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Control Systems Engineering (EC 3301)

Course Details
• Instructor
• Dr. Basabdatta Palit (Section 1)
• Dr. Sandip Ghosal (Section 2)
• Class hours
• Monday (13:15 – 14:10), Thursday (15:15 – 16:10), Friday (14:15 – 15:10)
• Room Number – LA 217 (S1), LA 010 (S2)
• Text Books
1. Norman S. Nise, Control system engineering, Wiley Student Editor
2. K. Ogata, Modern Control Engineering, Pearson Education
• References
• I J Nagrath, M Gopal, Control System Engineering, New Age International , 6th Edition
• B.C. Kuo, Automatic Control Systems, Wiley Student Editor

Getting in touch with professors: Send a mail to either [email protected] or to [email protected] to fix a time
for meeting.
Tentative Course Plan

Week 1 (31.07.2023 – 04.08.2023) Frequency Domain Modeling, Laplace Transform Review,

Transfer function, Transfer function of Electrical system, TF of
Translational Mechanical System

Week 2 (07.08.2023 – 11.08.2023) TF of Rotational Mechanical System, Electromechanical

System, Nonlinearities and linearization, Introduction to Time
Domain Modeling

Week 3 (14.08.2023 – 18.08.2023) State Space Representation, Application of State Space,

Conversion between state space and transfer function,

Week 4 (21.08.2023 – 25.08.2023) Time Response Analysis, Poles, Zeros, System Response, First
Order Systems, Second Order Systems,

Week 5 (28.08.2023 – 01.09.2023) Underdamped Second Order Systems, System Response with
Poles and Zeros, Solutions of state equations

Week 6 (04.09.2023 – 08.09.2023) Block Diagram Reduction, Feedback Control System, Signal
Flow Graph, Mason’s Rule

Week 7 (11.09.2023 – 15.09.2023) Routh Hurwitz Criteria, Stability in State Space


• Midsem Weightage - 30%

• Endsem Weightage - 50%
• Internal Evaluation - 20%
• Two Class Tests - 20 marks each (1 hour duration)
• MATLAB Control Toolbox On-Ramp + Assignments - 10 marks
• Attendance (Requirement, as per institute rules)
What do these two have in common?

• Similarities
• Highly nonlinear, complicated dynamics!
• Both are capable of transporting goods and people over long distances
• Difference
• One is controlled, but the other is not.
• Control is “the hidden technology that you meet every day"
• It heavily relies on the notion of “feedback"

Why are we learning control theory?

• Connects all engineering fields

• Electrical Engineering
• Communications Engineering
• Civil Engineering
• Mechanical engineering
• Industrial engineering
• Aerospace Engineering

At the end of the course:

✔ Build Models
✔ Simulate Predictions
✔ Dynamic Interactions
✔ Filtering and Rejecting Noise
✔ Selecting and Building Hardware
✔ Testing
So, what is control systems?

• Control Systems: A mechanism which alters the future state of the system


How to change this? To get What I want?

Control Theory: A Strategy to select the appropriate inputs

Control System Definition

• A collection of subsystems or process (plants), assembled to deliver a desired output

with desired performance for a specific input

Open Loop Control System

● Disadvantages:
○ Cannot compensate for any disturbance
● Advantages:
○ Simple and Inexpensive
Example 1: Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC)
Example 1: Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC)

road slope
d(t) speed/position
desired speed engine torque/brakes y(t)
r(t) u(t)

Prof. A. Bemporad (University of Trento)

Some Useful Terms
1. Controlled Variable - Quantity that is measured and controlled
2. Control Signal/Manipulated Variable - Quantity varied by the controller to modify the
value of the controlled variable
3. Plant - A piece of equipment which performs a specific task, say a car/ a spacecraft/ a
furnace, etc.
4. Process - Defined as a progressively continuing operation marked by a set of gradual
changes leading to a particular result; An operation to be controlled
5. Systems - A combination of components that act together and perform a certain objective;
need not be physical, may be an abstract or dynamic phenomenon
6. Disturbance - A signal that adversely affects the value of the output of the system; could
be internal or external
Control System Definition

• A collection of subsystems or process (plants), assembled to deliver a desired output with

desired performance for a specific input

Closed Loop Control System

● Disadvantages:
○ Less sensitive to noise, disturbance, and environmental changes
○ Acts as a compensator
● Advantages:
○ More complex and more expensive
Example 1: Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC)

Electronic Control Unit vehicle

road slope
d(t) speed/position
desired speed engine torque/brakes y(t)
r(t) u(t)


Prof. A. Bemporad (University of Trento)

Some Useful Terms
1. Controlled Variable - Quantity that is measured and controlled
2. Control Signal/Manipulated Variable - Quantity varied by the controller to modify the value
of the controlled variable
3. Plant - A piece of equipment which performs a specific task, say a car/ a spacecraft/ a furnace,
4. Process - Defined as a progressively continuing operation marked by a set of gradual changes
leading to a particular result; An operation to be controlled
5. Systems - A combination of components that act together and perform a certain objective; need
not be physical, may be an abstract or dynamic phenomenon
6. Disturbance - A signal that adversely affects the value of the output of the system; could be
internal or external
7. Feedback Control - an operation that compensates for unpredictable disturbances by
reducing the difference between the output of a system and some reference input and does
so on the basis of this difference.
What is a control system?

