Comprendio-Janice Behaviorist Model SlideDeck
Comprendio-Janice Behaviorist Model SlideDeck
Comprendio-Janice Behaviorist Model SlideDeck
Behaviorist Model
Prepared by:
Janice L. Comprendio
Terminal Objective:
At the end of the session, the participants will be able
to distinguish the major areas in behavioral learning theory.
Enabling Objectives:
Methodological Behaviorism?
• a strand of behaviorism which acknowledges the
reality of conscious events but suggests the only
way of studying them is through observing behavior.
• states that observable behavior should be studied
scientifically and that mental states and cognitive
processes don't add to the understanding of
behavior. Methodological behaviorism aligns with
John B. Watson's ideologies and approach.
Types of Behaviorism
Radical Behaviorism
• rooted in the theory that behavior can be understood by
looking at one's past and present environment and the
reinforcements within it, thereby influencing behavior
either positively or negatively. This behavioral approach
was created by the psychologist Burrhus Frederic Skinner.
• According to radical behaviorism, what people think or
feel, or how they act, doesn’t exist independently but
rather is the result of their experiences and environments.
Types of Behaviorism
Radical Behaviorism
• On one hand, the methodological behaviorism of Watson
suggests that the mind is a tabula rasa (a blank slate) at
birth while on the other hand, radical behaviorism has
the acceptance towards the fact that organisms are born
with innate behaviors. Hence, Skinner’s radical
behaviorism recognizes the role of genes and biological
components in human behavior.
Types of Behaviorism
Psychological Behaviorism
• refers to the new principles of human behavior
and human learning. It suggests that we human
beings learn through animal learning principles as
well as through special human learning principles.
Major Learning Theory in Behavioral Model
Classical Conditioning
Operant Conditioning