Job Analysis & Talent Management Rev 3

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Job Analysis

the Talent
LUKAS INGHENENG L . K. 212222127

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01 Discuss the
Define talent process of job
management analysis
and explain what talent management- including why it is important.
oriented managers do.

03 04
Learning Explain and write a job
use description
objectives at least three methods of collecting
job analysis information
Explain how you would write a job
description, and what sources you

would use

write a job Give

specification examples
Explain how to write a job of competency-based job
specification analysis
Learning objectives
The goal-oriented and
process of planning,
developing, managing, and
compensating employees
Learning objectives 02
job analysis
The procedure for determining the
duties and skill requirements of a
job and the kind of person who
should be hired for it.

Job analysis produces information for writing job

descriptions (a list of what the job entails) and job (or
“person”) specifications (what kind of people to hire
for the job)
Uses of Job Analysis

Recruitment and selection

EEO (Equal Employment Opportunity) compliance

Performance appraisal


Conducting a Job Analysis

Identify the use to which the Review Relevant Background
information will be put because Information About the Job, Such
this will determine how you as Organization Charts and
collect the information Process Charts

Select Representative Positions Actually Analyze the Job

Verify the Job Analysis Develop a Job Description and
Information with the Worker Job Specification
Performing the Job and with His
or Her Immediate Supervisor
Learning objectives 03
Methods for Collecting Job Analysis

Keep Make the job analysis a joint effort by a human

resources manager, the worker, and the supervisor
things Make sure the questions and the process are clear to
the employees.
mind. Use several job analysis methods.
job analysis methods

The Interview Questionnaires Observation

Job analysis interviews range from Having employees fill out Direct observation is especially useful
unstructured to highly structured ones questionnaires to describe their job when jobs consist of observable
with hundreds of specific items to duties and responsibilities is another physical activities
check off popular job analysis approach

Quantitative Job Analysis

Participant Diary/Logs Online Job Analysis Methods
ask workers to keep a diary/log; here Here the human resource department generally
The position analysis questionnaire and
for every activity engaged in, the distributes standardized job analysis questionnaires
the Department of Labor approach are
employee records the in a log to geographically disbursed employees online, with
quantitative methods for doing this
instructions to complete the forms and return them
by a particular date
“A job description is a written statement of
what the worker actually does, how he or
she does it, and what the job’s working
conditions are.”

Writing Job Descriptions

Learning objectives 04
job description

There is no standard format for writing a job description.

However, most descriptions contain sections that cover:
1. Job identification
2. Job summary
3. Responsibilities and duties
4. Authority of incumbent
5. Standards of performance
6. Working conditions
7. Job specification
“A list of a job’s “human requirements,”
that is, the requisite education, skills,
personality, and so on.”

Writing Job Specifications

Learning objectives
Job Specifications Based on

Most job specifications simply reflect the educated guesses of people like supervisors and
human resource managers.

The basic procedure here is to ask, “What does it take in terms of education, intelligence,
training, and the like to do this job well?”

How does one make such “educated guesses”?

You could simply review the job’s duties and deduce from those what human traits and skills
the job requires.

You can also choose human traits and skills from those listed in Web-based job descriptions
like those at
Job Specifications Based on
Statistical Analysis
Basing job specifications on statistical analysis (rather than only judgment) is more defensible, but
it’s also more difficult.

The aim is to determine • some predictor (human trait such as height, intelligence, or finger
dexterity), and
statistically the • some indicator or criterion of job effectiveness, such as performance as
relationship between rated by the supervisor

• analyze the job and decide how to measure job performance,

• select personal traits like finger dexterity that you believe should predict performance,
The basic procedure is • test candidates for these traits,
• measure these candidates’ subsequent job performance, and
predictive validation. • statistically analyze the relationship between the human trait (finger dexterity) and job
The Job-Requirements Matrix

A more complete description of what the

job- worker does and how and why he or she
requirements does it; it clarifies each task’s purpose and
matrix each duty’s required knowledge, skills,
abilities, and other characteristics.
A typical matrix lists the following information, in five
Column 1: Column 2: Column 3: Column 4: Column 5:

Each of the job’s four or five main The task statements for the main The relative importance of each The time spent on each main job The knowledge, skills, ability, and
job duties (such as post accounts tasks associated with each main job main job duty duty other human characteristics
payable) duty (KSAO) related to each main job

Mencatat penerimaan, • Menerima dan memeriksa 5/5 120 menit AA Muda (SMK
keadaan fisik SF dan PK sesuai
peyimpanan stok , dan pesanan Farmasi)
pengeluaran sediaan farmasi • Memeriksa ketersediaan dan Memiliki Serkom
dan perbekalan kesehatan kadaluarsa SF dan PK di unit
kerja Memiliki STRTTK
• Mencatat pengeluaran SF dan PK
• Mengusulkan kebutuhan SF dan
PK di unit kerja

Melakukan prosedur • Menerima dan memeriksa resep. 5/5 120 menit (8-15 resep) AA Muda (SMK
• Melakukan penyiapan SF dan PK
penerimaan, pelayanan, dan sesuai dengan resep. Farmasi)
penyimpanan resep umum • Menulis etiket. Memiliki Serkom
• Menyerahkan SF dan PK,
memberikan pejelasan, dan Memiliki STRTTK
melakukan edukasi.
• Mencatat dan menyimpan resep
sesuai tanggal.