Mom is washing hands

(=disturbance entering the

Bob wants to take a

disturbance d(t)
Water Knobs y(t)
desired water
temperature inflow
r( t )

Skin measurements

What is a control system?

steering wheel vehicle on road

Disturbance, d(t)

desired lateral steering angle lateral displacement

displacement r(t) y(t)

eyes watching current


These are examples of manual control systems
An automatic control system

An automatic control system

control unit process

reference manipulated input output
r(t) u(t) y(t)


Control u(t) to the process automatically to make the output

y(t) track the given reference r(t) ?

robustness How to exploit the measurements of y(t) to track the reference

r(t) in spite of disturbances d(t) acting on the process ?
Stable How to control u(t) to make the system more stable?
Application Areas of Control Engineering

•Aeronautics & aerospace

• Automotive Manufacturing

•Process control (chemical, pharmaceutical, steel, pulp & paper, ...)

•Power electronics


•Environmental systems

•Financial engineering

•Supply chains
•Power networks
Example 1: Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC)
Example 1: Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC)

Electronic Control Unit vehicle

road slope
d(t) speed/position
desired speed engine torque/brakes y(t)
r(t) u(t)


Prof. A. Bemporad (University of Trento)

Example 2: Lane Warning

• Drivers often experience cognitive overload

• Inadvertent lane changes invite accidents

• Lane Warning – a component of Automatic Driver

Assistance System (ADAS)

HALF - HAptical Lane Feedback
Example 2: Lane Warning

• Lane changes detected and tracked by Optical sensors

• Lane change signalled to the driver by:

- Haptic signal on driver seat (simulation of rumble strip)

- Haptic feedback on steering wheel
- Acoustic directional signals

• Lane can be automatically maintained


electric power
Example 2: Lane Warning

desired lateral Control Unit Driver Torque
displacement d(t) Vehicle
Torque Demand Power Steer
u(t) Steering actuated



Measurement Process
Example 3: Segway Human
Segway Human Transporter

The Segway™ Human Transporter -

• A self-balancing, electric-powered transportation device.
• Dimensions no larger than the average adult body
• Ability to emulate human balance
• Uses same space as a pedestrian
• Can go wherever a person can walk.

Dynamic stabilization

• Gyroscopes and tilt sensors monitor a user’s center of gravity at

about 100 times a second.

• When a person leans slightly forward, Segway HT moves forward.

• When leaning back, Segway HT moves back.
Segway Human Transporter

Disturbances d(t)

Actual Vertical
Computer Amplifiers Motor


Prof. A. Bemporad (University of Trento)

A non-conventional automatic control system

Request: Video Client

next video chunk at bitrate R

video chunk at bitrate R
Video Server

Client decides bitrate R

720p of next chunk based on
network conditions

480p bitrate
360p Algorithms

2 sec 2 sec 2 sec

Playback time Resolution ~ Bitrate

DASH - Bitrate Adaptation

Video Server


Desired Disturbances d(t)
Quality of
Bitrate (ABR)

Video Client

QoE measured in terms of Video

Quality, Percentage of stall, Video
Quality fluctuations
Control System Definition

• A collection of subsystems or process (plants), assembled to deliver a desired output with

desired performance for a specific input

Open Loop Control System

● Disadvantages:
○ Cannot compensate for any disturbance
● Advantages:
○ Simple and Inexpensive
Control System Definition

• A collection of subsystems or process (plants), assembled to deliver a desired output with

desired performance for a specific input

Closed Loop Control System

● Disadvantages:
○ Less sensitive to noise, disturbance, and environmental changes
○ Acts as a compensator
● Advantages:
○ More complex and more expensive
Analysis and Design Objectives

• Analysis - To determine the system performance

• System performance defined by –
• Transient Response
• Steady State Response
• Stability

• There are two responses of a system:

• Natural
• Forced
• In linear systems
• Total response = Natural Response + Forced Response
• Natural Response must:
• Slowly decay to zero, or
• Oscillate
• If natural response grows without bound, becomes greater than force response, system
becomes unstable
• Natural response – directly related to transient response
• Forced response – directly related to steady state response
Control System Design Process

Establish the
Write the physical
Identify the
Establish specifications system
variables to
Control Goals for the configuration
variables and identify
the actuators
Determine the physical system; Set the specifications from requirements

Select a
1. Draw the functional block diagram controller,
2. Transform into a schematic choose the
3. Obtain block diagram/signal flow parameters to
graph/state space representation be controlled

Tune the
Define a
model of the
to optimize
process, the
actuators, and
Antenna Positioning System
Antenna Positioning System
What do you expect to learn?

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