on the
Internet. It consists of four layers: the application layer, the transport layer, the internet layer, and the
network access layer.
Layers of TCP/IP Protocol
The TCP/IP model generally consists of four essential layers
1. Application Layer.
The Application Layer in the TCP/IP model includes a variety of protocols that are used by applications to
communicate with each other over the internet.
The Transport Layer
This layer is responsible for the reliable delivery of data from one application to another. It establishes a
connection between the two devices. TCP ensures that all packets are delivered in the correct order and
without errors.
It consists of two main protocols: Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol
The Internet Layer
This layer is responsible for routing data between networks. It uses the IP to send packets of data from
one network to another. IP determines the best route for the packets to take and ensures that they arrive at
the correct destination.
The Link Layer
This layer is responsible for transmitting data over a physical network connection. It includes protocols
such as Ethernet and Wi-Fi. The Link layer ensures that packets are transmitted correctly over the
physical connection.
Working of TCP/IP Model
The TCP/IP model provides a set of protocols that enable communication between devices on a network.
When using the client-server model, the client device communicates with the server device using the
TCP/IP protocol stack.
The client-server communication model is a fundamental concept of the TCP/IP model that describes how
applications communicate with each other over the internet. In this model, there are two types of nodes:
clients and servers.
Applications of TCP/IP
The TCP/IP protocol suite is the backbone of the modern internet and is used in a wide range of
applications. Here are some of the key applications of TCP/IP:
1. Web Browsing.
2. Email.
3. File Transfer.
4. Video Streaming.
2. Scalability.
3. Open standards.
5. Flexibility.
Disadvantages of TCP/IP Model
While the TCP/IP protocol suite has many advantages, there are also some disadvantages to consider:
1. Security.
2. Complexity.