Melakukan pelayanan obat • Memantau kebutuha obat dan 5/5 240 menit ( 40-50 pasien) AA Muda (SMK
perbekalan keshatan sekitar lokasi
bebas, obat bebas terbatas, apotek Farmasi)
dan perbekalan kesehatan • Menyiapka SF dabn PK sesuai Memiliki Serkom
• Mencatat pengeluaran obat yang Memiliki STRTTK
diserahkanapda masyarakat
Learning objectives 06
Using Competencies Models
The competency model or profile then becomes the
guidepost. The manager hires new employees using tests
that measure the profile’s list of competencies, trains
employees with courses that develop these competencies,
and appraises performance by assessing the worker’s
A good competency statement includes three elements.

1 2 3

Name and a brief Description of Proficiency levels.

description of the the observable
competency behaviors
Skills Matrix

Example of a skills matrix - technical/engineering product development employees for BP


4-16. Should Phil and Linda ignore the old-timers

protests and write the job descriptions as they see
Fit? Why? Why not? 4-17. How would you have conducted the
How would you go about resolving the job analysis? What
differences? should Phil do now?

No, why? because the data is the only information that We believe that apart from steps 4-16, it is
is owned from the job analysis process that is necessary to conduct interviews and
being carried out. questionnaires for 30 new employees (or
How? verify what the old-timers wrote by involving sampling) with the aim of obtaining other data
the parties (old-timers, Phil, Maybelline, & to see the gap in knowledge of the job
Linda). between old and new employees. This is the
Because the questionnaire was conducted on the old- basis for preparing a training plan.
timers, Phill, Maybeline and Linda were able to In addition, old-timers are also asked to make a
make observations. workflow analysis as other basic data for the
In addition, Linda can conduct interviews, so that later preparation of job-descs.
there will be 3 datas.
4-18. What should be the format and final form of
the store manager’s job description? Continuing Case p.126

Title: Store Manager - Responsibilities :

Department: Cleaning • Ensure Quality control check are conducted.
Reports to : Jennifer Carter • Establish Good store appearance and cleanliness
through spotting and cleaning
- Job Summary : • Empowering customer relation, bookkeeping and
• Directing all store activities in such a way that cash management.
quality work is produced, customer relations and • Conduct routine control over Price, Cost,
sales are maximized, and profitability is Inventory, Maintenance, Health & Safety, in
maintained through effective control of labor, order to maximize Productivity
supply, and energy costs. • Prepare risk assessment for Damage control
• Administer Purchasing activity & Human
Continuing Case p.126

4-19. Is it practical to specify standards and

procedures in the body of the job 4-20. How should Jennifer go about collecting the
description, or should these be kept information required for the standards, procedures,
separate? and job description?

It would be better if they were separated, because Because of the importance of the store manager
the standards and procedures would contain position, it is advisable to use all available
more detailed flow of each sub-work. methods, from observation, interviews,
participant diaries, questionnaires to quantitative
analysis and online job analysis.
4-21. What, in your opinion, should the
store manager’s job description look like APLICATION Case p.126
and contain?

The candidate must have proficient knowledge in the following areas:

Title: Store Manager
customer service, accounts payable accounts receivables, store and motel management
Department: Cleaning and administration

Reports to : Jennifer Carter SKILLS

The candidate must demonstrate the following skills:

· Leadership skills
The store manager is responsible for directing all store · Critical Analytical & Decision making skills
activities in such a way that quality work is produced, · Time management skills
· Analytical and problem solving skills
customer relations and sales are maximized, and · Excellent customer service and interpersonal skills
profitability is maintained through effective control of · Effective verbal and listening communications skills
labor supply and energy costs. PERSONAL ATTRIBUTES

SUMMARY OF ESSENTIAL JOB FUNCTIONS The candidate must also demonstrate the following personal attributes:

In accomplishing the general aim the store manager’s · Be honest and trustworthy
· Possess cultural awareness and sensitivity
duties and responsibilities are: quality control. Store
appearance and cleanliness, customer relations, The store manager would normally attain the required knowledge, skills and attitudes
through related in experience in a retail setting. Equivalencies will be considered.
inventory control, employee safety, human resource
thank YO

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