Lesson 3

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The Expanded Program On

Lesson Three
Lucturer . Ahmednasir Abdi Bashir
What is a Vaccine?
•A vaccine is a non-pathogenic antigen
that mimics a particular pathogen in
order to elicit an immune response as if
that actual pathogen were in the body.
Types of vaccines
1. Live, Attenuated Vaccines
-Viral such as measles, mumps,rubella, oral polio and rota
-Bacterial such as BCG

2. Inactivated Vaccines
Types of vaccines
2. Inactivated Vaccines
A. Whole cell vaccine
B. Fractional
1-Protein based
2-Polysaccharide based
Types of vaccines
2. Inactivated Vaccines
A. Whole cell vaccine
B. Fractional
1-Protein based
Toxoid such as diphtheria, tetanus
Subunit such as hepatitis B
2-Polysaccharide based
Pure such as pneumococcal and meningococcal vaccines
conjugate such as Haemophilus influenzae type B vaccine.
Inactivated Vaccines Attenuated vaccine

High Low Vaccine dose

Short Long Antibody persistence

Frequently Infrequently Booster needed

Types of vaccines
1. Live, Attenuated Vaccines

Live, attenuated vaccines contain a version of the living

microbe that has been weakened in the lab so it can’t
cause disease.
They elicit strong immune system response and often
confer lifelong immunity with only one or two doses.
Types of vaccines
Live, Attenuated Vaccines

• live, attenuated vaccines usually need to be refrigerated to stay potent.

• Live, attenuated vaccines are relatively easy to create for certain viruses. Viruses are
simple microbes containing a small number of genes,

• Live, attenuated vaccines are more difficult to create for bacteria. Bacteria have thousands
of genes and thus are much harder to

• people who have damaged or weakened immune systems, such as people who undergone
chemotherapy or have HIV, can not be given live vaccines..
Types of vaccines
Inactivated Vaccines

• Scientists produce inactivated vaccines by killing the disease-

causing microbe with chemicals, heat, or radiation.

• Inactivated vaccines usually don’t require refrigeration, and

they can be easily stored and transported in a freeze-dried form,
which makes them accessible to people in developing countries.
Types of vaccines
Inactivated Vaccines
• Most inactivated vaccines, however, stimulate a weaker
immune system response than do live vaccines.

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